List of girl Div 41 Delaware Hayes List of Team Values for Ohio

      All ratings/rankings on this page are based on the state (not league) championships.


               |Real   = actual goal margin        |
               |Pred   = predicted goal margin     |
               |+      = slightly above prediction |
               |++     = above prediction          |
               |+++    = well above prediction     |
               |-      = slightly below prediction |
               |--     = below prediction          |
               |---    = well below prediction     |
               |Goals* = Goals over (+) under (-)  |
               |         prediction. N/A when ten  |
               |         goal limit is exceeded    |
               |n/a    = Outside division          |

   Date  Opponent               Score     Real Pred    +/-   Goals*
   315 H Big Walnut             10-12      -2     0          -1.79
   319 H Hilliard Darby         11- 5       6     3    +      2.39
   321 A Westerville Central    18- 5      13     8           0.00
   328 A Dublin Scioto          16- 5      11    -2    +++    9.36
   402 H Bay                     4-17     -13    -9           0.00
   405 A Anthony Wayne          11- 9       2     0           1.16
   406 A Sylvania Northview     14- 1      13     7           0.00
   409 A Westerville North      19- 2      17    12           0.00
   411 A Olentangy Orange        8- 9      -1    -1           0.98
   416 A Westerville South      21- 3      18    12           0.00
   418 A Olentangy               5-21     -16    -4    -     -2.50
   423 H Worthington Kilbourne   1-16     -15   -12           0.00
   425 H Olentangy Berlin        9- 8       1     1          -0.74
   430 A Dublin Jerome           7-14      -7    -7           0.00
   503 H Bexley                  7- 5       2     1           0.24
   506 H Pickerington Central    4-17     -13    -5          -1.26
   507 A Columbus Academy        6-16     -10    -9           0.00
   516 H Olentangy Orange        3-13     -10     0    ---   -6.08


   Date  Opponent               Score     Real Pred    +/-   Goals*
   516 H Olentangy Orange        3-13     -10     0    ---   -6.08
   418 A Olentangy               5-21     -16    -4    -     -2.50


   Date  Opponent               Score     Real Pred    +/-   Goals*
   328 A Dublin Scioto          16- 5      11    -2    +++    9.36
   319 H Hilliard Darby         11- 5       6     3    +      2.39


 Power Rating............. 72.97 Power Rank.................    56
 SOS (PR) Rating.......... 46.86 SOS (PR) Rank..............    47
 SOS (RPI) Rating......... .6069 SOS (RPI) Rank.............    53
 RPI Rating............... .5191 RPI Rank...................    58
 Champ. Probability ......   0.0 Championship Rank .........    50
 Selection sum ...........   189 Selection Rank ............    56
 Qual Win (PR) Rating..... -155. Qual Win (PR) Rank.........    82
 Qual Win (RPI) Rating.... -155. Qual Win (RPI) Rank........    78

 Ave Offensive Goals .....   9.7 Ave Defensive Goals .......    9.9
 Wins/Losses(all   )......  9- 9 Ave Goal diff (all   ).....   -0.2
 Wins/Losses(top  5)......  0- 0 Ave Goal diff (top  5).....      
 Wins/Losses(top 10)......  0- 1 Ave Goal diff (top 10).....  -15.0
 Wins/Losses(top 20)......  0- 3 Ave Goal diff (top 20).....  -12.7
 Wins/Losses(last 3)......  0- 3 Ave Goal diff (last 3).....  -11.0