Conf = Northeast Region = South Nickname = C Lady Bison Coach = Paul BowdenGAME LIST
Team Power Rating = 62.0620499 Date Opponent Conference (W-L, PR) Score 211 A Presbyterian Big South ( 2-15, 67.8) 6-16 213 A Gardner Webb Big South (10- 9, 77.0) 6-18 218 H District of Columbia Womens NCAA D ( 0-11, 65.9) 14- 8 226 H American Patriot Leagu ( 9- 9, 81.0) 3-16 302 H George Mason Atlantic 10 ( 3-14, 77.0) 5-18 306 A Longwood Big South ( 6-11, 72.2) 10-21 315 H Kennesaw State Atlantic Sun (11- 7, 80.6) 2-23 318 A Delaware State Atlantic Sun ( 1-13, 64.6) 8-17 320 A Old Dominion American ( 5-12, 78.2) 2-22 326 A Merrimack Northeast ( 4-12, 74.9) 6-17 330 A St Francis Northeast ( 5-11, 70.5) 5-21 402 H Sacred Heart Northeast ( 6-10, 77.8) 2-12 409 H Bryant Northeast (12- 5, 84.1) 7-22 416 A Central Connecticut Northeast ( 2-12, 68.2) 5-15 423 H Wagner Northeast ( 8-10, 80.6) 4-20 427 H Mount St Marys Northeast (15- 5, 84.4) 1-21 430 A LIU Northeast ( 6-12, 76.8) 4-22PREDICTION LIST
------------------------------------- |Real = actual goal margin | |Pred = predicted goal margin | |+ = slightly above prediction | |++ = above prediction | |+++ = well above prediction | |- = slightly below prediction | |-- = below prediction | |--- = well below prediction | |Goals* = Goals over (+) under (-) | | prediction | |n/a = Outside division | ------------------------------------- Date Opponent Score Real Pred +/- Goals* 211 A Presbyterian 6-16 -10 -6 - -3.21 213 A Gardner Webb 6-18 -12 -15 0.00 218 H District of Columbia 14- 8 6 -2 n/a 226 H American 3-16 -13 -17 0.00 302 H George Mason 5-18 -13 -13 0.00 306 A Longwood 10-21 -11 -11 0.00 315 H Kennesaw State 2-23 -21 -17 0.00 318 A Delaware State 8-17 -9 -3 -- -5.39 320 A Old Dominion 2-22 -20 -17 0.00 326 A Merrimack 6-17 -11 -13 0.00 330 A St Francis 5-21 -16 -9 -0.47 402 H Sacred Heart 2-12 -10 -14 0.00 409 H Bryant 7-22 -15 -21 0.00 416 A Central Connecticut 5-15 -10 -7 - -2.78 423 H Wagner 4-20 -16 -17 0.00 427 H Mount St Marys 1-21 -20 -21 0.00 430 A LIU 4-22 -18 -15 0.00UNDER-ACHIEVED GAMES
Date Opponent Score Real Pred +/- Goals* 218 H District of Columbia 14- 8 218 H District of Columbia 14- 8 318 A Delaware State 8-17 -9 -3 -- -5.39 211 A Presbyterian 6-16 -10 -6 - -3.21 218 H District of Columbia 14- 8 416 A Central Connecticut 5-15 -10 -7 - -2.78OVER-ACHIEVED GAMES
Date Opponent Score Real Pred +/- Goals* 218 H District of Columbia 14- 8 218 H District of Columbia 14- 8 218 H District of Columbia 14- 8/
LOCAL RATING BASED ON POWER RATING Local Power Rating....... 62.06 Local Power Rank........... 119 Local SOS Rating......... 50.87 Local SOS Rank............. 112 Local RPI Rating......... 0.26 Local RPI Rank............. 118 Championship Probability . 0.1 Championship Rank ....... 54 Local Quality Win Rating.****** Local Quality Win Rank..... 119 LOCAL PERFORMANCE BASED ON POWER RATING Ave Offensive Goals .... 5.3 Ave Defensive Goals ...... 18.2 Wins/Losses(all )...... 1-16 Ave Goal diff (all )..... -12.9 Wins/Losses(top 5)...... 0- 1 Ave Goal diff (top 5)..... -13.0 Wins/Losses(top 10)...... 0- 2 Ave Goal diff (top 10)..... -14.0 Wins/Losses(top 20)...... 0- 3 Ave Goal diff (top 20)..... -12.7 Wins/Losses(last 3)...... 0- 3 Ave Goal diff (last 3)..... -18.0