Date Home Team Away Team Scores 302 St Annes-Belfield Good Counsel 6 16 305 St James Bullis 6 14 305 Woodberry Forest Bishop Ireton 13 7 305 Heights Landon 9 13 305 Boys Latin St Johns College H 12 4 305 Paul VI Christ School 10 4 306 Good Counsel St Vincent Pallott 16 2 307 DeMatha Bullis 6 13 307 Trinity Meadow Vie Bishop OConnell 4 9 307 St James Heights 5 9 308 St Albans Potomac School 8 5 308 Benedictine Bishop Ireton 9 14 308 Flint Hill Jackson Reed 9 3 308 Norfolk Academy St James 13 6 308 Gonzaga McDonogh 7 17 308 St Marys Ryken Mount St Joseph 4 9 308 Indian Creek Schoo Maret 9 10 308 Good Counsel Rockhurst Jesuit 18 9 308 Sidwell Friends Legion Collegiate 13 12 308 Sandy Spring Frien DC International P 8 12 309 Catholic HS St James 6 9 309 Bishop Ireton Legion Collegiate 18 7 312 Bishop Ireton Sidwell Friends 9 12 312 Gonzaga Bishop OConnell 24 3 312 Paul VI St Annes-Belfield 9 7 312 Good Counsel St Albans 12 10 312 Heights DeMatha 8 10 312 Maret Annapolis Area Chr 12 11 313 St Marys Ryken St Andrews Episcop 13 5 314 Heights St Albans 6 7 314 DeMatha Bishop OConnell 17 1 314 FCA LC Tome School 12 11 315 Bishop Ireton Maret 16 2 315 Collegiate School Paul VI 5 14 315 St Marys Annapolis Gonzaga 9 6 315 Good Counsel John Carroll 15 9 315 St Johns College H Gilman 5 8 315 Sidwell Friends St Marys Ryken 8 15 315 Severn School St Andrews Episcop 17 9 316 Paul VI Christchurch 17 6 316 N Lucy Beckham DeMatha 7 9 318 St Andrews Episcop Heights 8 10 319 Norfolk Academy Potomac School 11 10 319 Bullis Good Counsel 13 11 319 Bishop Ireton Episcopal 7 16 319 Blue Ridge School Paul VI 12 11 319 Georgetown Prep St Marys Ryken 17 5 319 Gonzaga Boys Latin 6 9 319 Sidwell Friends Bishop McNamara 14 2 319 St Johns College H Culver Military Ac 6 19 319 Tome School Avon Grove Charter 16 5 320 Heights Maret 15 3 320 Gerstell Academy FCA LC 16 6 320 Cape Henry Collegi Flint Hill 5 7 320 Tome School Gunston School 7 5 320 N Worcester Prep Caravel Academy 2 7 321 Catholic HS Potomac School 11 10 321 St John Paul the G Bishop OConnell 6 21 321 Paul VI Episcopal 12 9 321 Gonzaga Culver Military Ac 10 11 322 DeMatha Bishop Ireton 12 1 322 Collegiate School St Andrews Episcop 18 5 322 Trinity Episcopal Flint Hill 7 4 322 St Annes-Belfield St Marys Ryken 11 9 322 N St Johns College H Taft School 9 8 322 Maret DC International P 15 5 322 Trinity Meadow Vie Sidwell Friends 8 11 322 Mercersburg Academ Hedgesville 2 8 322 North Caroline Gunston School 5 1 322 Stephen Decatur Worcester Prep 16 4 322 Bishop McNamara Bowie 11 2 323 Mercersburg Academ Jefferson County 4 10 323 McLean Bishop OConnell 13 6 323 N Woodson Maret 15 3 323 Jesuit Tampa Gonzaga 9 18 323 Potomac School Penn Charter 12 7 323 Oxon Hill Bishop McNamara 4 20 323 Good Counsel Spire Academy 7 5 324 Concordia Prep Tome School 21 7 325 Georgetown Prep St James 12 7 325 Plant Gonzaga 4 13 325 Smyrna Gunston School 11 1 325 South County Maret 13 8 326 Potomac School Benedictine 15 5 326 Flint Hill Episcopal 0 14 326 Worcester Prep Parkside 5 10 326 Lake Braddock Maret 11 4 326 Indian Creek Schoo Sidwell Friends 8 13 327 Rising Sun Tome School 15 8 327 St John Paul the G Bishop Ireton 3 23 327 Good Counsel DeMatha 11 6 327 St Marys Ryken Archbishop Curley 11 8 327 St James Mercersburg Academ 23 1 327 Delmar Gunston School 8 7 327 JM Bennett Worcester Prep 10 8 328 Potomac School Episcopal 10 9 328 Gonzaga Georgetown Prep 10 9 328 N St Johns College H St Anthonys 11 15 328 Park School FCA LC 13 4 329 Mercersburg Academ Flint Hill 0 13 330 Ponte Vedra Paul VI 7 8 402 Bishop OConnell Paul VI 3 16 402 Flint Hill St James 0 20 403 Eleanor Roosevelt Bishop McNamara 9 11 403 Heights St Marys Ryken 4 11 403 Mercersburg Academ Handley 4 11 404 Maclay Good Counsel 3 20 404 Gunston School Kent County 7 11 404 Trinity Episcopal Bishop Ireton 8 9 404 Trinity Christian Flint Hill 3 12 404 Oakdale St James 3 15 405 Bolles Good Counsel 6 15 405 N Kellam Bishop OConnell 11 9 405 Jackson Reed Sandy Spring Frien 9 7 405 DeMatha St Ignatius Clevel 7 13 405 Potomac School Collegiate School 7 8 405 Heights Paul VI 10 14 405 St Johns College H St Marys Ryken 15 7 405 Sidwell Friends Maret 16 3 406 Bishop OConnell Bergen Catholic 6 20 406 Catholic HS Bishop Ireton 15 5 406 St James Blue Ridge School 8 5 408 Gonzaga Heights 17 7 408 Sidwell Friends McLean 8 12 408 North County Bishop McNamara 18 5 408 Perryville Tome School 9 4 409 Potomac School Flint Hill 15 1 409 Bishop Ireton Good Counsel 4 23 409 Paul VI St Johns College H 8 10 409 Landon St Andrews Episcop 20 6 409 DeMatha Bishop McNamara 20 3 409 Bishop OConnell St Marys Ryken 6 16 409 Maret St James 6 21 410 Sandy Spring Frien DC International P 6 8 410 Gonzaga Bullis 11 9 410 Sidwell Friends Mercersburg Academ 16 5 410 Gunston School Woodbridge 5 10 412 St Christophers Potomac School 10 6 412 Benedictine Maret 12 8 412 St Johns College H Bishop Ireton 15 7 412 St Marys Ryken Paul VI 4 11 412 Bishop McNamara Gonzaga 0 23 412 N DeMatha La Salle College 1 6 412 Good Counsel Heights 6 3 412 St Andrews Episcop Sidwell Friends 14 10 412 Worcester Prep Gunston School 13 7 413 Pennington School Mercersburg Academ 12 3 415 Heights Yorktown 11 10 415 Marshall Flint Hill 0 7 415 Worcester Prep Easton 4 13 416 Gunston School Red Lion Christian 10 8 416 Potomac School Maret 12 1 416 Bishop Ireton Bishop OConnell 18 12 416 Bishop McNamara Paul VI 1 20 416 Landon DeMatha 13 9 416 St Marys Ryken Gonzaga 2 18 416 Good Counsel St Johns College H 5 11 416 St James Sidwell Friends 18 4 417 Potomac School St Stephen-St Agne 7 6 417 Flint Hill St Andrews Episcop 1 15 417 Georgetown Day Sandy Spring Frien 5 4 417 Tome School Bohemia Manor 3 7 418 Bishop OConnell Heights 4 16 418 Gunston School Newark Charter 5 6 418 Trinity Christian Maret 11 6 419 Paul VI Bishop Ireton 16 1 419 St Johns College H Bishop McNamara 22 1 419 Gonzaga DeMatha 13 6 419 St Marys Ryken Good Counsel 1 10 419 Flint Hill Trinity Meadow Vie 5 3 420 Potomac School Heights 7 2 420 Georgetown Day Seton School 6 16 422 Sandy Spring Frien Flint Hill 6 12 423 FCA LC Avon Grove Charter 18 5 423 St James Potomac School 8 7 423 Bishop McNamara Bishop OConnell 7 17 423 Paul VI DeMatha 3 5 423 St Andrews Episcop St Albans 11 8 423 Gonzaga Good Counsel 18 10 423 Heights St Johns College H 6 12 424 Key School Sandy Spring Frien 9 11 424 Bishop Ireton St Marys Ryken 9 8 424 Gonzaga Landon 10 11 424 Bishop McNamara Georgetown Day 9 8 424 Flint Hill Sidwell Friends 4 6 424 Mercersburg Academ Martinsburg 2 8 425 St Andrews Episcop Maret 11 4 425 Tome School North East Cecil 18 8 425 Walkersville St James 7 18 426 Potomac School Woodberry Forest 15 7 426 Gonzaga Bishop Ireton 27 4 426 Good Counsel Paul VI 12 6 426 Heights Bishop McNamara 15 5 426 St Johns College H Bishop OConnell 22 2 426 St Marys Ryken DeMatha 5 11 426 Gunston School Worcester Prep 7 14 426 Spring Mills Mercersburg Academ 6 2 426 Langley Sidwell Friends 15 12 427 Flint Hill Benedictine 11 12 427 Trinity Episcopal Maret 10 7 427 Archbishop Curley St Andrews Episcop 12 8 427 St James Westminster 17 4 429 Sandy Spring Frien West Nottingham 5 3 429 Bishop OConnell Benedictine 8 10 429 St Marys Ryken Mount Hebron 9 11 429 Worcester Prep Delmar 12 5 430 Heights Bishop Ireton 16 7 430 Paul VI Gonzaga 7 15 430 St Marys Ryken Bishop McNamara 17 4 430 Bishop OConnell Good Counsel 0 19 430 DeMatha St Johns College H 8 9 430 St James St Andrews Episcop 9 8 430 Gunston School Tome School 13 8 430 Worcester Prep Sussex Academy 13 4 501 Sidwell Friends Potomac School 4 16 501 Hedgesville Mercersburg Academ 12 4 501 Jackson Reed Georgetown Day 3 9 502 Bishop Ireton Bishop McNamara 16 8 502 Maret Flint Hill 7 6 502 DeMatha St James 8 5 502 Georgetown Day Trinity Meadow Vie 10 16 503 Potomac School St Andrews Episcop 9 10 503 Good Counsel Bishop McNamara 22 3 503 St Johns College H Gonzaga 12 5 503 Concordia Prep FCA LC 16 6 503 Meridian Maret 9 8 503 Worcester Prep Gunston School 14 3 506 Worcester Prep Dover 15 4 506 Heights Bishop OConnell 23 8 506 Potomac School Flint Hill 15 2 506 Worcester Prep Dover 14 3 506 St Marys Ryken Bishop McNamara 9 1 507 Sandy Spring Frien Jackson Reed 3 6 507 Good Counsel Bishop Ireton 19 6 507 DeMatha Paul VI 10 9 507 Gonzaga St Marys Ryken 17 6 507 St Johns College H Heights 13 4 507 Cambridge SD Gunston School 4 5 508 St Andrews Episcop Potomac School 10 8 508 St James Sidwell Friends 10 7 509 Sandy Spring Frien Gunston School 4 8 510 St Johns College H DeMatha 9 8 510 Gonzaga Good Counsel 18 6 510 St James St Andrews Episcop 14 10 511 Mercersburg Academ Blair Academy 5 20 511 Potomac School St Christophers 9 3 513 Gunston School Indian River 12 11 513 N St Johns College H Gonzaga 10 11 514 Collegiate School Potomac School 10 5 514 Paul VI Episcopal 8 9 517 N Malvern Prep Gonzaga . .
N (neutral site); C (Cancelled); D (Power Rating ignores game);*(ignore in conference); T(tournament)