Date Home Team Away Team Scores 204 Coker Barton 10 17 204 Florida Tech Flagler 6 18 204 Mars Hill Emmanuel (GA) 14 5 204 Montevallo Reinhardt 17 12 204 North Greenville Limestone 7 22 204 Tusculum Lee 6 16 207 Florida Tech St. Thomas 17 3 208 Lincoln Memorial North Greenville 18 9 208 Wingate Belmont Abbey 15 3 209 Barton St Leo 5 20 209 Catawba Young Harris 7 17 209 Lees-McRae UVA Wise 3 18 209 Lenoir-Rhyne Rollins 9 10 209 Chowan Methodist 9 19 210 Mt Olive St Leo 8 10 210 Montevallo Tampa 4 19 210 Quincy Davenport 9 7 210 Alabama Huntsville Lynn 9 13 210 Lindenwood California 9 17 210 Ave Maria Florida Tech 4 15 211 Anderson (IN) Southern Wesleyan 27 8 211 Flagler Embry-Riddle 16 11 211 Belmont Abbey UVA Wise 13 15 211 Emmanuel (GA) Coker 15 10 211 Limestone Rollins 8 13 211 Lincoln Memorial Lander 7 11 211 Mars Hill Converse 19 5 211 Queens Richmond 6 13 211 Tusculum Charleston 15 7 211 Shorter Cumberlands 4 15 211 Concordia-St Paul Indianapolis 1 18 211 Young Harris Newberry 11 10 212 Lenoir-Rhyne Lee 6 15 212 McKendree Davenport 12 9 212 Montevallo Lynn 7 17 212 Quincy Concordia-St Paul 10 11 212 Alabama Huntsville Tampa 3 19 212 Young Harris Wingate 7 20 214 Lindenwood Central Michigan 17 15 215 Boston University Stonehill 20 9 215 Elon Queens 13 9 215 Newberry Emmanuel (GA) 18 6 215 Rhodes Alabama Huntsville 10 11 215 Young Harris Embry-Riddle 9 18 216 Flagler Grand Valley State 12 14 217 McKendree Findlay 14 9 217 Mt Olive Florida Southern 12 21 217 Mars Hill Montevallo 7 14 217 Maryville Tiffin 23 1 217 Roberts Wesleyan Georgian Court 13 7 217 Rockhurst Concordia-St Paul 10 5 217 Shorter Davis & Elkins 12 7 217 Thomas More Lake Erie 7 15 218 American Internati St Anselm 7 16 218 Bloomsburg Thomas Jefferson 17 13 218 Barton Shepherd 11 16 218 Chestnut Hill Southern Connectic 1 17 218 Converse Coker 9 10 218 Lander Newberry 12 10 218 Lees-McRae Catawba 4 17 218 Lynn Regis (CO) 11 15 218 Rollins Grand Valley State 15 11 218 Shorter Anderson (IN) 8 17 218 St Thomas Aquinas Wilmington (DE) 0 17 218 Truett McConnell Erskine 8 22 218 Tampa Lincoln Memorial 18 4 218 Alabama Huntsville Tusculum 20 6 218 Indianapolis Walsh 15 9 218 West Virginia Wesl Ashland 6 21 218 Franklin Pierce Mercy 9 17 219 Alderson Broaddus Felician 9 17 219 D'Youville Georgian Court 12 18 219 Lenoir-Rhyne Montevallo 14 11 219 Louisville Lindenwood 14 7 219 McKendree Tiffin 19 5 219 Maryville Quincy 19 8 219 Indianapolis Findlay 22 2 219 UVA Wise Lee 11 12 219 Wingate Florida Southern 12 14 219 Young Harris Davis & Elkins 20 4 220 Holy Family District of Columb 22 0 220 Flagler Lincoln Memorial 17 7 220 Mt Olive Roberts Wesleyan 19 11 221 Bates Fort Lewis 11 6 221 Southern New Hamps Post 19 3 221 Shepherd West Chester 9 20 221 Tampa Adelphi 14 9 222 Anderson (IN) Lander 5 16 222 Berry Shorter 9 8 222 Catawba Barton 10 12 222 Converse Montreat 17 15 222 Dominican (NY) St Rose 18 21 222 Lee Mars Hill 20 3 222 Limestone Newberry 11 14 222 Lenoir-Rhyne Roberts Wesleyan 4 13 222 Molloy Pace 5 19 222 Stonehill Massachusetts-Lowe 10 21 222 Tusculum North Greenville 16 14 222 Franklin Pierce Colorado-Colorado 15 10 223 Nyack District of Columb 3 15 224 Charleston Lewis 9 11 224 Florida Southern Adelphi 15 10 224 Holy Cross Stonehill 19 11 224 Limestone Alabama Huntsville 11 10 224 Lincoln Memorial Florida Tech 17 16 224 McKendree Concordia-St Paul 12 14 224 North Greenville Davis & Elkins 11 6 224 Shepherd Wilmington (DE) 9 10 224 Tiffin Thomas More 10 9 225 Anderson (IN) Chowan 22 2 225 Assumption Colorado-Colorado 15 2 225 Bloomsburg Lock Haven 17 9 225 Belmont Abbey Young Harris 17 13 225 Barton Newberry 9 12 225 Dominican (NY) District of Columb 19 0 225 Frostburg State Lewis 16 5 225 Kutztown Holy Family 17 3 225 Lander Wingate 5 15 225 Lindenwood UC Davis 12 13 225 Lee Indianapolis 3 13 225 Mercy Le Moyne 8 12 225 Mercyhurst Walsh 13 12 225 Millersville Thomas Jefferson 11 12 225 Queens East Carolina 9 11 225 Southern Connectic Molloy 12 11 225 Shorter Emmanuel (GA) 15 13 225 St Thomas Aquinas Bridgeport 4 14 225 UVA Wise Montevallo 8 9 225 West Chester Bentley 17 3 225 West Virginia Wesl Mt Union 2 21 225 Northern Michigan Missouri Western 16 13 225 Felician St Rose 3 16 226 Concordia-Ann Arbo Missouri Western 2 24 226 American Internati Caldwell 19 2 226 Ashland Wilmington (DE) 12 10 226 Catawba Alabama Huntsville 2 18 226 Converse Davis & Elkins 12 10 226 Charleston Mt Union 12 13 226 East Stroudsburg Seton Hill 16 7 226 Lake Erie DAM 10 14 226 Mars Hill Florida Tech 7 21 226 Rockhurst McKendree 10 7 226 Maryville Concordia-St Paul 17 8 226 D'Youville St Anselm 6 17 227 Northern Michigan Concordia-Ann Arbo 21 0 227 North Greenville Anderson (IN) 15 13 227 Slippery Rock Findlay 15 6 227 Tampa Georgian Court 22 7 228 Chowan Tiffin 12 13 228 Embry-Riddle Gannon 19 8 228 Lynn Davenport 18 4 228 McKendree Maryville 8 20 228 Palm Beach Atlanti Bridgeport 13 9 228 West Virginia Wesl Wilmington (DE) 5 18 228 DAM Walsh 2 21 228 Rockhurst Regis (CO) 9 17 301 Shippensburg Seton Hill 7 11 301 American Internati Bentley 6 15 301 Anderson (IN) Converse 28 4 301 Birmingham-Souther Montevallo 4 16 301 D'Youville Edinboro 17 3 301 Erskine Belmont Abbey 0 25 301 Gardner Webb Queens 10 15 301 Indiana (PA) Findlay 19 1 301 Lander Limestone 9 12 301 Le Moyne Roberts Wesleyan 16 6 301 St Leo Georgian Court 14 6 301 Lincoln Memorial UVA Wise 15 16 301 Mercy Assumption 13 11 301 Molloy New Haven 9 14 301 Shepherd Lock Haven 12 7 301 St Thomas Aquinas Chestnut Hill 5 11 301 St. Thomas Dominican (NY) 4 23 301 Indianapolis Notre Dame (OH) 17 2 301 Holy Family Millersville 13 18 302 Alderson Broaddus Wilmington (DE) 5 19 302 Barton Tiffin 16 8 302 Lynn Bridgeport 21 4 302 Palm Beach Atlanti Dominican (NY) 2 16 302 Shorter Rollins 2 20 302 Missouri Western Regis (CO) 7 11 303 Embry-Riddle Davenport 16 9 303 Florida Tech Gannon 19 7 303 Lancaster Bible Nyack 12 5 303 Lewis Northern Michigan 8 15 303 Colorado Mesa Grand Valley State 8 13 303 Rockhurst Colorado-Colorado 18 7 303 St Rose DAM 16 5 303 Southern New Hamps St Thomas Aquinas 21 2 304 Anderson (IN) Coker 19 6 304 Bloomsburg Indiana (PA) 11 10 304 Belmont Abbey Southern Wesleyan 26 1 304 Catawba Lander 11 20 304 Chowan Converse 12 18 304 Emmanuel (GA) North Greenville 10 14 304 East Stroudsburg Pace 6 16 304 Lee Florida Southern 9 15 304 Lenoir-Rhyne Mars Hill 15 7 304 Mercy Adelphi 5 9 304 Mercyhurst D'Youville 20 14 304 Mt Olive Seton Hill 12 14 304 Newberry Lincoln Memorial 16 8 304 Queens Stonehill 18 12 304 Roberts Wesleyan Assumption 10 16 304 Shippensburg Frostburg State 9 8 304 Shepherd Chestnut Hill 20 2 304 Slippery Rock Millersville 17 16 304 Tiffin West Virginia Wesl 11 8 304 Tampa Indianapolis 11 12 304 District of Columb Edinboro 14 20 304 UVA Wise Limestone 12 15 304 West Chester Thomas Jefferson 19 10 304 Wingate Tusculum 21 5 304 Wilmington (DE) Kutztown 8 19 304 Young Harris Rollins 5 18 305 Bentley Southern Connectic 15 7 305 Dominican (NY) Davis & Elkins 18 2 305 Lock Haven D'Youville 16 6 305 Manhattan Lindenwood 5 20 305 Molloy Lake Erie 17 2 305 Montevallo SCAD 13 8 305 Missouri Western Colorado-Colorado 11 5 305 Ohio Northern West Virginia Wesl 17 4 305 Quincy Northern Michigan 4 15 305 Regis (CO) Grand Valley State 14 10 305 Alabama Huntsville Florida Southern 14 20 306 Franklin Pierce New Haven 8 20 306 Charleston Young Harris 10 13 306 Florida Tech Ashland 20 4 306 Holy Family Southern New Hamps 5 20 306 St Michaels Post 12 7 306 WAR Concordia-St Paul 0 19 306 Wingate Tampa 12 16 306 Roberts Wesleyan St Rose 8 7 307 Millersville Georgian Court 14 10 307 Anderson (IN) Emmanuel (GA) 16 5 307 Chowan Edinboro 12 13 307 Dominican (NY) St Thomas Aquinas 20 3 307 Embry-Riddle Mt Olive 11 10 307 FDI Lindenwood 7 15 307 Felician Lake Erie 13 14 307 Fort Lewis Lewis 7 11 307 Furman Stonehill 12 11 307 Indiana (PA) Walsh 6 7 307 St Leo Seton Hill 13 11 307 Limestone Shippensburg 17 6 307 Flagler Notre Dame (OH) 18 7 308 Roberts Wesleyan Gannon 18 4 308 Belmont Abbey Catawba 19 3 308 Barton Young Harris 8 10 308 CSU Pueblo Lewis 12 14 308 Kutztown Shepherd 10 6 308 Le Moyne DAM 19 2 308 Lynn Ashland 15 8 308 Lynn Lee 15 11 308 Lenoir-Rhyne Lander 7 10 308 Mercy Bloomsburg 15 9 308 Molloy Davis & Elkins 17 2 308 Newberry Southern Wesleyan 22 4 308 Rollins Concordia-St Paul 19 6 308 St Michaels St Anselm 2 12 308 Southern Connectic Caldwell 20 3 308 Slippery Rock D'Youville 11 4 308 District of Columb Chestnut Hill 6 17 309 Franklin Pierce Bentley 9 21 309 Frostburg State East Stroudsburg 8 12 309 Florida Southern Notre Dame (OH) 20 7 309 Maryville Northern Michigan 21 11 309 Webber Internation Emmanuel (GA) 22 16 309 Wingate Shippensburg 17 6 309 Findlay Grand Valley State 10 19 310 St Rose Post 16 4 310 Walsh Davenport 8 7 310 North Greenville Shorter 14 6 310 Palm Beach Atlanti Ashland 8 5 310 Caldwell St Thomas Aquinas 7 18 310 Embry-Riddle Lee 13 10 310 Flagler Holy Family 18 9 310 Colorado Mesa Fort Lewis 20 6 310 Queens Winthrop 17 6 310 Alabama Huntsville St Leo 12 14 310 Westminster (UT) CSU Pueblo 21 18 310 Colorado-Colorado Lewis 20 13 310 Rockhurst Northern Michigan 16 9 311 Anderson (IN) Limestone 8 15 311 Assumption St Michaels 15 2 311 Belmont Abbey West Chester 6 19 311 Bridgeport American Internati 12 13 311 Chestnut Hill Davis & Elkins 11 4 311 Chowan Lees-McRae 6 8 311 Converse UVA Wise 6 21 311 D'Youville Felician 15 1 311 Kutztown Lock Haven 18 6 311 Lindenwood Butler 8 13 311 Lake Erie Edinboro 11 6 311 Mercyhurst Le Moyne 6 18 311 Millersville Wilmington (DE) 20 11 311 Mars Hill Catawba 11 9 311 New Haven Thomas Jefferson 15 7 311 Adelphi Roberts Wesleyan 15 6 311 Rollins Seton Hill 13 10 311 Southern Connectic St Anselm 8 15 311 Southern Wesleyan Barton 5 23 311 Montevallo St Leo 7 11 312 East Stroudsburg Indiana (PA) 13 10 312 Bloomsburg Southern New Hamps 10 17 312 Coker Tusculum 6 20 312 Embry-Riddle Holy Family 16 9 312 Findlay Frostburg State 14 11 312 Florida Tech Newberry 20 5 312 Florida Southern Pace 12 8 312 Grand Valley State Indianapolis 12 13 312 Lincoln Memorial McKendree 12 11 312 Lynn Slippery Rock 15 8 312 Molloy Georgian Court 14 13 312 Maryville Missouri Western 12 11 312 Colorado Mesa CSU Pueblo 20 5 312 Tiffin Davenport 3 18 312 Westminster (UT) Fort Lewis 19 11 312 DAM Gannon 14 13 313 Montreat Nyack 24 3 313 North Greenville UVA Wise 9 11 313 Palm Beach Atlanti Quincy 12 13 313 Queens Wofford 16 7 314 Ashland Maryville 6 20 314 Flagler Newberry 14 6 314 Lees-McRae Mt Olive 4 23 314 Colorado Mesa Rockhurst 17 7 314 Palm Beach Atlanti Slippery Rock 6 22 314 Shippensburg Kutztown 3 14 314 Shorter Missouri Baptist 12 15 314 Concordia-St Paul UW Stout 21 0 314 Walsh McKendree 17 8 314 Southern Wesleyan Nyack 19 4 315 Catawba Wingate 4 20 315 Caldwell District of Columb 21 5 315 Coker Lenoir-Rhyne 8 19 315 D'Youville Lake Erie 16 1 315 Edinboro Seton Hill 0 22 315 Findlay Maryville 6 21 315 Florida Tech Quincy 17 6 315 Lynn New Haven 12 9 315 Lock Haven Mercyhurst 13 12 315 Madonna Tiffin 11 16 315 Millersville East Stroudsburg 9 11 315 Mars Hill Limestone 4 23 315 Rollins Alabama Huntsville 14 4 315 Southern Connectic St Michaels 17 2 315 Shepherd Bloomsburg 5 13 315 Tampa Pace 8 19 315 Tusculum Anderson (IN) 13 14 315 West Chester Le Moyne 12 9 315 Young Harris Lincoln Memorial 17 18 315 Gannon Indiana (PA) 9 16 316 Assumption St Thomas Aquinas 18 2 316 Ashland McKendree 4 12 316 CSU Pueblo Rockhurst 6 16 316 Florida Southern Mercy 16 13 316 Holy Family Molloy 11 21 316 Lander Embry-Riddle 8 15 316 St Leo Bentley 12 13 316 SCAD St Michaels 13 11 316 Walsh Notre Dame (OH) 17 7 316 Converse Nyack 20 2 317 Davenport Indianapolis 7 16 317 Findlay DAM 17 10 317 Franklin Pierce Roberts Wesleyan 9 20 317 Grand Valley State Maryville 12 15 317 Lee Missouri Western 8 11 317 Lynn Kutztown 13 11 317 Northern Michigan Concordia-St Paul 13 11 317 Rollins New Haven 11 10 317 SCAD Southern Connectic 9 21 317 Detroit Mercy Lindenwood 9 15 317 Indiana (PA) Edinboro 20 2 318 Bloomsburg Millersville 12 14 318 Belmont Abbey Embry-Riddle 10 11 318 Bridgeport Chestnut Hill 13 9 318 Coker Mars Hill 6 11 318 Dominican (NY) Wilmington (DE) 23 11 318 D'Youville District of Columb 18 3 318 Erskine Nyack 19 3 318 FDI Stonehill 7 22 318 Florida Tech Alabama Huntsville 19 12 318 Frostburg State Shepherd 10 12 318 Florida Southern Bentley 16 17 318 Gannon Lock Haven 14 13 318 Georgian Court Felician 21 3 318 Lees-McRae Barton 6 18 318 Lincoln Memorial Wingate 9 20 318 Lenoir-Rhyne Catawba 18 9 318 Mt Olive Emmanuel (GA) 23 2 318 Notre Dame (OH) Regis (CO) 2 17 318 Thomas Jefferson East Stroudsburg 8 15 318 Post Holy Family 11 19 318 Rockhurst Fort Lewis 15 7 318 Robert Morris Queens 11 10 318 Seton Hill Slippery Rock 14 5 318 Shippensburg West Chester 4 17 318 Shorter Converse 8 19 318 Southern New Hamps Adelphi 4 12 318 St Thomas Aquinas Molloy 2 23 318 St Rose Pace 16 20 318 Southern Wesleyan Chowan 17 12 318 Tampa Mercy 18 15 318 UVA Wise Anderson (IN) 13 12 319 Ashland DAM 10 9 319 Charleston St Anselm 4 21 319 Davenport Maryville 5 18 319 Grand Valley State Mercyhurst 17 2 319 Kent State Lindenwood 13 18 319 Flagler St Leo 18 11 319 Thomas Jefferson Caldwell 24 3 319 Tusculum Missouri Western 7 18 319 Indianapolis Regis (CO) 12 14 320 Lander Mt Olive 11 16 320 Post St Thomas Aquinas 17 8 321 Erskine CSU Pueblo 5 21 321 Le Moyne Franklin Pierce 19 10 321 St Leo Colorado Mesa 13 7 321 Flagler Palm Beach Atlanti 20 8 321 North Greenville Converse 16 11 321 Southern Connectic Pace 11 18 321 Shepherd Shippensburg 16 6 321 Southern New Hamps St Rose 20 15 321 Tampa Frostburg State 17 6 321 West Chester East Stroudsburg 16 5 322 UVA Wise Lenoir-Rhyne 16 14 322 Adelphi New Haven 9 5 322 Bentley Assumption 14 13 322 Bloomsburg Kutztown 11 16 322 Belmont Abbey Lees-McRae 21 2 322 Catawba CSU Pueblo 19 13 322 Felician Dominican (NY) 6 25 322 Holy Family Georgian Court 6 17 322 Mercyhurst Indiana (PA) 6 12 322 Thomas Jefferson Molloy 16 19 322 Post Caldwell 21 7 322 San Diego State Lindenwood 15 9 322 Seton Hill Gannon 15 4 322 Shorter Missouri Western 2 17 322 Slippery Rock Lock Haven 17 9 322 Wingate Newberry 18 8 322 Wilmington (DE) Chestnut Hill 22 3 322 Walsh Northern Michigan 13 10 322 Nyack Bridgeport 2 18 323 Barton Mt Olive 6 20 323 Findlay Davenport 19 10 323 Hartford St Michaels 7 15 323 Lee Palm Beach Atlanti 13 6 323 St Leo Frostburg State 18 10 323 Lewis Missouri Baptist 23 7 323 Rollins Colorado Mesa 13 9 323 Notre Dame (OH) Quincy 11 8 323 Edinboro DAM 7 18 324 Franklin Pierce Southern New Hamps 9 18 324 Ashland Charleston 11 8 324 Montevallo Lander 9 18 324 Regis (CO) Colorado-Colorado 15 7 324 Concordia-St Paul Grand Valley State 10 17 324 Lake Erie Tiffin 6 14 324 Alabama Huntsville Missouri Western 17 15 324 Indianapolis Northern Michigan 18 5 324 Dominican (NY) Holy Family 18 8 325 Adelphi Assumption 10 9 325 Anderson (IN) Catawba 21 5 325 Belmont Abbey Lenoir-Rhyne 17 9 325 Bridgeport Georgian Court 12 20 325 Caldwell Wilmington (DE) 0 22 325 Chestnut Hill Post 3 17 325 Chowan North Greenville 11 17 325 Emmanuel (GA) Southern Wesleyan 13 2 325 East Stroudsburg Shepherd 13 5 325 Florida Tech Tampa 7 18 325 Florida Southern Colorado Mesa 24 12 325 Limestone Tusculum 19 6 325 Lees-McRae Erskine 20 9 325 Lincoln Memorial Coker 18 2 325 Lock Haven Edinboro 17 3 325 McKendree Northern Michigan 13 16 325 Mercy Roberts Wesleyan 11 8 325 Mercyhurst Seton Hill 5 13 325 Millersville Shippensburg 20 11 325 Newberry UVA Wise 15 12 325 New Haven St Rose 12 7 325 Pace Le Moyne 16 5 325 Queens Presbyterian 17 7 325 Rockhurst Maryville 10 17 325 St Anselm American Internati 17 7 325 Slippery Rock Indiana (PA) 9 10 325 Stonehill Wagner 10 19 325 Molloy District of Columb 20 1 325 West Chester Bloomsburg 16 5 325 Wingate Mars Hill 22 2 325 West Virginia Wesl Quincy 2 20 325 Young Harris Palm Beach Atlanti 13 14 325 Nyack Thomas Jefferson 0 25 326 DAM Tiffin 17 2 326 Ashland Walsh 4 16 326 Flagler Lee 21 12 326 Charleston Quincy 13 10 326 Findlay Lake Erie 22 3 326 Gannon D'Youville 12 14 326 Concordia-St Paul Davenport 15 14 326 St Thomas Aquinas Roberts Wesleyan 3 19 326 Alabama Huntsville Lander 12 9 326 Indianapolis Lewis 22 8 326 West Virginia Wesl Notre Dame (OH) 2 24 327 Truett McConnell Emmanuel (GA) 1 20 328 Nyack Caldwell 5 19 328 Bridgeport Felician 17 5 328 Converse Erskine 21 7 328 Georgian Court Chestnut Hill 26 4 328 Holy Family Thomas Jefferson 15 13 328 Mt Olive Chowan 20 1 328 Post Dominican (NY) 6 23 329 Lynn Flagler 11 12 329 American Internati Southern Connectic 9 19 329 Bentley Mercy 19 22 329 Catawba Coker 13 7 329 Edinboro Mercyhurst 1 14 329 Embry-Riddle Montevallo 16 9 329 East Stroudsburg Bloomsburg 13 7 329 Franklin Pierce Molloy 6 18 329 Gannon Slippery Rock 3 13 329 Indiana (PA) Shippensburg 11 5 329 Kutztown West Chester 8 19 329 Lenoir-Rhyne Wingate 5 18 329 Lock Haven Seton Hill 4 16 329 Millersville Shepherd 15 11 329 North Greenville Belmont Abbey 5 15 329 New Haven Le Moyne 6 18 329 Pace Adelphi 15 5 329 Quincy Missouri Baptist 18 7 329 St Anselm Southern New Hamps 13 10 329 Stonehill Merrimack 13 4 329 St Rose St Michaels 17 4 329 Tusculum Lincoln Memorial 8 17 329 Alabama Huntsville Young Harris 21 10 329 West Virginia Wesl Frostburg State 2 26 329 Newberry Anderson (IN) 14 9 329 UVA Wise Mars Hill 18 7 330 Charleston Alderson Broaddus 18 5 330 Davis & Elkins Notre Dame (OH) 4 14 330 Maryville McKendree 24 8 331 CSU Pueblo Regis (CO) 3 19 331 Fort Lewis Colorado-Colorado 10 16 331 Grand Valley State Northern Michigan 16 8 331 Lander Shorter 19 7 331 St Leo Tampa 1 18 331 Limestone Lee 13 11 331 Lake Erie Walsh 1 22 331 Queens Lindenwood 14 5 331 District of Columb DAM 7 23 331 Wilmington (DE) Nyack 24 2 331 Caldwell Holy Family 3 23 401 Adelphi St Anselm 13 10 401 American Internati Assumption 6 17 401 Bentley St Rose 16 17 401 Chestnut Hill Felician 11 8 401 Converse Lees-McRae 18 8 401 Coker Limestone 3 23 401 Dominican (NY) Georgian Court 17 10 401 D'Youville St Thomas Aquinas 15 5 401 Edinboro Gannon 4 20 401 Emmanuel (GA) Barton 13 18 401 Embry-Riddle Florida Tech 14 9 401 Erskine Chowan 11 20 401 Florida Southern Lynn 21 10 401 Kutztown Millersville 19 7 401 Le Moyne St Michaels 23 2 401 Lincoln Memorial Lenoir-Rhyne 10 11 401 Mercyhurst Slippery Rock 13 10 401 Mt Olive Belmont Abbey 19 14 401 Mars Hill Newberry 2 17 401 Colorado Mesa Westminster (UT) 18 7 401 Flagler Montevallo 19 8 401 Missouri Western Quincy 11 6 401 Rollins Palm Beach Atlanti 21 4 401 Southern Connectic Franklin Pierce 21 11 401 St Francis Stonehill 19 18 401 Shippensburg East Stroudsburg 3 17 401 Southern New Hamps Pace 5 19 401 Southern Wesleyan North Greenville 6 15 401 Tusculum Catawba 15 3 401 Indianapolis West Chester 11 15 401 Wingate UVA Wise 20 1 402 Indiana (PA) Lock Haven 15 4 402 Alderson Broaddus Frostburg State 3 20 402 CSU Pueblo Colorado-Colorado 12 23 402 Davis & Elkins Charleston 3 10 402 Davenport Northern Michigan 5 15 402 Findlay Tiffin 21 5 402 Fort Lewis Regis (CO) 2 18 402 Lander Lee 15 10 402 Lake Erie Ashland 9 16 402 Molloy Mercy 14 13 402 Notre Dame (OH) Grand Valley State 2 19 402 Thomas Jefferson Post 22 10 403 Walsh Tiffin 18 2 403 Quincy Ottawa 22 12 404 Barton Erskine 20 3 404 Harvard Stonehill 13 6 404 Le Moyne American Internati 24 2 404 Lock Haven Chestnut Hill 20 0 404 Pace New Haven 20 10 404 St Michaels Franklin Pierce 8 12 404 Southern Connectic Adelphi 7 17 404 Southern New Hamps Bentley 12 15 404 West Chester Millersville 24 5 404 Young Harris Shorter 18 6 404 Caldwell Dominican (NY) 4 21 405 Alderson Broaddus Davis & Elkins 9 19 405 Assumption St Anselm 8 17 405 Bloomsburg Shippensburg 18 11 405 Belmont Abbey Lander 18 20 405 Converse Emmanuel (GA) 14 15 405 Davenport Concordia-St Paul 8 12 405 East Stroudsburg Kutztown 10 9 405 Felician Nyack 20 3 405 Frostburg State Notre Dame (OH) 14 13 405 Georgian Court Thomas Jefferson 15 11 405 Lynn St Leo 17 10 405 Lenoir-Rhyne Mt Olive 8 18 405 Mercyhurst Gannon 9 10 405 Palm Beach Atlanti Florida Tech 7 17 405 Post Bridgeport 16 21 405 Rollins Embry-Riddle 9 8 405 Seton Hill Indiana (PA) 15 12 405 Slippery Rock Edinboro 9 10 405 Tampa Florida Southern 15 14 405 Wilmington (DE) Holy Family 19 12 405 Charleston West Virginia Wesl 17 3 406 Lees-McRae Tusculum 6 19 406 Ashland Findlay 11 10 406 Lindenwood Stetson 18 17 406 Lewis Maryville 8 22 406 McKendree Indianapolis 4 19 406 Montevallo Alabama Huntsville 11 21 406 Queens Delaware State 12 2 406 Regis (CO) Colorado Mesa 17 11 406 Rockhurst Missouri Western 13 12 406 Colorado-Colorado Westminster (UT) 17 7 407 CSU Pueblo Fort Lewis 9 17 407 Grand Valley State Concordia-St Paul 19 5 407 Indiana (PA) Gannon 12 9 407 Post D'Youville 11 18 407 Southern Wesleyan Mt Olive 3 23 407 Notre Dame (OH) Alderson Broaddus 17 3 408 Tiffin Ashland 4 12 408 Assumption Le Moyne 10 14 408 Bloomsburg Shepherd 13 9 408 Chowan Emmanuel (GA) 5 16 408 DAM Molloy 10 21 408 Davenport Thomas More 20 5 408 Embry-Riddle Lynn 15 9 408 East Stroudsburg Millersville 16 10 408 Florida Tech St Leo 11 15 408 Frostburg State Charleston 16 9 408 Florida Southern Rollins 17 15 408 Kutztown Shippensburg 17 5 408 Lindenwood Jacksonville 6 26 408 Lenoir-Rhyne Tusculum 17 5 408 McKendree Lewis 11 10 408 Mercy St Thomas Aquinas 19 0 408 Mercyhurst Lock Haven 14 11 408 Maryville Indianapolis 14 15 408 Newberry Catawba 25 2 408 North Greenville Barton 12 11 408 New Haven American Internati 23 8 408 Palm Beach Atlanti Tampa 4 23 408 Pace Bentley 21 7 408 Queens Liberty 5 14 408 Quincy Rockhurst 8 12 408 Roberts Wesleyan District of Columb 20 2 408 St Michaels Adelphi 6 18 408 Southern Connectic Southern New Hamps 11 15 408 Seton Hill Edinboro 20 4 408 Stonehill Sacred Heart 8 11 408 St Rose Franklin Pierce 19 8 408 Colorado-Colorado Colorado Mesa 7 15 408 UVA Wise Coker 22 5 408 Wingate Anderson (IN) 13 6 408 Regis (CO) Westminster (UT) 20 4 408 Flagler Young Harris 20 7 408 West Virginia Wesl Davis & Elkins 3 16 408 Shorter Montevallo 2 17 411 Nyack Chestnut Hill 2 17 411 Bridgeport Wilmington (DE) 14 17 411 D'Youville DAM 13 10 411 Georgian Court Post 17 7 411 New Haven Mercy 17 7 411 Thomas Jefferson Dominican (NY) 19 14 411 Shorter Alabama Huntsville 5 19 411 Holy Family Felician 19 3 412 Grand Valley State Davenport 21 10 412 Walsh Findlay 13 8 412 Adelphi St Rose 17 6 412 American Internati Southern New Hamps 8 23 412 Anderson (IN) Lenoir-Rhyne 14 15 412 Bentley St Michaels 17 5 412 Barton Belmont Abbey 8 20 412 Catawba Limestone 2 21 412 Southern Wesleyan Converse 6 19 412 Emmanuel (GA) Erskine 24 3 412 Embry-Riddle Palm Beach Atlanti 18 6 412 Franklin Pierce Assumption 9 20 412 Gannon Seton Hill 8 15 412 Indiana (PA) Mercyhurst 14 12 412 St Leo Florida Southern 10 17 412 LIU Stonehill 11 15 412 Lees-McRae North Greenville 10 13 412 Lincoln Memorial Mars Hill 16 3 412 Lock Haven Slippery Rock 8 14 412 Millersville Bloomsburg 16 12 412 Mt Olive Wingate 8 18 412 Coker Newberry 9 20 412 Rollins Lynn 14 10 412 St Anselm Le Moyne 11 13 412 Shepherd Kutztown 9 10 412 West Chester Shippensburg 21 0 412 Young Harris Lee 15 22 412 Tusculum UVA Wise 14 9 413 Alderson Broaddus West Virginia Wesl 14 17 413 Davis & Elkins Frostburg State 5 21 413 Notre Dame (OH) Charleston 20 5 413 New Haven Southern Connectic 19 12 414 Ashland Lake Erie 21 5 414 CSU Pueblo Westminster (UT) 7 18 414 Fort Lewis Colorado Mesa 8 10 414 Missouri Western Maryville 15 25 414 Quincy McKendree 9 11 414 Rockhurst Indianapolis 3 18 414 Walsh Grand Valley State 5 16 414 Augsburg Northern Michigan 3 19 415 American Internati Franklin Pierce 17 20 415 Anderson (IN) Mars Hill 20 6 415 Assumption St Rose 16 11 415 Catawba Lincoln Memorial 7 16 415 Caldwell Georgian Court 6 21 415 Chestnut Hill Dominican (NY) 1 24 415 Chowan Belmont Abbey 3 26 415 Converse Barton 10 15 415 Emmanuel (GA) Lees-McRae 21 11 415 Erskine Southern Wesleyan 10 20 415 Florida Southern Embry-Riddle 26 14 415 Indiana (PA) Edinboro 21 2 415 Lee Montevallo 13 8 415 Le Moyne Adelphi 14 8 415 Lynn Florida Tech 18 8 415 Lenoir-Rhyne Limestone 13 15 415 Lock Haven Gannon 14 7 415 Mt Olive North Greenville 25 5 415 Molloy D'Youville 17 6 415 Palm Beach Atlanti St Leo 7 20 415 Pace St Anselm 18 7 415 Thomas Jefferson Bridgeport 25 5 415 Queens Kennesaw State 14 8 415 Roberts Wesleyan Post 18 3 415 Shippensburg Millersville 12 16 415 Shepherd East Stroudsburg 5 15 415 Slippery Rock Seton Hill 11 15 415 Stonehill Howard 24 5 415 St Thomas Aquinas DAM 8 16 415 Tampa Rollins 17 7 415 Tusculum Newberry 6 11 415 Alabama Huntsville Flagler 12 15 415 Colorado-Colorado Regis (CO) 9 23 415 District of Columb Mercy 0 18 415 Wingate Coker 22 2 415 Wilmington (DE) Felician 18 4 415 Holy Family Nyack 25 1 415 Chicago Lewis 24 7 416 Bloomsburg West Chester 8 18 416 CSU Pueblo Colorado Mesa 1 19 416 Charleston Davis & Elkins 17 5 416 Dominican (NY) D'Youville 17 4 416 Frostburg State Alderson Broaddus 25 1 416 Grand Valley State Davenport 14 5 416 Missouri Western McKendree 14 4 416 Notre Dame (OH) West Virginia Wesl 27 0 416 Quincy Maryville 5 20 416 Rockhurst Lewis 18 12 416 Shorter Flagler 7 24 416 Southern New Hamps New Haven 18 22 416 Concordia-St Paul Northern Michigan 7 11 416 Tiffin Findlay 2 19 416 Fort Lewis Westminster (MO) 14 13 416 Walsh Lake Erie 23 3 416 Lindenwood Coastal Carolina 14 13 418 Mt Olive Erskine 1 0 418 Limestone Lincoln Memorial 16 5 418 Adelphi Bentley 8 13 418 American Internati Pace 5 20 418 Belmont Abbey Converse 24 3 418 DAM Roberts Wesleyan 1 14 418 Franklin Pierce St Anselm 14 22 418 Georgian Court Mercy 9 23 418 Hartford Southern Connectic 5 18 418 Mercyhurst Edinboro 20 3 418 St Michaels Southern New Hamps 7 21 418 Shippensburg Shepherd 9 8 418 St Rose Le Moyne 7 17 419 East Stroudsburg West Chester 9 11 419 Kutztown Bloomsburg 19 6 419 Alderson Broaddus Charleston 6 19 419 Nyack Post 4 19 419 Assumption New Haven 11 13 419 Embry-Riddle Tampa 7 14 419 Felician Caldwell 19 12 419 Florida Tech Florida Southern 11 20 419 Frostburg State West Virginia Wesl 26 4 419 Holy Family Chestnut Hill 15 3 419 Lee Shorter 23 0 419 St Leo Rollins 12 18 419 Lynn Palm Beach Atlanti 19 2 419 Notre Dame (OH) Davis & Elkins 19 3 419 Newberry Lenoir-Rhyne 11 10 419 Thomas Jefferson Wilmington (DE) 21 12 419 Seton Hill Lock Haven 18 8 419 Slippery Rock Gannon 8 7 419 Stonehill Bryant 13 17 419 Young Harris Lander 7 20 420 Stetson Queens 12 16 420 Ashland Tiffin 14 1 420 Delaware State Lindenwood 6 17 421 Belmont Abbey Emmanuel (GA) 23 8 421 Barton Chowan 22 5 421 Findlay Walsh 8 15 421 Lewis Missouri Western 7 18 421 Lees-McRae Southern Wesleyan 20 7 421 Mt Olive Converse 1 0 421 Maryville Rockhurst 26 11 421 Colorado Mesa Colorado-Colorado 17 6 421 Northern Michigan Davenport 13 8 421 Indianapolis Quincy 15 3 421 Charleston Frostburg State 14 9 421 Westminster (UT) Regis (CO) 3 21 422 Alderson Broaddus Notre Dame (OH) 3 21 422 Bentley Le Moyne 10 13 422 Central Connecticu Stonehill 4 17 422 Chestnut Hill Caldwell 17 10 422 Davis & Elkins West Virginia Wesl 23 13 422 D'Youville Mercy 5 18 422 Edinboro Lock Haven 8 25 422 East Stroudsburg Shippensburg 17 8 422 Felician Thomas Jefferson 3 22 422 Fort Lewis CSU Pueblo 18 11 422 Franklin Pierce Pace 7 21 422 Florida Southern Palm Beach Atlanti 21 6 422 Georgian Court Nyack 23 0 422 Indiana (PA) Slippery Rock 20 8 422 Jacksonville Queens 27 6 422 Lander Flagler 16 21 422 Lee Alabama Huntsville 8 11 422 St Leo Embry-Riddle 8 18 422 Limestone Wingate 10 19 422 Lincoln Memorial Anderson (IN) 20 13 422 Millersville Kutztown 11 17 422 Mars Hill Tusculum 9 12 422 Montevallo Young Harris 14 9 422 Post Wilmington (DE) 8 25 422 Roberts Wesleyan Molloy 13 12 422 Bridgeport Holy Family 9 13 422 Rollins Florida Tech 16 6 422 St Michaels American Internati 15 18 422 St Anselm New Haven 15 13 422 Seton Hill Mercyhurst 15 11 422 Southern New Hamps Assumption 16 17 422 St Rose Southern Connectic 9 17 422 Tampa Lynn 19 4 422 UVA Wise Catawba 14 7 422 West Chester Shepherd 19 5 422 Liberty Lindenwood 22 8 423 Findlay Ashland 11 6 423 Lewis Quincy 9 15 423 McKendree Rockhurst 5 18 423 Colorado Mesa Regis (CO) 14 13 423 Northern Michigan Grand Valley State 10 23 423 Indianapolis Missouri Western 17 4 423 Westminster (UT) Colorado-Colorado 20 16 425 Dominican (NY) Bridgeport 25 7 425 Barton Emmanuel (GA) 17 3 425 Nyack Trinity (DC) 15 1 425 Limestone Lincoln Memorial 15 18 425 North Greenville Converse 16 9 425 UVA Wise Lenoir-Rhyne 8 7 426 Assumption Pace 5 22 426 Bentley St Anselm 14 10 426 Bloomsburg East Stroudsburg 8 17 426 Edinboro Slippery Rock 3 24 426 Franklin Pierce Adelphi 8 19 426 Gannon Mercyhurst 10 12 426 Indiana (PA) Seton Hill 6 14 426 Le Moyne Southern Connectic 20 9 426 New Haven St Michaels 19 4 426 Thomas Jefferson Mercy 7 17 426 Shepherd Millersville 12 18 426 St Rose American Internati 18 6 426 West Chester Kutztown 22 5 426 Regis (CO) CSU Pueblo 22 2 427 Caldwell Molloy 5 20 427 Davis & Elkins Alderson Broaddus 15 3 427 Notre Dame (OH) Frostburg State 9 10 427 West Virginia Wesl Charleston 2 20 427 Tampa Embry-Riddle 12 10 427 Florida Southern Rollins 15 13 428 Lake Erie Tiffin 14 7 428 Regis (CO) Fort Lewis 19 5 428 Colorado-Colorado CSU Pueblo 23 13 428 Grand Valley State Davenport 21 2 428 Concordia-St Paul Northern Michigan 11 15 428 Flagler Lee 20 14 428 Alabama Huntsville Lander 13 15 428 Barton Mt Olive 7 16 428 Belmont Abbey North Greenville 21 8 428 Indianapolis Missouri Western 15 9 428 Maryville Rockhurst 20 12 429 American Internati Adelphi 3 20 429 Coastal Carolina Queens 20 10 429 Caldwell Bridgeport 10 22 429 Chestnut Hill Thomas Jefferson 3 24 429 Dominican (NY) Nyack 20 1 429 Felician Post 11 15 429 Gannon Edinboro 23 4 429 Kennesaw State Lindenwood 15 14 429 Kutztown East Stroudsburg 16 14 429 Le Moyne Southern New Hamps 15 8 429 Lock Haven Indiana (PA) 12 14 429 Mercy DAM 19 6 429 Millersville West Chester 12 24 429 New Haven Bentley 15 11 429 Pace St Michaels 21 7 429 Roberts Wesleyan D'Youville 10 5 429 St Anselm St Rose 20 8 429 Southern Connectic Assumption 9 12 429 Shippensburg Bloomsburg 6 12 429 Slippery Rock Mercyhurst 7 9 429 District of Columb St Thomas Aquinas 5 16 429 Wilmington (DE) Georgian Court 16 15 429 Westminster (UT) Colorado Mesa 8 17 429 Walsh Ashland 18 8 429 Frostburg State Davis & Elkins 21 3 429 Wingate UVA Wise 20 3 429 Newberry Lincoln Memorial 18 11 430 Charleston Notre Dame (OH) 11 13 430 Lake Erie Findlay 4 22 430 Colorado-Colorado Fort Lewis 13 9 430 West Virginia Wesl Alderson Broaddus 15 10 430 Tampa Florida Southern 17 16 430 Flagler Lander 16 12 430 Mt Olive Belmont Abbey 11 9 430 Grand Valley State Northern Michigan 11 10 430 Indianapolis Maryville 13 8 501 Wingate Newberry 14 8 502 Georgian Court Holy Family 15 10 502 Wilmington (DE) Bridgeport 18 11 502 Pace Southern New Hamps 19 6 502 Le Moyne Assumption 17 7 502 Adelphi New Haven 14 11 502 Bentley St Anselm 10 11 502 Kutztown East Stroudsburg 12 9 502 Indiana (PA) Mercyhurst 10 11 503 Queens Kennesaw State 14 8 503 Coastal Carolina Lindenwood 17 11 503 Notre Dame (OH) Charleston 12 10 503 Frostburg State Davis & Elkins 17 0 504 Roberts Wesleyan Molloy 13 7 504 Mercy D'Youville 19 5 504 Walsh Tiffin 23 5 504 Findlay Ashland 12 10 504 Liberty Queens 21 8 505 Regis (CO) Westminster (UT) 20 6 505 Colorado Mesa Colorado-Colorado 14 6 505 Pace St Anselm 21 4 505 Le Moyne Adelphi 17 6 505 West Chester Mercyhurst 18 6 505 Seton Hill Kutztown 9 7 506 Dominican (NY) Georgian Court 15 11 506 Thomas Jefferson Wilmington (DE) 22 12 506 Walsh Findlay 9 8 507 Mercy Roberts Wesleyan 9 8 507 Frostburg State Notre Dame (OH) 17 10 507 Pace Le Moyne 13 14 507 West Chester Seton Hill 22 9 507 Regis (CO) Colorado Mesa 12 4 507 Dominican (NY) Thomas Jefferson 12 11 512 Regis (CO) Grand Valley State 11 15 512 Indianapolis Maryville 14 9 512 East Stroudsburg Kutztown 15 8 512 West Chester Seton Hill 21 8 512 Pace New Haven 16 10 512 Le Moyne Adelphi 12 16 512 Tampa Rollins 15 13 512 Florida Southern Flagler 19 15 514 West Chester East Stroudsburg 10 8 514 Indianapolis Grand Valley State 10 11 514 Pace Adelphi 14 5 514 Tampa Florida Southern 9 15 519 West Chester Grand Valley State 18 10 519 Florida Southern Pace 11 22 521 West Chester Pace 9 19
N (neutral site); C (Cancelled); D (Power Rating ignores game);*(ignore in conference); T(tournament)