List of boy Div 43 Dalton School List of Team Values for New York

      All ratings/rankings on this page are based on the state (not league) championships.


               |Real   = actual goal margin        |
               |Pred   = predicted goal margin     |
               |+      = slightly above prediction |
               |++     = above prediction          |
               |+++    = well above prediction     |
               |-      = slightly below prediction |
               |--     = below prediction          |
               |---    = well below prediction     |
               |Goals* = Goals over (+) under (-)  |
               |         prediction. N/A when ten  |
               |         goal limit is exceeded    |
               |n/a    = Outside division          |

   Date  Opponent               Score     Real Pred    +/-   Goals*
   327 A Taravella               4- 5      -1     3          n/a  
   403 A Riverdale Country Scho  0-11     -11    -8           0.00
   405 A Poly Prep               2-18     -16   -11           0.00
   408 A Masters  Dobbs Ferry   13- 4       9     3          n/a  
   412 H Trinity School          2-12     -10    -4    -     -2.44
   415 A Fieldston School        3-13     -10    -5          -1.60
   417 H Horace Mann            11- 5       6     0    +++    6.81
   419 A Hackley School          2-14     -12    -9           0.00
   424 H South Bronx Prep        6- 7      -1    -2           1.39
   427 H Riverdale Country Scho  1-12     -11    -7           0.00
   429 H Poly Prep               2-18     -16   -10           0.00
   503 A Trinity School          2- 3      -1    -5    ++     4.58
   506 A Fieldston School        3- 7      -4    -5           1.40
   508 A Horace Mann             7- 9      -2    -1          -0.17
   510 A Hackley School          2- 9      -7    -9           0.00


   Date  Opponent               Score     Real Pred    +/-   Goals*
   327 A Taravella               4- 5      -1     3    --         
   412 H Trinity School          2-12     -10    -4    -     -2.44


   Date  Opponent               Score     Real Pred    +/-   Goals*
   417 H Horace Mann            11- 5       6     0    +++    6.81
   503 A Trinity School          2- 3      -1    -5    ++     4.58
   408 A Masters  Dobbs Ferry   13- 4       9     3    +          


 Power Rating............. 62.71 Power Rank.................   296
 SOS (PR) Rating.......... 37.93 SOS (PR) Rank..............   255
 SOS (RPI) Rating......... .5018 SOS (RPI) Rank.............   321
 RPI Rating............... .3865 RPI Rank...................   339
 Champ. Probability ......   0.0 Championship Rank .........    25
 Selection sum ...........  1015 Selection Rank ............   360
 Qual Win (PR) Rating..... -295. Qual Win (PR) Rank.........   355
 Qual Win (RPI) Rating.... -295. Qual Win (RPI) Rank........   355

 Ave Offensive Goals .....   4.0 Ave Defensive Goals .......    9.8
 Wins/Losses(all   )......  2-13 Ave Goal diff (all   ).....   -5.8
 Wins/Losses(top  5)......  0- 0 Ave Goal diff (top  5).....      
 Wins/Losses(top 10)......  0- 0 Ave Goal diff (top 10).....      
 Wins/Losses(2nd 10)......  0- 0 Ave Goal diff (top 20).....      
 Wins/Losses(last 3)......  0- 3 Ave Goal diff (last 3).....   -4.3