Date Home Team Away Team Scores 127 San Diego State Cal State San Marc 10 14 128 UC Santa Barbara Santa Barbara CC . . 128 Georgia Tech Reinhardt Universi . . 128 Georgia Emmanuel College 21 9 128 Houston Texas State 1 16 128 LSU Texas A&M 15 8 128 Texas State Tulane 15 8 128 UC Davis Stanford 8 12 129 Central Florida North Florida 18 11 201 Liberty Roanoke College . . 203 Auburn Georgia Tech 10 13 203 Clemson Florida 4 11 203 Vanderbilt Georgia 2 14 204 Alabama Virginia Tech 3 20 204 Arizona State Santa Barbara CC . . 204 UC Santa Barbara California 10 5 204 Cal Poly USC 8 15 204 Colorado State Wyoming 28 8 204 NC State UNC-Charlotte 15 9 204 Pittsburgh Penn State Univers 17 16 204 Santa Clara Nevada . . 204 South Florida LSU 7 11 204 Sonoma State Stanford 9 4 204 St. Thomas Minnesota 15 12 204 Texas State Texas Christian 3 17 204 UCLA Cal State San Marc 13 11 205 Auburn Virginia Tech 2 17 205 Central Florida LSU 14 16 205 Georgia Tech Vanderbilt 23 4 205 Georgia Florida 9 15 205 Indiana University of Loui . . 205 Indiana University of Kent . . 205 Oregon State Southern Oregon 15 1 205 Purdue University of Loui . . 205 Purdue University of Kent . . 205 USC Dominican 9 14 208 UCLA Brigham Young 5 16 209 USC Brigham Young 7 14 210 Clemson Auburn 4 14 210 Florida State Boston College 11 10 210 Liberty Temple 19 7 210 North Florida Florida 6 19 210 South Carolina James Madison 11 5 210 UCLA Sonoma State 18 9 210 Virginia Tech East Carolina 18 5 211 Alabama University of Kent 8 7 211 Baylor Oklahoma 13 15 211 California Santa Clara 14 10 211 Concordia-Irvine Brigham Young 18 10 211 Connecticut Bridgewater State 24 7 211 East Carolina Miami (Ohio) 11 12 211 Florida State Central Florida 28 3 211 Georgia Southern Iowa State . . 211 Georgia Tech James Madison 17 1 211 Georgia Auburn 23 9 211 Minn.-Duluth Minnesota 9 20 211 NC State Temple 8 7 211 Northeastern Rhode Island 18 12 211 Ole Miss University of Kent 16 8 211 Oregon State Dominican 7 19 211 Pittsburgh Tennessee 11 9 211 South Florida Florida Atlantic 8 14 211 Stanford Cal Poly 6 15 211 Texas Christian Texas A&M 7 8 211 Texas State LSU 11 17 211 Texas Tech Arizona 1 27 211 UCLA UC Santa Barbara 13 15 211 New Hampshire Maine 15 4 211 USC Sonoma State 13 8 211 Utah Valley Utah State 22 7 211 Vanderbilt Iowa State . . 211 Vanderbilt Georgia Southern 11 10 211 Washington (Mo.) Illinois 9 15 211 Washington Central Washington 25 2 211 DePauw University Purdue . . 211 Colorado College Colorado State . . 212 Clemson Georgia 8 9 212 Florida Boston College 7 9 212 Liberty NC State 17 7 212 Ole Miss Alabama 11 14 212 Oregon Dominican 18 12 212 South Florida Citadel 11 7 212 Texas A&M Oklahoma 20 1 212 Virginia Tech Miami (Ohio) 17 2 212 Washington Western Washington 13 8 212 West Virginia Tennessee 9 11 215 UCLA UTT . . 217 East Carolina NC State 1 17 217 Florida South Carolina 11 10 217 Minnesota Chapman 2 24 217 Missouri Iowa State 13 10 217 Ole Miss Georgia 3 23 217 Southern Methodist Purdue 11 6 217 Texas A&M Auburn 13 11 217 Tennessee Clemson 8 11 218 Alabama Georgia Tech 2 22 218 Boise State Utah State 11 9 218 Concordia-Irvine California 12 15 218 Cal Poly Oregon 12 11 218 Colorado State Nebraska 25 1 218 Dominican UC Santa Barbara 15 16 218 East Carolina Central Florida 8 9 218 Florida Gulf Coast South Florida 7 5 218 Florida State South Carolina 11 9 218 Georgia New Hampshire 20 6 218 Indiana Connecticut 12 11 218 Iowa State Kansas State 15 8 218 Iowa State Oklahoma 13 9 218 Iowa State Kansas State 15 8 218 Liberty Virginia Tech 9 13 218 Missouri Kansas State 23 3 218 Missouri Kansas State 23 3 218 Northern Arizona Grand Canyon . . 218 Northeastern Chapman 7 10 218 Oregon State USC 6 18 218 Purdue Arkansas 15 6 218 San Diego State Arizona State 18 9 218 Southern Methodist Texas Tech 18 0 218 Stanford Washington State 15 4 218 Texas Christian Auburn 12 10 218 UCLA Arizona 10 13 218 Utah Washington 14 7 218 Utah Valley Westminster Colleg . . 218 Western Michigan Clemson 8 9 219 Arizona California 16 12 219 Colorado Nebraska 19 1 219 Minnesota Northeastern 6 8 219 Missouri Oklahoma 17 1 219 NC State Central Florida 15 10 219 Oklahoma Kansas State 11 4 219 Oklahoma Kansas State 11 4 219 Ole Miss New Hampshire 4 21 219 Oregon Arizona State 13 7 219 Southern Methodist Arkansas 13 2 219 Sonoma State UC Santa Barbara 12 15 219 Stanford Oregon State 8 9 219 Texas Christian Purdue 8 4 219 Temple Indiana 15 12 219 Tennessee Western Michigan 11 7 219 Texas Texas A&M 10 9 219 UCLA Washington State 17 4 219 USC Utah 9 10 219 Washington Cal Poly 8 19 221 Nevada Simon Fraser 4 24 224 Alabama Georgia 7 21 224 Auburn Florida 9 16 224 Boise State Utah 9 6 224 California Chapman 9 8 224 East Carolina South Florida 10 19 224 Georgia Tech South Carolina 12 7 224 Indiana West Virginia 10 11 224 LSU Tulane 15 3 224 Miami (Ohio) Pittsburgh 11 13 224 NC State Utah Valley 9 17 224 Oklahoma Kansas 9 19 224 Stanford Dominican 4 13 224 Vanderbilt Missouri 5 4 225 Central Florida Florida Gulf Coast 6 16 225 Clemson James Madison 11 12 225 Concordia-Irvine Cal Poly 21 2 225 Florida State Georgia Southern 19 5 225 Illinois West Virginia 12 14 225 Liberty Colorado 12 11 225 LSU Texas Christian 9 8 225 Missouri Ole Miss 24 8 225 Miami (Ohio) Western Michigan 9 11 225 North Dakota State Iowa State 9 10 225 Northeastern Bridgewater State 14 9 225 Oklahoma Texas Tech 13 5 225 Oregon State Washington 10 20 225 Purdue Nebraska 28 2 225 Santa Clara Simon Fraser 9 10 225 South Carolina Utah Valley 9 10 225 Sonoma State San Diego State 8 11 225 St. John's Iowa State 10 8 225 Temple West Chester Unive 12 7 225 Tennessee South Florida 24 9 225 Texas State Baylor 15 8 225 Texas Tech Kansas 3 16 225 Texas Southern Methodist 7 16 225 UCLA Arizona State 4 6 225 USC Grand Canyon 11 8 225 Vanderbilt Ole Miss 21 6 225 Vanderbilt Kennesaw State 6 10 225 Virginia Tech Colorado State 18 6 225 Western Michigan Pittsburgh 6 11 225 Washington State Western Washington 6 11 226 Central Florida University of Tamp . . 226 Dominican San Diego State 9 15 226 East Carolina Tennessee 9 13 226 Florida State Miami 20 4 226 Georgia Tech Clemson 17 13 226 Illinois Nebraska 25 2 226 Kennesaw State Missouri 15 8 226 Liberty Colorado State 13 8 226 Oklahoma Arkansas 17 10 226 Purdue West Virginia 9 17 226 Santa Clara Chapman 11 18 226 Texas State UT-San Antonio 17 9 226 UCLA Grand Canyon 2 14 226 USC Arizona State 6 11 226 Virginia Tech Colorado 16 6 226 Mississippi State Alabama 3 14 228 UC Santa Barbara Concordia-Irvine 7 12 302 Arizona State Brigham Young 3 11 303 Boise State Washington State 17 3 303 Georgia Tech Virginia Tech 14 13 303 Grand Canyon Brigham Young 11 14 303 James Madison West Virginia 8 13 303 Kansas State Nebraska 16 6 303 Pittsburgh Buffalo 17 9 303 Santa Clara Minnesota . . 303 Southern Methodist Oklahoma 18 5 303 Texas Christian Western Michigan 8 7 303 Tennessee Vanderbilt . . 303 Texas Temple 13 9 303 UCLA Clemson 11 16 303 Utah Utah Valley 12 16 303 Kansas State Nebraska 16 6 304 Arizona Northeastern 9 12 304 UC Santa Barbara Boston College 6 9 304 Central Florida Miami 10 16 304 Chapman Clemson 14 9 304 Colorado Texas A&M 7 3 304 Cal Poly South Carolina 10 9 304 Dominican Minnesota 15 13 304 Florida Western Michigan 16 4 304 Indiana Illinois 12 13 304 Missouri Arkansas 18 6 304 Missouri Washington (Mo.) 16 6 304 Michigan State Brigham Young 9 18 304 NC State West Virginia 9 11 304 Oklahoma Temple 5 18 304 Ole Miss LSU 10 16 304 Ole Miss Kansas 3 15 304 Purdue Buffalo 11 9 304 Santa Clara Sonoma State 13 14 304 South Florida Alabama 8 10 304 Tennessee Florida State 12 13 304 Utah Valley Oregon State 16 6 304 Virginia Tech California 14 7 304 Washington State Nevada 8 15 305 Arizona USC 17 6 305 Arizona State Northeastern 6 7 305 UC Santa Barbara San Diego State 9 11 305 Boise State Nevada 14 5 305 Central Florida Alabama 10 9 305 Colorado State Texas A&M 14 9 305 Florida Texas Christian 14 8 305 Georgia Tech California 16 11 305 James Madison NC State 11 10 305 Kansas LSU 10 11 305 Oregon Simon Fraser 10 11 305 Pittsburgh Purdue 11 9 305 Southern Methodist Temple 8 12 305 Stanford Minnesota 9 14 305 Utah Oregon State 10 6 305 Vanderbilt Florida State 13 15 306 Chapman Boston College 11 13 306 Grand Canyon Northeastern 11 10 307 Arizona State Michigan State 12 7 307 Concordia-Irvine South Carolina 12 10 307 USC Boston College 4 13 308 Southern Methodist Dominican 17 16 309 Chapman South Carolina 10 7 309 College of Idaho Boise State 8 15 309 Oregon State Washington State 14 4 309 USC Utah Valley 10 15 310 Florida Colorado State 13 9 310 LSU Illinois 12 17 310 Oregon Washington State 13 4 310 South Florida Florida State 5 16 310 Tennessee James Madison 9 8 310 Texas Dominican 16 8 311 Arkansas Illinois 6 11 311 Brigham Young Boise State 10 8 311 California Southern Methodist 7 8 311 Chapman Cal Poly 19 6 311 Concordia-Irvine UCLA 21 4 311 Grand Canyon Utah Valley 5 15 311 James Madison Central Florida 21 9 311 Liberty Georgia Tech 12 9 311 Nevada Stanford . . 311 Oregon State Texas State 15 9 311 Santa Clara UC Santa Barbara 7 14 311 Sonoma State UC Davis 17 5 312 Florida State Colorado State 13 11 312 LSU Arkansas 14 7 312 Santa Clara Southern Methodist 18 5 312 San Diego State UCLA 18 7 312 Tennessee Central Florida 18 8 312 Tulane Illinois 12 11 312 Washington State Texas State 11 10 313 Brigham Young New Hampshire 11 3 313 Oregon Texas State 16 6 316 Colorado New Hampshire 18 5 316 Utah Valley Liberty 11 12 317 Arizona State Chapman 9 12 317 Auburn Wake Forest 22 11 317 Boise State Oregon State 17 3 317 Brigham Young Utah State 15 5 317 Georgia Pittsburgh 17 4 317 Grand Canyon Concordia-Irvine 8 19 317 Kennesaw State Georgia Tech 12 18 318 Brigham Young Liberty 9 10 318 Clemson Virginia Tech 11 20 318 Cal Poly California 8 7 318 Colorado State New Hampshire 13 11 318 Florida State Pittsburgh 15 6 318 Northwest Nazarene Nevada 10 11 318 Oregon State Sonoma State 6 9 318 San Diego State Washington 24 13 318 Utah Valley Santa Clara 17 9 319 Arizona State Concordia-Irvine 11 9 319 Auburn Baylor 22 5 319 Boise State Sonoma State 11 6 319 College of Idaho Nevada 15 19 319 Georgia Florida State 15 12 319 Grand Canyon Chapman 4 16 319 Missouri Michigan State 11 9 319 South Carolina Virginia Tech 14 10 319 Utah Santa Clara 8 11 320 Dominican Washington 17 12 321 East Carolina Buffalo 12 9 322 NC State Buffalo 20 7 323 Georgia Southern Buffalo 13 10 324 Arizona State Utah 16 13 324 California Stanford 22 7 324 Florida State Auburn 11 13 324 Illinois Missouri 10 13 324 Southern Methodist Kansas 20 7 324 South Carolina Boston College . . 324 Western Michigan Indiana 7 10 325 Arizona Oregon 12 11 325 Brigham Young Simon Fraser 10 11 325 Central Florida Auburn 4 20 325 Connecticut New Hampshire 8 14 325 Dominican Texas A&M 13 10 325 Florida South Florida 18 8 325 Georgia James Madison 11 7 325 Grand Canyon Utah 9 12 325 Missouri Minnesota 9 10 325 Michigan State Purdue 13 7 325 Nevada Texas A&M 7 11 325 Northeastern Temple 11 6 325 Oklahoma Ole Miss 13 14 325 Oklahoma Oklahoma State 9 8 325 Oklahoma State Ole Miss 6 16 325 Pittsburgh Liberty 2 16 325 South Carolina Alabama 21 1 325 Texas State Kansas 8 17 325 Virginia Tech Tennessee 15 3 325 Washington State Central Washington 11 3 326 Arizona San Diego State 7 8 326 Chapman UC Santa Barbara 18 9 326 Connecticut Temple 11 12 326 Florida Colorado 12 11 326 Illinois Minnesota 3 20 326 Michigan State Indiana 17 7 326 NC State Boston College . . 326 Nevada Chico State 12 1 326 Southern Methodist Texas State 22 3 326 South Carolina Vanderbilt . . 326 Sonoma State Texas A&M 14 7 326 Utah Oregon . . 326 Western Michigan Purdue 11 8 326 West Virginia Liberty 6 21 328 Florida State Colorado 13 14 328 Grand Canyon Oregon 11 14 329 Concordia-Irvine USC 22 8 329 Utah Valley Cal Poly 12 9 330 USC Chapman 11 12 331 Alabama Vanderbilt 10 8 331 Arizona State Texas Christian 12 7 331 Buffalo Boston College 5 15 331 Brigham Young Cal Poly 10 6 331 James Madison East Carolina 20 7 331 Kansas Drury 14 8 331 South Carolina Liberty 12 10 331 Temple West Virginia 10 11 331 Tennessee NC State 13 9 401 Arizona Texas Christian 12 11 401 Alabama LSU 8 13 401 Arkansas Ole Miss 18 7 401 Auburn Northeastern 12 11 401 Central Florida Florida 3 27 401 Dominican Nevada 20 8 401 East Carolina Pittsburgh 12 8 401 Georgia Georgia Tech 19 15 401 Illinois Miami (Ohio) 11 13 401 Kansas Kansas State 25 10 401 Kansas Kansas State 25 10 401 Miami (Ohio) Iowa State . . 401 Michigan State Boston College 5 16 401 NC State Purdue 10 9 401 Oklahoma Texas 5 24 401 Texas A&M Southern Methodist 15 8 401 Utah Valley Boise State 19 10 401 Vanderbilt South Florida 1 8 401 Washington Simon Fraser 12 17 401 West Virginia New Hampshire 11 16 402 Auburn South Florida 15 14 402 Buffalo Michigan State 12 20 402 California Sonoma State 15 10 402 Clemson Liberty 3 12 402 Georgia Tech Northeastern 9 11 402 James Madison Pittsburgh 12 3 402 Kansas Nebraska 24 8 402 St. John's Minnesota 10 15 402 Temple New Hampshire 13 12 402 Tennessee Purdue 12 8 402 UMass-Dartmouth Connecticut 6 11 406 Colorado Utah 11 10 406 Colorado State Texas 13 14 406 Miami (Ohio) Indiana 6 11 406 Michigan State Western Michigan 11 10 406 Southern Methodist Texas Christian 6 13 406 Virginia Tech Concordia-Irvine 14 11 407 Auburn Alabama 16 2 407 Brigham Young Georgia Tech 7 14 407 Georgia South Carolina 11 7 407 Liberty Concordia-Irvine 11 10 407 NC State Clemson 12 11 407 Purdue Illinois 11 10 407 San Diego State USC 15 11 408 UC Santa Barbara Stanford 9 6 408 Boise State Oregon 14 16 408 California Nevada 19 5 408 Chapman UCLA 17 7 408 Colorado Texas 10 16 408 Cal Poly Santa Clara 11 7 408 Colorado State Utah 12 11 408 East Carolina Clemson 12 13 408 Florida Florida State 17 13 408 Georgia Tennessee 15 7 408 Grand Canyon Arizona 20 7 408 Iowa State Minnesota 11 14 408 Iowa State Nebraska 24 2 408 Kansas Arkansas 15 7 408 Kansas Colorado Denver 15 8 408 Minnesota Nebraska 24 4 408 Purdue Miami (Ohio) 16 10 408 Simon Fraser Western Washington 21 9 408 South Florida Central Florida . . 408 Sonoma State Dominican 18 15 408 Temple James Madison 9 7 408 Utah Valley Georgia Tech 6 18 408 Washington Washington State 24 7 409 Arkansas Colorado Denver . . 409 Simon Fraser Washington State 15 1 409 South Carolina Vanderbilt 1 0 411 Utah Brigham Young 10 13 412 San Diego State Concordia-Irvine 9 19 412 Texas Texas State 23 13 412 West Virginia Pittsburgh 18 4 413 South Carolina Clemson 13 8 414 Boston College Northeastern 6 8 414 Buffalo Connecticut 9 14 414 Chapman San Diego State 19 6 414 Iowa State St. Thomas 6 16 414 Miami South Florida 5 10 414 Pittsburgh Temple 8 12 414 West Virginia East Carolina 24 11 415 Arizona State Grand Canyon 12 9 415 Auburn South Carolina 9 19 415 Brigham Young Utah Valley 8 14 415 Concordia-Irvine Arizona 19 11 415 Connecticut Miami (Ohio) . . 415 Cal Poly UC Santa Barbara 11 9 415 Colorado State Colorado 12 16 415 Dominican California 12 14 415 Georgia Tech Florida State 11 7 415 Indiana Purdue 6 7 415 Iowa State Minn.-Duluth 8 16 415 Liberty James Madison 17 8 415 Missouri Kansas 13 12 415 NC State Virginia Tech 9 23 415 Nevada Sonoma State 12 20 415 Oregon Washington 15 16 415 Santa Clara Stanford 11 5 415 Simon Fraser Oregon State 23 7 415 Southern Methodist LSU 9 8 415 Temple East Carolina 16 11 415 Texas Texas Christian 13 14 415 Utah Utah State 11 9 415 Western Michigan Illinois 6 10 416 Buffalo Miami (Ohio) . . 416 Chapman Arizona 25 7 416 Grand Valley State Illinois 27 11 416 Idaho Washington State 4 11 416 Iowa State Missouri State 6 15 416 Northeastern New Hampshire 5 8 416 Texas A&M Texas State 24 7 416 Tennessee Mississippi State . . 416 Texas LSU 20 7 416 Utah Colorado Denver 16 9 419 Miami (Ohio) Dayton 8 10 420 Brigham Young Colorado 15 8 420 Northeastern Connecticut 12 7 420 USC UCLA 19 12 420 Utah Valley Colorado State 22 10 421 Illinois Iowa State 14 15 421 Simon Fraser Boise State 10 6 422 Arizona Arizona State 6 15 422 Boston College Connecticut 13 5 422 Brigham Young Colorado State 15 9 422 Concordia-Irvine Chapman 8 6 422 Florida Georgia Tech 10 14 422 Georgia South Carolina 11 12 422 Kansas Texas A&M 6 23 422 Missouri LSU 10 5 422 Miami (Ohio) Michigan State 14 11 422 Oregon Oregon State 21 9 422 San Diego State Grand Canyon 8 10 422 Tennessee NC State 16 11 422 New Hampshire Buffalo 15 6 422 Utah Valley Colorado 21 9 422 Washington Boise State 13 14 422 Western Michigan Grand Valley State 5 13 423 UC Santa Barbara Dominican 16 7 423 Connecticut Rhode Island 9 14 423 Northeastern Buffalo 19 7 423 South Carolina Georgia Tech 7 10 423 Texas Christian Southern Methodist 8 9 423 New Hampshire Boston College 6 8 423 West Virginia Temple 7 8 428 Brigham Young Colorado 15 8 428 Chapman Arizona State 10 7 428 Concordia-Irvine San Diego State 16 9 428 Iowa State Western Michigan 7 8 428 Purdue Illinois 14 10 428 Utah Valley Colorado State 18 9 429 Boston College Connecticut 13 7 429 California UC Santa Barbara 6 10 429 Cal Poly Sonoma State 17 7 429 Liberty Tennessee 20 11 429 Minnesota Purdue 12 6 429 Missouri Texas 8 16 429 Michigan State Western Michigan 11 6 429 Oregon Washington 20 14 429 Simon Fraser Boise State 16 9 429 Texas A&M Southern Methodist 6 19 429 New Hampshire Northeastern 7 16 429 Utah Valley Brigham Young 14 13 429 Virginia Tech Temple 23 7 430 Boston College Northeastern 13 9 430 Concordia-Irvine Chapman 5 11 430 Cal Poly UC Santa Barbara 5 11 430 Liberty Virginia Tech 13 14 430 Michigan State Minnesota 11 3 430 Simon Fraser Oregon 14 12 430 Southern Methodist Texas 10 11 508 UC Santa Barbara Liberty 12 15 508 Brigham Young Florida 10 6 508 Northeastern Concordia-Irvine 11 12 508 Simon Fraser Georgia 7 11 508 South Carolina Chapman 7 13 508 Texas Georgia Tech 9 17 508 Utah Valley Boston College 12 6 508 Virginia Tech Michigan State 19 3 509 Chapman Brigham Young 12 10 509 Georgia Tech Concordia-Irvine 11 14 509 Liberty Georgia 11 10 509 Virginia Tech Utah Valley 17 6 511 Concordia-Irvine Liberty 25 10 511 Virginia Tech Chapman 15 9 512 Virginia Tech Concordia-Irvine 10 17
N (neutral site); C (Cancelled); D (Power Rating ignores game);*(ignore in conference); T(tournament)