Date Home Team Away Team Scores 320 Caledonia Lowell 15 6 320 Grand Rapids Chris Holland West Ottaw 15 1 320 Northview Zeeland East 17 4 320 Mona Shores Spring Lake 3 17 320 Byron Center Grandville 1 22 320 Ann Arbor Father G East Lansing 8 14 320 Ann Arbor Skyline Salem 8 20 320 Notre Dame Prep Grosse Pointe Nort 17 6 320 Rochester Stoney C Grand Blanc 12 8 320 Detroit Country Da Grosse Pointe Sout 20 1 321 Rochester Adams Marian 8 22 323 Grand Rapids Chris Byron Center 22 4 323 Indian Hill Detroit Country Da 17 11 325 Divine Child Chippewa Valley 10 13 325 Notre Dame Prep Mercy 7 13 325 Grand Haven Lowell 14 4 325 Grand Rapids Chris Jenison 21 3 325 Spring Lake Rockford 16 10 325 Byron Center Zeeland East 8 16 326 Catholic Central Grand Rapids Chris 18 9 326 Northview Caledonia 15 2 326 Ann Arbor Father G Toledo Central Cat 15 2 327 Lowell Lansing Catholic-W 11 9 327 St Ursula Toledo Divine Child 14 7 327 Marian Notre Dame Academy 25 3 401 Tecumseh Sylvania Northview 4 16 401 Saginaw Heritage Swartz Creek 15 4 402 Flushing Holly-Brandon Co-O 17 9 402 Haslett Oxford 14 2 402 Bloomfield Hills Cranbrook Kingswoo 3 11 403 Hartland North Farmington 19 1 403 Lake Orion Rochester Stoney C 13 11 403 Livonia United Farmington 16 1 403 Salem Dexter 22 10 403 Saline Novi 7 15 403 Ann Arbor Skyline Flint Powers Catho 16 2 403 Swartz Creek East Lansing 6 13 403 Sylvania Southview Tecumseh 20 0 403 Bedford Sylvania Northview 1 16 404 Okemos Portage Northern 9 6 404 Ovid-Elsie Holly-Brandon Co-O 8 6 404 Midland Saginaw Heritage 11 10 404 Ann Arbor Pioneer DeWitt 5 14 404 Avondale Cass Tech 2 21 404 Flint Powers Catho Davison 10 11 404 Livonia United Grand Ledge 11 12 404 Haslett Hartland 4 7 404 Oxford Flushing 6 4 405 DeWitt Birmingham Unified 17 7 405 South Lyon United Ann Arbor Skyline 14 10 405 Avondale Waterford United 0 17 405 Brighton Cranbrook Kingswoo 16 7 405 Flushing East Lansing 4 15 405 Grosse Pointe Nort Rochester Stoney C 2 10 405 Rochester Adams Troy 7 18 405 Salem Saline 19 17 405 Tecumseh Howell 4 6 405 Cass Tech Bedford 4 9 406 Portage Northern Haslett 3 8 406 N Haslett Grosse Pointe Sout 12 2 406 Haslett Traverse City Cent 14 1 408 Marian Troy 17 6 408 Clarkston Rochester Stoney C 8 15 408 Divine Child University Liggett 11 17 408 Farmington Oxford 5 16 408 Howell Grand Ledge 4 14 408 Tecumseh Cass Tech 7 6 408 West Bloomfield North Farmington 9 5 408 Avondale Rochester HS 2 19 408 Davison Fenton-Linden Co-O 14 10 408 Flushing Holly-Brandon Co-O 8 9 408 Ann Arbor Father G Grosse Pointe Sout 10 9 409 Saline Sylvania Northview 4 7 409 Brighton Okemos 21 2 409 Davison Grand Blanc 3 11 409 Mercy Birmingham Unified 12 13 409 Haslett Portage Northern 13 4 409 DeWitt Hudsonville 18 5 409 Jenison Ovid-Elsie 4 11 409 Henry Ford II Lakeview 14 2 409 Flint Powers Catho Midland 6 11 409 Dexter St Catherine of Si 17 3 409 East Lansing Saginaw Heritage 16 5 409 Forest Hills North Spring Lake 9 8 409 Lowell Mona Shores 7 8 409 Swartz Creek Holly-Brandon Co-O 11 4 409 St Ursula Toledo Bedford 20 7 410 Caledonia Holland West Ottaw 22 4 410 Grand Haven Northview 2 14 410 Forest Hills Centr East Grand Rapids 10 9 410 Lansing Catholic-W Kalamazoo Central 19 2 410 Lowell Grandville 11 22 410 Rockford Catholic Central 8 17 410 Hudsonville Byron Center 16 5 410 Sacred Heart Acade Toledo Central Cat 9 13 410 Canton Tecumseh 5 6 410 University Liggett Warren Regina 17 8 410 Lake Fenton Flushing 5 3 410 North Farmington Avondale 13 2 410 Oxford Rochester Stoney C 5 9 410 Rochester Adams Farmington 19 8 410 St Catherine of Si Ann Arbor Father G 4 26 411 Ann Arbor Pioneer Mattawan 7 9 411 Bloomfield Hills Divine Child 18 5 411 Cranbrook Kingswoo Marian 5 6 411 Grosse Pointe Nort Sacred Heart Acade 11 17 411 Saginaw Heritage Flint Powers Catho 13 7 411 Swartz Creek Davison 6 7 411 St Ursula Toledo Mercy 7 14 411 Haslett DeWitt 10 7 411 Grand Ledge East Lansing 8 7 411 Lansing Catholic-W Holt 11 15 411 Okemos Ovid-Elsie 10 4 412 Fenton-Linden Co-O Lake Fenton 8 4 412 Flushing Swartz Creek 7 8 412 Saline Grand Blanc 11 6 412 Rochester Adams Royal Oak 18 9 412 Mattawan Holland West Ottaw 21 4 413 East Grand Rapids Detroit Country Da 6 6 413 Grand Haven Ann Arbor Father G 9 7 413 Catholic Central Detroit Country Da 17 7 413 Catholic Central Bloomfield Hills 15 7 413 Grand Rapids Chris Grandville 14 5 413 Forest Hills Centr Brighton 6 12 413 Forest Hills Centr Birmingham Unified 11 3 413 Forest Hills Centr Bloomfield Hills 8 7 413 Forest Hills North Catholic Central 4 16 413 Grandville Mattawan 4 7 413 Holt St Catherine of Si 14 3 413 Mattawan Ann Arbor Father G 9 3 413 Spring Lake Brighton 7 14 413 Spring Lake Detroit Country Da 5 13 413 Grand Haven St Catherine of Si 14 2 413 Bedford St Ursula Toledo 4 18 413 Mattawan Grand Rapids Chris 5 7 413 Waterford United St Catherine of Si 0 1 413 Mercy Cranbrook Kingswoo 10 9 413 Warren Regina West Bloomfield 10 5 413 Waterford United Grand Rapids Chris 1 15 413 East Grand Rapids Brighton 5 10 413 East Grand Rapids Birmingham Unified 12 2 413 Ann Arbor Father G Holt 10 9 413 DeWitt Traverse City Cent 16 3 413 East Lansing Traverse City Cent 15 6 415 Grand Ledge Haslett 4 14 415 Caledonia Mattawan 16 7 415 Catholic Central Forest Hills Centr 18 4 415 Grand Rapids Chris Portage Northern 10 11 415 Ovid-Elsie Flushing 9 4 415 Spring Lake East Grand Rapids 6 10 415 Saginaw Heritage Traverse City Cent 8 10 415 Ann Arbor Father G Plymouth 16 7 415 Ann Arbor Skyline Bloomfield Hills 2 13 415 Avondale West Bloomfield 3 10 415 Divine Child Sacred Heart Acade 16 13 415 Farmington Rochester HS 11 7 415 Notre Dame Prep Troy 8 14 415 Rochester Stoney C Rochester Adams 13 6 415 Royal Oak North Farmington 8 5 415 St Catherine of Si University Liggett 1 16 415 Maumee Valley CDS Tecumseh 7 11 415 Bedford Sylvania Southview 2 15 415 Flint Powers Catho Grand Blanc 4 17 415 Marian St Ursula Toledo 17 6 415 Warren Regina Toledo Central Cat 9 6 416 Henry Ford II Utica Eisenhower 1 12 416 DeWitt Okemos 17 7 416 East Lansing Holt 12 9 416 Northview Lowell 20 6 416 Ovid-Elsie Lansing Catholic-W 6 11 416 Midland Davison 10 6 416 Dexter Flint Powers Catho 10 7 416 Swartz Creek Lake Fenton 13 5 417 Hartland Detroit Country Da 9 10 417 Ann Arbor Huron Ann Arbor Skyline 8 16 417 Avondale Clarkston 0 17 417 Cranbrook Kingswoo Notre Dame Academy 17 3 417 Marian Notre Dame Prep 21 3 417 Divine Child Mercy 5 17 417 Forest Hills North Catholic Central 6 18 417 North Farmington Farmington 7 10 417 Oxford Rochester Adams 7 12 417 Rochester HS Rochester Stoney C 6 17 417 Saline Ann Arbor Pioneer 10 9 417 Dexter Tecumseh 9 1 417 East Grand Rapids Rockford 8 12 417 Grand Rapids Chris Grandville 11 13 417 Mattawan Portage Northern 10 11 417 Spring Lake Forest Hills Centr 19 14 417 Caledonia Byron Center 16 5 417 Toledo Central Cat St Catherine of Si 16 5 418 Swartz Creek Holly-Brandon Co-O 7 6 418 DeWitt Ovid-Elsie 18 3 418 Lansing Catholic-W East Lansing 8 15 418 Okemos Grand Ledge 6 9 418 Fenton-Linden Co-O Lake Fenton 9 7 418 University Liggett Sacred Heart Acade 18 6 418 North Farmington Livonia United 3 18 418 Saginaw Heritage Grand Blanc 10 9 418 Notre Dame Academy Divine Child 10 8 418 Grosse Pointe Sout Henry Ford II 22 1 419 Ann Arbor Father G Ann Arbor Skyline 13 12 419 Bloomfield Hills Mercy 7 10 419 Sacred Heart Acade Marian 9 21 419 Brighton DeWitt 15 8 419 Canton Dexter 6 4 419 Fenton-Linden Co-O Flushing 9 8 419 Rochester Adams Novi 11 19 419 Rochester Stoney C Notre Dame Prep 7 8 419 Bedford Cass Tech 6 5 419 Warren Regina Rochester HS 13 15 419 Forest Hills Centr Detroit Country Da 8 15 419 Jenison Caledonia 2 17 419 Lowell Grand Rapids Chris 7 18 419 Grand Haven Byron Center 21 4 419 Saline Clay 10 9 420 St Catherine of Si Saginaw Heritage 1 14 420 N Traverse City Cent Davison 6 6 420 Brighton East Grand Rapids 9 8 420 Farmington Royal Oak 6 8 420 Grand Blanc East Lansing 6 7 420 Howell Flushing 11 5 420 N Howell Avondale 11 2 420 Davison Troy Athens 0 10 420 East Lansing Troy Athens 5 8 420 Flushing Avondale 11 0 420 Grand Blanc Lake Fenton 15 3 420 Lake Fenton Troy Athens 1 10 420 East Lansing Oxford 3 8 420 Lake Fenton Oxford 5 4 420 Swartz Creek Plymouth 3 6 420 Swartz Creek Avondale 11 0 420 Catholic Central Detroit Country Da 20 8 420 Lowell Grand Ledge 8 10 420 Okemos Mercy 8 14 420 Northridge Mattawan 4 4 420 East Grand Rapids Benet Academy 8 16 422 Avondale Divine Child 0 18 422 Detroit Country Da Cranbrook Kingswoo 16 5 422 Mercy Marian 13 10 422 Flushing Howell 8 15 422 Forest Hills North East Grand Rapids 7 14 422 Lake Orion Davison 17 2 422 North Farmington University Liggett 7 17 422 Saline Dexter 9 4 422 Tecumseh Ann Arbor Huron 2 3 422 Troy Rochester Stoney C 11 10 422 Utica Eisenhower Rochester Adams 16 11 422 DeWitt Saginaw Heritage 12 2 422 Warren Regina Ann Arbor Father G 6 19 422 Forest Hills Centr Rockford 12 16 422 Hudsonville Mattawan 13 7 422 Jenison Northview 3 21 422 Lansing Catholic-W Rochester HS 14 3 422 Ovid-Elsie Swartz Creek 3 4 422 Spring Lake Catholic Central 4 21 423 Davison Saginaw Heritage 4 10 423 Lake Fenton Flushing 6 5 423 Royal Oak Notre Dame Prep 4 15 423 Henry Ford II Grosse Pointe Nort 7 9 423 St Catherine of Si Plymouth 4 15 423 Haslett Okemos 10 0 423 East Lansing DeWitt 7 10 423 Holt Ovid-Elsie 15 1 424 Detroit Country Da Northville 19 13 424 Caledonia Mona Shores 16 3 424 East Grand Rapids Catholic Central 10 14 424 Lowell Holland West Ottaw 14 10 424 Byron Center Northview 1 16 424 Birmingham Unified Marian 7 10 424 Sacred Heart Acade Ann Arbor Father G 10 20 424 Divine Child Cranbrook Kingswoo 4 18 424 Lake Fenton Swartz Creek 5 7 424 Notre Dame Prep Troy Athens 10 20 424 Rochester Stoney C North Farmington 12 4 424 Royal Oak Avondale 13 0 424 Tecumseh Ann Arbor Skyline 0 15 424 West Bloomfield Farmington 10 4 424 St Catherine of Si Warren Regina 8 14 424 Dexter Bedford 14 5 424 Grand Ledge Lansing Catholic-W 9 6 424 Zeeland East Grand Rapids Chris 4 16 424 University Liggett Toledo Central Cat 15 6 425 Howell Dexter 13 4 425 Rochester HS Sacred Heart Acade 11 12 425 Lansing Catholic-W Haslett 6 16 425 East Lansing Ovid-Elsie 11 6 425 Grand Ledge DeWitt 6 16 425 Okemos Holt 2 11 425 Midland Flint Powers Catho 16 12 425 Flushing Holly-Brandon Co-O 9 5 425 Mattawan Kalamazoo Central 12 10 425 Lakeview Henry Ford II 2 10 426 Bedford Ann Arbor Pioneer 6 9 426 Detroit Country Da East Grand Rapids 21 7 426 Mercy Ann Arbor Skyline 15 10 426 North Farmington Canton 4 9 426 Oxford University Liggett 8 10 426 Rochester Adams Hartland 7 19 426 Swartz Creek Fenton-Linden Co-O 9 3 426 Grand Ledge Ann Arbor Father G 8 10 426 Catholic Central Brighton 14 13 426 Grand Rapids Chris Hudsonville 16 8 426 Forest Hills Centr Forest Hills North 8 4 426 Northview Spring Lake 10 12 426 Grandville Caledonia 5 12 426 Tecumseh St Catherine of Si 9 3 426 Holland West Ottaw Byron Center 12 9 426 Zeeland East Lowell 7 9 426 Saline Anthony Wayne 10 13 427 Haslett Mercy 12 5 427 Forest Hills Centr Caledonia 12 7 427 Notre Dame Prep Grand Blanc 7 13 427 Rochester Stoney C Warren Regina 16 4 427 Cranbrook Kingswoo Nichols School 15 4 429 Ann Arbor Father G Ann Arbor Pioneer 12 6 429 Ann Arbor Skyline Dexter 20 7 429 Avondale Farmington 3 17 429 Chippewa Valley Henry Ford II 20 3 429 Detroit Country Da Brighton 20 13 429 North Farmington Oxford 6 10 429 Notre Dame Prep Davison 11 4 429 Rochester HS Rochester Adams 1 13 429 Spring Lake Forest Hills North 11 3 429 Tecumseh Saline 3 21 429 West Bloomfield Rochester Stoney C 3 12 429 Caledonia Zeeland East 16 1 429 East Grand Rapids Forest Hills Centr 14 10 429 Catholic Central Rockford 20 7 429 Grandville Mattawan 12 13 429 Hudsonville Lowell 12 8 429 Lansing Catholic-W Okemos 9 10 429 Troy Athens Marian 10 12 429 Lake Fenton Holly-Brandon Co-O 9 10 430 Ann Arbor Father G University Liggett 21 7 430 Grand Blanc Flint Powers Catho 11 3 430 North Farmington Plymouth 4 10 430 Swartz Creek Flushing 12 6 430 Bedford Ann Arbor Huron 10 9 430 East Lansing Haslett 2 11 430 Northview Mona Shores 18 6 430 Holt DeWitt 10 11 430 Ovid-Elsie Grand Ledge 4 11 430 Portage Northern Lansing Catholic-W 12 2 430 Byron Center Jenison 15 12 430 Saginaw Heritage Midland 18 6 501 Flushing Fenton-Linden Co-O 9 8 501 Saline Ann Arbor Skyline 8 6 501 Mercy Notre Dame Academy 17 7 501 St Ursula Toledo Cranbrook Kingswoo 9 19 501 Ann Arbor Pioneer Dexter 9 6 501 Marian Divine Child 21 6 501 Rochester Adams North Farmington 14 3 501 Rochester Stoney C Avondale 16 1 501 Saginaw Heritage Hartland 2 19 501 St Catherine of Si Sacred Heart Acade 5 23 501 Caledonia Grand Rapids Chris 11 10 501 East Grand Rapids Spring Lake 7 6 501 Forest Hills Centr Catholic Central 6 18 501 Ovid-Elsie Lowell 6 12 501 Bedford Tecumseh 6 5 502 Divine Child Birmingham Unified 8 19 502 Flint Powers Catho Saginaw Heritage 7 13 502 Lake Fenton Fenton-Linden Co-O 3 6 502 South Lyon United Dexter 20 1 502 East Lansing Okemos 4 6 502 Grand Ledge Holt 11 9 502 Haslett Ovid-Elsie 17 0 502 Lansing Catholic-W DeWitt 12 16 502 Kalamazoo Central Byron Center 3 17 502 Davison Midland 6 7 502 Ann Arbor Father G Livonia United 11 6 503 Grand Blanc Davison 10 1 503 Brighton East Grand Rapids 9 10 503 Howell St Catherine of Si 17 7 503 Notre Dame Prep Rochester HS 14 2 503 Rochester Stoney C Troy Athens 10 9 503 Swartz Creek Lake Fenton 15 2 503 Henry Ford II Utica Eisenhower 2 18 503 Warren Regina Sacred Heart Acade 10 8 503 Haslett Forest Hills North 14 1 503 Grand Rapids Chris Grand Haven 15 6 503 Mattawan Hudsonville 18 7 503 Spring Lake Okemos 18 1 503 Tecumseh Salem 4 14 503 Jenison Byron Center 10 7 503 Loyola Academy Cranbrook Kingswoo 17 2 503 Bedford Maumee Valley CDS 7 5 503 Ann Arbor Skyline Holt 8 12 504 DeWitt Mona Shores 13 5 504 N Mona Shores Grand Rapids Chris 4 9 504 White Lake Lakelan Grand Rapids Chris 3 9 504 Sacred Heart Acade Farmington 17 3 504 Clarkston Notre Dame Prep 9 8 504 Portage Northern Mattawan 14 11 504 Northview Catholic Central 6 18 504 Carmel Detroit Country Da 12 13 504 DeWitt White Lake Lakelan 12 5 504 DeWitt Grand Rapids Chris 9 7 506 DeWitt Caledonia 13 10 506 Catholic Central Forest Hills North 22 4 506 Forest Hills Centr Spring Lake 10 15 506 Grandville Northview 12 19 506 Hudsonville East Lansing 7 6 506 Mona Shores Grand Rapids Chris 8 11 506 Ovid-Elsie Jenison 7 5 506 Rockford East Grand Rapids 12 10 506 Byron Center Lowell 5 17 506 Ann Arbor Huron Saline 4 18 506 Ann Arbor Skyline Bedford 17 2 506 Birmingham Unified Cranbrook Kingswoo 8 17 506 Sacred Heart Acade Notre Dame Prep 16 18 506 Detroit Country Da Troy Athens 19 2 506 Farmington Clarkston 13 12 506 Fenton-Linden Co-O Swartz Creek 4 15 506 Livonia United Mercy 10 9 506 North Farmington Rochester HS 6 7 506 Tecumseh Ann Arbor Pioneer 4 14 506 West Bloomfield Rochester Adams 7 19 506 White Lake Lakelan Haslett 1 7 506 St Catherine of Si Divine Child 8 13 506 Royal Oak Rochester Stoney C 5 17 506 Avondale Oxford 0 19 506 Mattawan Northridge 8 5 507 Flushing Fenton-Linden Co-O 7 6 507 University Liggett Warren Regina 17 7 507 Ann Arbor Father G Toledo Central Cat 19 5 507 Marian Cranbrook Kingswoo 14 9 507 Saginaw Heritage Davison 11 4 507 Mercy St Ursula Toledo 15 4 507 Henry Ford II Grosse Pointe Sout 2 17 508 Ann Arbor Huron Dexter 2 9 508 Ann Arbor Pioneer Ann Arbor Skyline 7 11 508 Clarkston North Farmington 15 5 508 Divine Child Livonia United 10 16 508 Rochester Adams Avondale 24 0 508 Rochester Stoney C Farmington 14 6 508 Swartz Creek Flushing 13 7 508 Bedford Saline 0 18 508 Haslett Holt 19 3 508 Caledonia Hudsonville 14 3 508 East Grand Rapids Forest Hills North 10 9 508 Catholic Central Spring Lake 20 8 508 Northview Grand Rapids Chris 14 5 508 Rockford Forest Hills Centr 12 10 509 Davison Flint Powers Catho 7 5 509 Grand Blanc Saginaw Heritage 4 17 509 Grosse Pointe Nort North Farmington 12 8 509 Avondale Henry Ford II 3 13 509 Grand Haven Caledonia 10 16 509 Detroit Country Da Birmingham Unified 19 3 509 Lowell Jenison 19 3 509 Okemos Mattawan 3 5 509 Byron Center Mona Shores 9 19 509 South Lyon United Divine Child 20 3 510 Ann Arbor Father G University Liggett 14 8 510 Mercy Marian 13 5 510 DeWitt Ann Arbor Skyline 8 7 510 Flushing Lake Fenton 10 9 510 Holly-Brandon Co-O Swartz Creek 6 9 510 Maumee Valley CDS Bedford 8 9 510 Davison Oxford 7 6 510 Cass Tech Tecumseh 8 7 510 Grosse Pointe Nort Henry Ford II 11 3 510 Howell Grand Rapids Chris 7 18 510 Novi Flint Powers Catho 16 6 510 West Bloomfield Notre Dame Prep 6 14 510 St Catherine of Si Lake Orion 2 18 510 Spring Lake Haslett 11 10 510 Catholic Central Grand Haven 17 1 510 Lowell Ovid-Elsie 16 4 510 Portage Northern Grand Ledge 13 5 511 Canton St Catherine of Si 14 4 511 Northview Hudsonville 9 4 511 Lansing Catholic-W Saginaw Heritage 9 7 511 Saline Ann Arbor Huron 10 2 511 Holt Mattawan 2 7 511 Saline Mattawan 7 5 511 Saline Holt 10 6 511 Notre Dame Prep Rochester Adams 10 13 511 Royal Oak Warren Regina 5 9 511 Detroit Country Da Bishop Watterson 13 8 513 Dexter Ann Arbor Father G 8 12 513 Ann Arbor Pioneer Divine Child 9 6 513 Birmingham Unified Rochester Stoney C 19 7 513 Bloomfield Hills Farmington 22 2 513 Cranbrook Kingswoo Sacred Heart Acade 20 5 513 Grand Blanc Swartz Creek 12 3 513 Grosse Pointe Nort Warren Regina 8 11 513 North Farmington Howell 6 8 513 Royal Oak University Liggett 3 17 513 Troy Athens Rochester Adams 21 14 513 East Grand Rapids Caledonia 17 6 513 Saline Flint Powers Catho 17 5 513 Lansing Catholic-W Davison 17 3 513 Mattawan Grand Rapids Chris 15 10 513 Rockford Northview 16 6 513 St Catherine of Si Ann Arbor Huron 6 8 513 Midland East Lansing 6 15 514 Ann Arbor Father G Mercy 11 12 514 Marian Detroit Country Da 9 21 514 Divine Child Canton 13 12 514 University Liggett Notre Dame Prep 19 8 514 Lake Fenton Holly-Brandon Co-O 10 9 514 Rochester Adams Clarkston 19 14 514 South Lyon United Haslett 7 5 515 Catholic Central East Grand Rapids 20 10 515 Rockford Spring Lake 10 9 515 Lake Orion Marian 14 9 515 Bloomfield Hills Haslett 4 7 515 Fenton-Linden Co-O Swartz Creek 8 12 515 Flushing Ovid-Elsie 9 7 515 Hartland Okemos 18 7 515 Troy Athens Farmington 17 8 515 Henry Ford II Cass Tech 6 13 515 Holland West Ottaw Northview 12 19 515 Traverse City Cent Saginaw Heritage 4 10 515 Divine Child St Catherine of Si 19 4 515 Bedford Saline 6 15 515 Avondale Rochester Stoney C 2 17 516 East Lansing Lansing Catholic-W 16 6 516 DeWitt Portage Northern 10 9 516 Farmington Dexter 12 14 516 Henry Ford II Rochester Adams 2 17 516 University Liggett Cranbrook Kingswoo 7 17 517 Caledonia Spring Lake 9 14 517 Mattawan Northview 8 13 517 Sacred Heart Acade Warren Regina 15 8 517 Lake Fenton Flushing 6 12 517 Okemos Ovid-Elsie 15 2 517 Saginaw Heritage Davison 14 5 520 Haslett Flushing 21 3 521 Byron Center Lowell 6 18 521 Ann Arbor Skyline Tecumseh 12 2 521 North Farmington Saline 4 20 521 Notre Dame Prep Rochester Adams 13 12 521 Mercy Dexter 12 5 521 Swartz Creek Okemos 5 8 522 Grand Rapids Chris East Grand Rapids 6 16 522 Ann Arbor Father G Divine Child 20 4 522 Grand Ledge Spring Lake 4 19 522 Flint Powers Catho Saginaw Heritage 5 19 523 Detroit Country Da Cranbrook Kingswoo 22 6 523 Forest Hills Centr Northview 16 10 524 DeWitt East Lansing 11 9 524 Marian Sacred Heart Acade 21 10 524 Catholic Central East Grand Rapids 22 11 528 Mercy Ann Arbor Skyline 16 6 528 Ann Arbor Father G Saline 18 12 528 Spring Lake Forest Hills Centr 10 12 528 Catholic Central Lowell 23 4 528 DeWitt Okemos 11 5 529 Haslett Saginaw Heritage 10 7 529 Detroit Country Da Rochester Stoney C 18 4 529 Marian Notre Dame Prep 22 2 531 Catholic Central Forest Hills Centr 16 6 531 Mercy Ann Arbor Father G 7 6 531 Detroit Country Da Marian 22 4 531 Haslett DeWitt 10 5 605 Detroit Country Da Mercy 13 6 605 Haslett Catholic Central 2 24 607 N Catholic Central Detroit Country Da 10 9
N (neutral site); C (Cancelled); D (Power Rating ignores game);*(ignore in conference); T(tournament)