New Hampshire UPSETS
Upsets are listed in order of magnitude based on score and power
rating. An upset occurs when a team of lower power rating beats
a team of higher power rating. Home advantage is not included.
An upset requires the Power Ratings of the two teams to be at
least two points apart.
Upsets may disappear as the season progresses because as power
ratings are adjusted, the difference in ratings between two
teams may fall below two points.
No Underdog (UT) Favorite (FT) Score UT FT
1 Inter-Lakes-Mo at Laconia 21 4 53.0 63.4
2 Oyster River-N vs Winnacunnet 18 4 68.7 77.9
3 Kennett vs Goffstown 7 6 66.8 73.3
4 Manchester Mem vs Keene-Monadnoc 15 14 56.1 61.7
5 Manchester Mem vs Kingswood 9 8 56.1 60.7
6 Salem at Concord 13 9 65.2 69.2
7 Oyster River-N at Hollis-Brookli 16 12 68.7 72.6
8 Hollis-Brookli vs Bow 9 8 72.6 76.5
9 Pelham vs Derryfield 9 6 66.4 69.7
10 Souhegan at Portsmouth 15 14 82.0 85.2
11 Laconia vs Lebanon 9 8 63.4 66.3
12 Milford vs Concord Christ 9 8 49.9 52.4
13 Hollis-Brookli vs Exeter HS 13 12 72.6 74.9
14 Merrimack at Dover 12 9 69.6 71.8
15 Merrimack Vall vs Hollis-Brookli 12 7 70.6 72.6