2016 NCAA Women's Division II/NAIA SCHEDULE
Date Home Team Away Team Scores 205 Montevallo Point 12 8 205 Reinhardt Columbia (SC) 7 6 206 Mount Olive North Greenville 20 1 206 Tusculum Erskine 19 3 207 Dallas Ottawa 13 8 207 Oglethorpe Columbia (SC) 4 14 207 Tampa Rollins 6 13 209 Emmanuel (GA) Converse 11 12 210 Limestone North Greenville 18 0 210 Lenoir-Rhyne Mount Olive 5 9 210 Montevallo Alabama-Huntsville 7 17 213 Converse Mount Olive 2 20 213 Emmanuel (GA) Point 9 10 ot 213 Erskine Young Harris 3 21 213 Lindenwood Indianapolis 15 0 213 Limestone Lenoir-Rhyne 16 3 213 Montevallo Reinhardt 15 18 213 North Greenville St. Andrews 13 0 213 Shorter Tusculum 11 19 213 Truett-McConnell Oglethorpe 3 14 214 Wingate Mount Olive 5 6 215 Shorter Roberts Wesleyan 10 21 216 LaGrange Emmanuel (GA) 7 20 217 Florida Tech Roberts Wesleyan 16 11 217 Reinhardt Young Harris 0 21 217 Wingate Belmont Abbey 13 9 218 Florida Southern Grand Valley State 7 10 219 Belmont Abbey Tampa 11 5 219 Cumberlands Pikeville 11 6 219 Columbia (SC) Southern Virginia 14 3 219 Lawrence Tech Charleston 19 7 219 Montreat Lincoln Memorial 2 19 219 North Greenville Brevard 11 12 ot 219 Oklahoma Baptist Saint Mary (KS) 15 2 220 Asbury Tennessee Wesleyan 4 16 220 Chowan Wingate 4 20 220 Converse Tusculum 12 23 220 Emmanuel (GA) Limestone 2 19 220 N Grand Valley State Adelphi 6 16 220 McKendree Lindenwood 5 21 220 Mount Olive Pfeiffer 15 4 220 Colorado Mesa Regis (CO) 12 15 220 N Montevallo Saint Mary (KS) 20 3 220 Newberry St. Andrews 21 2 220 Oklahoma Baptist Montevallo 17 18 ot 220 Rockhurst Alabama-Huntsville 12 16 220 N Savannah Art & Des Pikeville 20 0 220 Shorter Coker 11 14 220 St. Thomas Aquinas Mercyhurst 7 19 220 Truett-McConnell Point 1 22 220 Indianapolis Urbana 17 3 220 Whittier Westminster 16 13 220 Young Harris Lees-McRae 19 4 221 Cumberlands Savannah Art & Des 1 22 221 Columbia (SC) LaGrange 10 4 221 Lindenwood-Bellevi Alabama-Huntsville 5 20 221 Queens Tampa 15 4 221 Seton Hill Tiffin 10 9 222 Converse Chowan 12 8 222 Florida Southern Adelphi 10 16 222 Rockhurst Ottawa 19 1 223 Lenoir-Rhyne Pfeiffer 9 8 223 Point Tennessee Wesleyan 6 12 223 UVa-Wise Tusculum 18 22 224 N Lincoln Memorial Young Harris 5 22 224 Lindenwood-Bellevi Truett-McConnell 14 7 224 Shorter Alabama-Huntsville 10 12 224 West Chester Chestnut Hill 19 8 225 Catawba Belmont Abbey 12 11 ot 225 Columbia (SC) St. Andrews 13 2 225 Montreat Tennessee Wesleyan 1 19 226 Charleston Alderson Broaddus 5 10 226 Emmanuel (GA) Brevard 11 10 226 East Stroudsburg West Virginia Wesl 15 0 226 Georgetown (KY) Lawrence Tech 12 11 ot 226 Pfeiffer Lees-McRae 14 4 226 Point Asbury 15 7 226 Rollins St. Thomas Aquinas 14 3 226 S. New Hampshire Roberts Wesleyan 17 11 226 Truett-McConnell Ferrum 5 18 227 Belmont Abbey Findlay 14 6 227 Cumberlands UVa-Wise 0 16 227 Columbia (SC) Pikeville 15 1 227 Chowan Catawba 3 20 227 CSU-Pueblo Fort Lewis 8 14 227 Erskine Converse 6 13 227 Lenoir-Rhyne Saint Leo 11 6 227 McKendree Rockhurst 18 10 227 Mercy Holy Family 16 3 227 Millersville West Virginia Wesl 17 5 227 Midland Cornell (IA) 13 11 227 Montevallo Shorter 8 17 227 Nyack American Internati 9 26 227 Oklahoma Baptist Ottawa 14 3 227 Pace Dominican 17 6 227 Point Montreat 20 1 227 Reinhardt Johnson & Wales (C 21 2 227 Shepherd Shippensburg 9 11 227 St. Andrews Savannah Art & Des 1 20 227 Alabama-Huntsville Indianapolis 10 14 227 University of DC Hollins 16 2 227 Wilmington Queens (NY) 2 12 227 Wilmington (OH) Ursuline 6 21 227 Young Harris Wingate 8 11 228 Adams State Fort Lewis 3 13 228 N Findlay St. Thomas Aquinas 10 13 228 Lindenwood Grand Valley State 11 7 228 Le Moyne Mercyhurst 12 10 228 Lindenwood-Bellevi Missouri Valley 3 8 228 N Lawrence Tech Ave Maria 16 9 228 Merrimack Roberts Wesleyan 16 11 228 Molloy Saint Michael's 12 9 228 Pfeiffer Regis (CO) 7 14 228 Rollins Georgian Court 14 3 228 Young Harris Gannon 9 12 229 Bloomsburg Holy Family 17 12 229 Columbia (SC) Truett-McConnell 18 0 229 Millersville Wilmington 20 1 229 Mount Olive Tiffin 14 13 229 N Montevallo Ursuline 13 18 229 Newberry Wheeling Jesuit 6 16 229 North Greenville Pikeville 18 8 229 Queens Seton Hill 13 11 229 Tusculum Regis (CO) 7 19 229 Tennessee Wesleyan Johnson & Wales (C 17 0 301 Alderson Broaddus Chowan 18 3 301 Assumption American Internati 12 14 301 Belmont Abbey Saint Leo 9 6 301 LIU Post Nyack 21 0 301 Emmanuel (GA) Ohio Northern 12 2 301 N Findlay Georgian Court 12 11 301 Florida Tech Chestnut Hill 14 6 301 Georgetown (KY) Ave Maria 23 9 301 Lindenwood-Bellevi Mo. Baptist 6 9 301 Montreat Wheeling Jesuit 0 23 301 Alabama-Huntsville Ursuline 20 10 302 Catawba Queens 10 16 302 Dominican St. Thomas Aquinas 10 19 302 Dowling Bentley 12 9 302 East Stroudsburg Shepherd 17 7 302 Florida Southern Gannon 13 4 302 Kutztown Holy Family 12 8 302 Limestone Seton Hill 9 7 302 Lenoir-Rhyne Regis (CO) 9 16 302 Montreat Lees-McRae 0 17 302 Pfeiffer Tiffin 9 10 302 Philadelphia Millersville 12 11 ot 302 Post Queens (NY) 6 16 302 Saint Mary (KS) Wartburg 4 8 303 Asbury Ave Maria 5 18 303 Benedictine (KS) Saint Mary (KS) 8 7 303 Emmanuel (GA) Johnson & Wales (C 21 2 303 New Haven Molloy 11 5 303 Pikeville Lourdes 7 12 303 Tampa Findlay 8 9 ot 303 UVa-Wise Lincoln Memorial 15 2 303 Wooster Walsh 17 11 304 Alderson Broaddus Edinboro 6 18 304 Belmont Abbey Wheeling Jesuit 13 14 304 N Columbia (SC) Lourdes 8 6 304 Charleston Davis & Elkins 20 1 304 Georgetown (KY) Davenport 12 9 304 Saint Leo Gannon 11 7 304 Mo. Baptist Oklahoma Baptist 7 12 304 Midland Robert Morris (IL) 5 15 304 Molloy American Internati 13 11 304 Newberry University of DC 15 7 304 North Greenville Erskine 16 3 304 Savannah Art & Des Lawrence Tech 15 14 304 Shorter Chestnut Hill 7 17 305 Adams State Colorado Mesa 3 19 305 Asbury Lourdes 9 12 305 Bridgeport Roberts Wesleyan 9 18 305 Brevard Tusculum 9 20 305 Cumberlands Columbia (SC) 5 16 305 CSU-Pueblo Nyack 17 3 305 LIU Post Le Moyne 5 7 305 Florida Tech Indiana (PA) 15 11 305 Florida Southern Mount Olive 17 6 305 Georgian Court East Stroudsburg 7 16 305 Lees-McRae Emmanuel (GA) 14 9 305 Lincoln Memorial Newberry 9 10 305 Lenoir-Rhyne Shippensburg 12 4 305 Lock Haven Shepherd 14 4 305 Mercy Merrimack 18 4 305 Missouri Valley Benedictine (KS) 12 11 305 Montevallo Truett-McConnell 22 3 305 Ottawa Clarke 11 8 305 N Robert Morris (IL) Johnson & Wales (C 18 1 305 Rockhurst Oklahoma Baptist 18 8 305 Rollins Stonehill 15 4 305 S. New Hampshire Dominican 21 1 305 St. Thomas Aquinas Queens (NY) 7 3 305 Tampa Alabama-Huntsville 10 9 305 Indianapolis McKendree 8 16 305 West Chester Philadelphia 17 3 306 N Ave Maria Alabama-Huntsville 3 13 306 Brevard University of DC 8 4 306 Cumberlands St. Andrews 9 8 306 Chowan UVa-Wise 1 14 306 Converse Lawrence Tech 9 11 306 Charleston Kutztown 4 18 306 N Holy Family Dowling 5 21 306 Lindenwood Fort Lewis 11 6 306 Lenoir-Rhyne Coker 13 2 306 Millersville Chestnut Hill 12 9 306 Midland Johnson & Wales (C 18 4 306 Molloy Assumption 9 12 306 Notre Dame (OH) Lake Erie 7 18 306 Rockhurst Westminster 10 18 306 Savannah Art & Des Aquinas 20 2 306 N Slippery Rock Shorter 23 10 306 St. Thomas Aquinas East Stroudsburg 4 12 306 Tiffin Mercyhurst 10 18 306 Wingate Wheeling Jesuit 10 18 306 West Virginia Wesl Edinboro 3 18 307 Alderson Broaddus Kutztown 2 14 307 Adams State Nyack 6 14 307 Catawba Shippensburg 11 13 307 Columbia (SC) Aquinas 17 3 307 Chowan Newberry 5 15 307 Centre Siena Heights 17 2 307 Saint Leo Indiana (PA) 7 18 307 Lindenwood-Bellevi Ottawa 9 12 307 Pfeiffer Bloomsburg 10 11 307 Rollins Queens 12 5 307 Truett-McConnell Coker 2 16 307 Tampa Stonehill 5 10 308 Adelphi S. New Hampshire 13 3 308 Asbury Lincoln Memorial 12 17 308 Ave Maria Tennessee Wesleyan 12 11 308 Bentley Grand Valley State 11 13 308 Birmingham-Souther Montevallo 21 7 308 Clarke Benedictine (KS) 7 17 308 LIU Post Assumption 15 2 308 Holy Family West Chester 9 19 308 Lindenwood Westminster 17 1 308 N Newberry UVa-Wise 9 11 308 Pikeville Georgetown (KY) 2 19 308 Rockhurst Fort Lewis 3 11 308 Slippery Rock Young Harris 18 10 309 Ave Maria Columbia (SC) 9 10 ot 309 Cumberlands Reinhardt 5 17 309 Caldwell Bridgeport 4 13 309 CSU-Pueblo Lock Haven 9 19 309 Charleston Walsh 6 18 309 Dowling New Haven 14 15 309 Florida Tech American Internati 9 10 309 Florida Southern Indiana (PA) 16 8 309 Florida Southern Shorter 20 3 309 Gannon Wheeling Jesuit 12 7 309 Saint Leo Queens 13 20 309 Mercy Dominican 13 1 309 Mount Olive Bloomsburg 19 6 309 Colorado Mesa Nyack 23 6 309 Montreat Davis & Elkins 2 18 309 North Greenville Southern Virginia 12 2 309 Shepherd Mercyhurst 10 21 309 St. Thomas Aquinas Georgian Court 16 4 309 Tampa Limestone 5 16 310 Asbury Reinhardt 12 13 310 Chowan Edinboro 6 20 310 Converse Belmont Abbey 9 14 310 Coker Lees-McRae 17 10 310 Lindenwood-Bellevi Indiana Tech 2 19 310 Saint Anselm Post 24 1 310 Shepherd Wilmington 24 9 310 N Siena Heights Mo. Baptist 10 6 310 Tusculum North Greenville 19 3 311 N Benedictine (KS) Illinois Tech 11 15 311 Catawba West Chester 6 24 311 Converse Alderson Broaddus 7 12 311 N Davenport Hope 17 4 311 Florida Tech Young Harris 16 9 311 Fort Lewis Lock Haven 6 14 311 Franklin Pierce Post 22 2 311 N Indiana Tech Mo. Baptist 20 3 311 Lake Erie Gannon 12 13 311 Lourdes Robert Morris (IL) 5 11 311 Montreat Southern Virginia 3 13 311 Montevallo Tennessee Wesleyan 16 22 311 Notre Dame (OH) Ursuline 14 13 311 Pfeiffer Erskine 15 5 311 Rollins Slippery Rock 17 6 311 Seton Hill Lindenwood 6 11 311 N Siena Heights Saint Mary (KS) 18 8 311 Tampa Indiana (PA) 5 12 311 Wheeling Jesuit Tiffin 7 13 311 West Virginia Wesl Wilmington 21 20 ot 312 Assumption Dominican 16 7 312 Caldwell Pace 2 19 312 Chestnut Hill Kutztown 10 11 ot 312 Coker Brevard 11 13 312 CSU-Pueblo Adams State 15 5 312 N LIU Post New Haven 7 5 312 Dallas Benedictine (KS) 11 18 312 Florida Southern Limestone 9 8 312 N Indiana Tech Saint Mary (KS) 18 3 312 Le Moyne Grand Valley State 14 11 312 Lincoln Memorial Catawba 13 19 312 Lindenwood-Bellevi Siena Heights 5 19 312 Lenoir-Rhyne Wingate 18 9 312 Lourdes Ohio Northern 13 7 312 Lawrence Tech Robert Morris (IL) 15 6 312 Millersville East Stroudsburg 12 11 312 Molloy Roberts Wesleyan 12 8 312 North Greenville Lees-McRae 7 6 312 Queens (NY) Nyack 13 9 312 Reinhardt Pikeville 19 5 312 Rockhurst Midland 24 1 312 Southern Connectic Merrimack 10 9 312 Shippensburg West Virginia Wesl 15 6 312 S. New Hampshire Saint Michael's 16 3 312 St. Andrews Asbury 8 19 312 St. Thomas Aquinas Mercy 7 6 312 Truett-McConnell Cumberlands 14 15 ot 312 Tusculum Newberry 18 3 312 Alabama-Huntsville Tennessee Wesleyan 21 7 312 University of DC Dowling 1 20 313 Brevard Alderson Broaddus 11 9 313 Indiana (PA) Lindenwood 8 9 313 Lake Erie Ursuline 13 4 313 Mount Olive Bentley 7 10 313 Molloy Holy Family 16 14 313 Regis (CO) Lock Haven 8 9 313 Shepherd Edinboro 2 11 314 Ave Maria Pikeville 18 5 314 Florida Tech New Haven 11 10 ot 314 Colorado Mesa Oklahoma Baptist 22 4 314 Pace Bridgeport 16 0 314 Truett-McConnell Mo. Baptist 2 15 314 West Virginia Wesl Saint Vincent 15 5 315 American Internati Post 23 3 315 Bloomsburg East Stroudsburg 7 9 315 Catawba S. New Hampshire 12 20 315 Caldwell Molloy 4 18 315 Dowling Southern Connectic 16 13 315 Indiana (PA) Gannon 18 5 315 Mercy Chestnut Hill 11 4 315 Mercyhurst Seton Hill 12 11 2 ot 315 Pfeiffer Saint Leo 11 13 315 Point Cumberlands 13 3 315 Reinhardt Mo. Baptist 10 11 315 Savannah Art & Des Asbury 20 1 315 Shippensburg Kutztown 7 12 315 Slippery Rock Edinboro 10 7 315 St. Thomas Aquinas Franklin Pierce 9 10 ot 315 Truett-McConnell Montreat 13 3 315 West Chester Millersville 21 3 315 Walsh Notre Dame (OH) 17 13 316 Aquinas Indiana Tech 5 17 316 Columbia (SC) Georgetown (KY) 5 12 316 CSU-Pueblo McKendree 12 8 316 Emmanuel (GA) Belmont Abbey 5 14 316 Florida Tech Indianapolis 16 5 316 Fort Lewis Oklahoma Baptist 18 2 316 Lees-McRae Wingate 8 13 316 Lourdes Davenport 2 21 316 Montreat Asbury 2 17 316 Newberry Coker 6 7 316 Philadelphia LIU Post 5 17 316 N Pikeville Truett-McConnell 10 8 316 Saint Michael's Merrimack 8 7 316 Shorter Shepherd 5 17 316 Siena Heights Lawrence Tech 3 17 316 Urbana Findlay 2 23 317 Caldwell Queens (NY) 6 7 317 Chestnut Hill University of DC 21 5 317 Georgian Court Franklin Pierce 12 14 317 N Hamilton Florida Southern 10 9 317 Kutztown Lock Haven 9 10 317 Lindenwood Colorado Mesa 24 16 317 Limestone Saint Leo 9 5 317 Lenoir-Rhyne Rollins 2 15 317 Regis (CO) McKendree 15 5 317 Young Harris Tennessee Wesleyan 21 7 318 American Internati Saint Anselm 11 10 ot 318 Ave Maria Truett-McConnell 18 3 318 Benedictine (KS) Johnson & Wales (C 22 5 318 CSU-Pueblo Oklahoma Baptist 17 2 318 Lindenwood-Bellevi Colorado Mesa 1 19 318 Mercy Philadelphia 16 3 318 Missouri Valley Midland 13 12 ot 318 Pfeiffer Bentley 4 16 318 Queens Brevard 20 4 318 Robert Morris (IL) Aquinas 18 4 318 Savannah Art & Des Georgetown (KY) 19 13 318 Tampa Indianapolis 9 7 318 Urbana Alderson Broaddus 6 17 319 Adelphi Saint Michael's 16 1 319 Belmont Abbey Shepherd 10 5 319 Bridgeport Molloy 7 14 319 Columbia (SC) Point 5 4 ot 319 Davis & Elkins Chowan 8 19 319 Davenport Siena Heights 19 4 319 Edinboro Bloomsburg 9 11 319 East Stroudsburg Slippery Rock 18 10 319 Franklin Pierce Stonehill 7 14 319 Gannon Kutztown 12 8 319 Holy Family Queens (NY) 6 13 319 Indiana Tech Lawrence Tech 10 8 319 Lock Haven Seton Hill 9 8 319 Lourdes Aquinas 10 4 319 N Merrimack Albright 14 11 319 Mercyhurst West Chester 9 8 ot 319 Millersville Indiana (PA) 12 15 319 Mount Olive Rollins 5 7 319 Montevallo Emmanuel (GA) 13 14 319 Notre Dame (OH) Franciscan 16 3 319 New Haven Assumption 15 9 319 Pace S. New Hampshire 10 14 319 Roberts Wesleyan LIU Post 4 18 319 Regis (CO) Fort Lewis 13 8 319 Rockhurst Colorado Mesa 10 21 319 St. Andrews Reinhardt 4 12 319 St. Thomas Aquinas Southern Connectic 9 7 319 Tusculum Lenoir-Rhyne 14 16 319 UVa-Wise Young Harris 6 14 319 Wingate Lincoln Memorial 15 6 319 West Virginia Wesl Sweet Briar 23 6 320 Findlay Tiffin 12 11 320 Florida Tech Dowling 4 15 320 Lindenwood Limestone 12 5 320 Le Moyne Bentley 15 11 320 Lake Erie Walsh 11 6 320 Missouri Valley Clarke 8 6 320 Ottawa Midland 13 12 ot 320 Rockhurst Johnson & Wales (C 26 2 320 University of DC Alabama-Huntsville 5 19 320 Urbana Ursuline 9 22 321 Caldwell Post 13 4 321 Columbia (SC) Converse 5 4 321 New Haven Southern Connectic 14 5 321 Nyack Bridgeport 19 16 321 Pikeville Lincoln Memorial 4 14 321 Sewanee Savannah Art & Des 8 12 321 Siena Heights Charleston 10 9 ot 321 Wittenberg Urbana 16 2 322 Alderson Broaddus Alabama-Huntsville 12 14 322 American Internati Le Moyne 7 19 322 Bentley Pace 8 11 322 Brevard Converse 10 8 322 Coker Merrimack 3 13 322 East Stroudsburg Wilmington 22 4 322 Ferrum Chowan 12 9 322 Florida Tech Saint Michael's 15 4 322 Lindenwood-Bellevi Midland 12 11 322 McKendree Indianapolis 12 6 322 Philadelphia Queens (NY) 13 11 322 Saint Mary (KS) Clarke 4 6 322 S. New Hampshire Saint Anselm 8 16 322 Stonehill Adelphi 3 13 322 Tampa Mercy 10 9 322 Wheeling Jesuit Slippery Rock 10 14 322 Westminster CSU-Pueblo 17 18 323 Aquinas Davenport 1 15 323 Assumption Franklin Pierce 10 15 323 Belmont Abbey Mount Olive 5 17 323 Bridgeport Post 14 1 323 LIU Post Molloy 16 6 323 Davis & Elkins Alabama-Huntsville 2 23 323 Findlay Lake Erie 15 6 323 Gannon Mercyhurst 7 16 323 Georgetown (KY) Asbury 22 4 323 Hendrix Oklahoma Baptist 15 4 323 Kutztown West Chester 9 16 323 Saint Leo Dowling 7 14 323 Lock Haven Shippensburg 18 7 323 Lawrence Tech Lourdes 19 2 323 Millersville Bloomsburg 14 13 323 Montevallo Oglethorpe 13 10 323 Newberry Point 12 6 323 Ohio Northern Urbana 17 11 323 Seton Hill Edinboro 13 15 323 Siena Heights Indiana Tech 2 22 323 Tennessee Wesleyan Reinhardt 20 9 323 Wingate Savannah Art & Des 17 15 324 Florida Tech Mercy 5 3 324 Lees-McRae Converse 10 7 324 Pfeiffer Emmanuel (GA) 17 5 324 Rockhurst Missouri Valley 22 3 324 N Saint Michael's Southern Connectic 9 7 324 Saint Mary (KS) Midland 9 8 324 Stonehill Saint Anselm 9 8 ot 324 Tiffin Walsh 16 7 324 West Chester Georgian Court 18 4 324 Westminster Fort Lewis 8 12 324 Wooster Ursuline 16 5 325 CSU-Pueblo Regis (CO) 12 18 325 Edinboro Lock Haven 7 15 325 Grand Valley State McKendree 23 11 325 Mo. Baptist Robert Morris (IL) 4 11 325 Merrimack New Haven 5 15 325 Queens Florida Southern 6 14 325 Tennessee Wesleyan St. Andrews 19 2 326 Alderson Broaddus University of DC 14 8 326 Bentley Adelphi 6 13 326 Catawba Tusculum 15 7 326 Coker Wingate 8 15 326 Dowling Georgian Court 17 6 326 Findlay Walsh 21 9 326 Gannon East Stroudsburg 10 14 326 Grand Valley State Indianapolis 15 4 326 Holy Family LIU Post 6 18 326 Indiana (PA) Shippensburg 17 5 326 Indiana Tech Lourdes 19 6 326 Johnson & Wales (C Missouri Valley 6 19 326 Lindenwood Florida Tech 17 8 326 Saint Leo Southern Connectic 6 8 326 Lindenwood-Bellevi Robert Morris (IL) 0 19 326 Lenoir-Rhyne Florida Southern 6 17 326 Lawrence Tech Davenport 11 14 326 Mercyhurst Kutztown 19 9 326 Colorado Mesa Fort Lewis 8 6 326 Queens Lincoln Memorial 23 4 326 Saint Michael's Pace 4 8 326 Saint Anselm Franklin Pierce 14 11 326 Seton Hill Millersville 18 13 326 Slippery Rock Bloomsburg 14 9 326 S. New Hampshire Le Moyne 7 17 326 St. Thomas Aquinas Philadelphia 12 11 326 Tiffin Lake Erie 17 8 326 Wilmington Molloy 7 22 326 Westminster Adams State 19 4 326 West Virginia Wesl Roberts Wesleyan 9 15 326 Young Harris Chowan 23 3 328 Bridgeport Felician 15 1 328 Brevard Lenoir-Rhyne 7 19 328 McKendree Florida Tech 10 9 328 Shorter Chowan 15 9 328 Northwestern (MN) Clarke 10 11 329 Aquinas Alma 10 15 329 Bloomsburg West Chester 4 19 329 Edinboro Mercyhurst 9 12 329 East Stroudsburg Lock Haven 8 7 329 Indiana (PA) Seton Hill 14 9 329 Kutztown Philadelphia 6 11 329 Limestone Converse 23 1 329 Lake Erie Slippery Rock 8 15 329 Roberts Wesleyan Wheeling Jesuit 13 12 329 Reinhardt Point 8 10 329 Rollins Lindenwood 12 11 329 Shippensburg Millersville 8 9 329 UVa-Wise Lees-McRae 10 5 330 Adelphi Southern Connectic 18 2 330 Aquinas Lawrence Tech 3 16 330 Chestnut Hill Wilmington 13 2 330 Coker Catawba 14 15 ot 330 Dominican Caldwell 10 19 330 Davenport Indiana Tech 12 9 330 Franklin Pierce Saint Michael's 12 11 ot 330 Holy Family Felician 21 1 330 Hiram Notre Dame (OH) 8 14 330 Le Moyne Assumption 17 2 330 Lourdes Siena Heights 12 14 330 Mercy Queens (NY) 13 1 330 Merrimack S. New Hampshire 14 16 330 Montreat Columbia (SC) 0 23 330 Newberry Brevard 10 16 330 North Greenville Emmanuel (GA) 11 7 330 New Haven Stonehill 10 0 330 Pace American Internati 10 11 ot 330 Philadelphia Georgian Court 15 11 330 Post Nyack 15 20 330 Saint Anselm Bentley 7 14 330 Tiffin Findlay 20 9 330 Tusculum Lincoln Memorial 22 10 330 Tennessee Wesleyan Cumberlands 18 4 330 Wingate Queens 8 19 330 Walsh Ursuline 18 8 331 Belmont Abbey Pfeiffer 10 5 331 Bridgeport Dominican 19 2 331 Florida Southern Lindenwood 10 9 ot 331 Pikeville Montreat 6 9 331 Truett-McConnell Reinhardt 6 17 331 Wheeling Jesuit Alderson Broaddus 21 6 401 Asbury Columbia (SC) 2 15 401 Bloomsburg Indiana (PA) 11 15 401 Dubuque Rockhurst 10 9 401 East Stroudsburg Seton Hill 10 12 401 Georgetown (KY) Cumberlands 20 3 401 Grand Valley State Tiffin 13 10 401 Kutztown Edinboro 11 10 401 Limestone Rollins 8 6 401 Lake Erie Indianapolis 6 16 401 Millersville Mercyhurst 10 16 401 Midland Benedictine (KS) 11 12 401 Notre Dame (OH) West Virginia Wesl 9 10 401 Ohio Northern Ursuline 12 11 401 Robert Morris (IL) Siena Heights 20 4 401 Shippensburg Gannon 13 16 401 Saint Mary (KS) Mo. Baptist 2 14 401 UVa-Wise Charleston 21 7 401 West Chester Slippery Rock 18 11 401 Wheeling Jesuit Urbana 17 3 401 Walsh McKendree 2 23 402 Ave Maria LaGrange 16 6 402 Bentley American Internati 10 8 402 Benedictine (KS) Mo. Baptist 6 11 402 Bloomsburg Seton Hill 8 12 402 Caldwell Nyack 13 11 402 Chestnut Hill Felician 21 0 402 Clarke Johnson & Wales (C 14 3 402 CSU-Pueblo Westminster 14 13 402 LIU Post Adelphi 3 4 402 Davis & Elkins Montevallo 9 23 402 Dowling Mercy 9 8 2 ot 402 Davenport Lourdes 21 5 402 Erskine Lees-McRae 2 15 402 East Stroudsburg Edinboro 17 4 402 Georgian Court Holy Family 21 6 402 Indiana Tech Aquinas 20 0 402 Kutztown Slippery Rock 11 12 ot 402 Saint Leo Lindenwood 5 18 402 Lock Haven Indiana (PA) 10 9 2 ot 402 Midland Oklahoma Baptist 9 19 402 Methodist Coker 10 17 402 North Greenville Chowan 12 5 402 New Haven Franklin Pierce 15 5 402 Ottawa Missouri Valley 8 5 402 Pace Merrimack 9 12 402 Point Savannah Art & Des 4 16 402 Post Philadelphia 4 19 402 Queens Tusculum 24 11 402 Roberts Wesleyan St. Thomas Aquinas 4 14 402 Regis (CO) Colorado Mesa 11 9 402 Saint Michael's Assumption 6 9 402 Saint Anselm Southern Connectic 17 5 402 Shippensburg Mercyhurst 6 17 402 Stonehill Le Moyne 6 10 402 Truett-McConnell St. Andrews 12 10 402 West Chester Gannon 20 7 402 Wingate Catawba 16 10 402 Wilmington Dominican 10 9 402 Young Harris Emmanuel (GA) 18 6 403 Alderson Broaddus Montevallo 20 4 403 CSU-Pueblo Colorado Mesa 10 12 403 Charleston Shepherd 2 19 403 Fort Lewis Westminster 15 7 403 Florida Southern Tampa 18 7 403 Grand Valley State Findlay 19 9 403 Lake Erie McKendree 8 10 403 Lincoln Memorial Brevard 10 11 403 Point St. Andrews 15 0 403 * Regis (CO) Adams State 20 4 403 N Shorter Rollins 1 11 403 Tennessee Wesleyan Columbia (SC) 9 7 403 Urbana Notre Dame (OH) 2 11 403 Walsh Indianapolis 7 21 403 West Virginia Wesl Wheeling Jesuit 10 13 404 Asbury Truett-McConnell 17 4 404 Catawba Mount Olive 5 17 404 Cumberlands Montreat 15 2 404 Lawrence Tech Siena Heights 18 4 404 Molloy S. New Hampshire 8 18 404 Pfeiffer Queens 5 16 404 N Young Harris Rollins 5 16 405 Adelphi Pace 20 1 405 American Internati New Haven 6 9 405 Dominican Chestnut Hill 8 13 405 Franklin Pierce Merrimack 9 5 405 Le Moyne Saint Anselm 14 7 405 Lees-McRae Limestone 4 18 405 Newberry Emmanuel (GA) 12 15 405 Nyack Georgian Court 14 22 405 Philadelphia Holy Family 13 8 405 Southern Connectic Bentley 9 11 405 St. Andrews Pikeville 1 0 405 Stonehill Assumption 13 10 405 Wheeling Jesuit Edinboro 8 11 405 Wilmington Caldwell 10 9 405 Walsh Lake Erie 6 15 406 Brevard UVa-Wise 9 11 406 Baldwin Wallace Ursuline 19 13 406 Columbia (SC) Coker 9 17 406 LIU Post Bridgeport 15 1 406 Lenoir-Rhyne Newberry 20 2 406 Lawrence Tech Indiana Tech 9 13 406 Mo. Baptist Midland 13 3 406 Millersville Kutztown 16 3 406 Mount St. Joseph Urbana 14 6 406 Montreat Reinhardt 0 20 406 North Greenville Lincoln Memorial 7 4 406 Queens (NY) Dowling 4 14 406 Queens Belmont Abbey 16 5 406 Roberts Wesleyan Mercyhurst 10 15 406 Seton Hill Gannon 12 11 406 Shippensburg East Stroudsburg 7 19 406 Slippery Rock Indiana (PA) 11 12 406 Southern Virginia Chowan 15 10 406 West Chester Lock Haven 13 4 407 Davis & Elkins Alderson Broaddus 4 19 407 Mercy University of DC 16 1 407 Rockhurst Benedictine (KS) 29 6 407 Shepherd West Virginia Wesl 20 13 407 Siena Heights Davenport 2 21 407 Stonehill Southern Connectic 10 8 408 Asbury Cumberlands 12 8 408 Catawba Brevard 10 11 408 Davis & Elkins Georgetown (KY) 1 20 408 McKendree Tiffin 15 18 408 Merrimack Adelphi 4 18 408 Notre Dame (OH) Wheeling Jesuit 6 17 408 Pikeville Lindenwood-Bellevi 15 11 408 Rollins Saint Leo 14 7 408 N Shepherd Florida Southern 7 16 408 Saint Mary (KS) Missouri Valley 5 14 408 Alabama-Huntsville Montevallo 18 5 408 Indianapolis Findlay 10 8 408 UVa-Wise Urbana 16 1 408 Walsh Grand Valley State 1 21 409 American Internati Stonehill 8 6 409 Assumption Bentley 10 11 409 Ave Maria Savannah Art & Des 9 16 409 Bridgeport Dowling 6 19 409 Caldwell Felician 19 2 409 LIU Post University of DC 19 0 409 Davenport Aquinas 18 7 409 Erskine Emmanuel (GA) 8 15 409 Georgian Court Wilmington 17 4 409 Indiana (PA) West Chester 8 9 409 Indiana Tech Siena Heights 20 6 409 Johnson & Wales (C Ottawa 1 14 409 Le Moyne New Haven 11 5 409 Limestone Mount Olive 8 4 409 Lindenwood-Bellevi Point 5 15 409 Molloy St. Thomas Aquinas 13 5 409 Colorado Mesa CSU-Pueblo 13 5 409 Newberry Wingate 10 21 409 North Greenville Pfeiffer 9 16 409 Oklahoma Baptist Benedictine (KS) 10 11 409 Philadelphia Nyack 18 6 409 Post Chestnut Hill 8 22 409 Queens (NY) Roberts Wesleyan 8 11 409 Queens Lenoir-Rhyne 17 7 409 Robert Morris (IL) Mo. Baptist 10 6 409 Saint Anselm Pace 12 13 409 Seton Hill Shippensburg 15 6 409 Shorter Lees-McRae 11 4 409 S. New Hampshire Franklin Pierce 17 11 409 St. Andrews Montreat 9 4 409 Tampa Florida Tech 6 9 409 Tusculum Coker 14 10 409 Tennessee Wesleyan Truett-McConnell 18 2 409 Alabama-Huntsville Young Harris 16 17 409 Westminster Regis (CO) 6 18 410 Alderson Broaddus Georgetown (KY) 8 14 410 Catawba Saint Leo 14 15 410 Charleston Urbana 8 12 410 Edinboro Millersville 8 16 410 Emmanuel (GA) Mount Olive 3 17 410 Gannon Bloomsburg 11 13 410 Lock Haven Slippery Rock 11 10 410 McKendree Findlay 22 15 410 Mercyhurst East Stroudsburg 10 7 410 Colorado Mesa Adams State 22 7 410 Montevallo Young Harris 5 20 410 Pikeville Point 3 16 410 N Seton Hill Florida Southern 4 9 410 Shepherd Wheeling Jesuit 10 11 410 Indianapolis Tiffin 5 15 410 UVa-Wise Notre Dame (OH) 12 9 411 Holy Family Dominican 17 6 411 Missouri Valley Mo. Baptist 6 7 411 Queens (NY) Felician 16 1 411 Robert Morris (IL) Indiana Tech 8 13 412 Asbury Pikeville 1 0 412 CSU-Pueblo Rockhurst 20 16 412 Gannon Slippery Rock 14 11 412 Lock Haven Bloomsburg 10 9 412 Mercyhurst Indiana (PA) 7 11 412 Montreat Brevard 2 25 412 Regis (CO) Lindenwood 10 14 412 Shepherd Millersville 16 20 412 West Chester Shippensburg 16 4 413 Assumption S. New Hampshire 9 14 413 Bentley Stonehill 15 7 413 Catawba Pfeiffer 12 11 ot 413 Caldwell Philadelphia 3 17 413 Chestnut Hill Georgian Court 6 5 413 Chowan Coker 9 16 413 Dowling LIU Post 8 5 413 Davenport Lawrence Tech 16 12 413 Emmanuel (GA) Truett-McConnell 19 4 413 East Stroudsburg Kutztown 18 5 413 Florida Tech Rollins 10 14 413 Franklin Pierce American Internati 13 10 413 Holy Family Post 26 2 413 Limestone Belmont Abbey 12 7 413 Lees-McRae Newberry 19 11 413 Lourdes Indiana Tech 8 21 413 Mercy Bridgeport 15 12 413 Merrimack Saint Anselm 4 13 413 New Haven Adelphi 8 12 413 Nyack Dominican 21 22 413 Pace Southern Connectic 19 9 413 Saint Michael's Le Moyne 8 16 413 Shorter Montevallo 16 10 413 Saint Mary (KS) Ottawa 1 9 413 Siena Heights Aquinas 10 8 413 Siena Heights Aquinas 11 9 413 Tampa Ave Maria 17 1 413 UVa-Wise Lincoln Memorial 15 2 413 Wingate North Greenville 17 8 413 Wilmington Felician 17 2 414 Alderson Broaddus Ursuline 11 13 414 Adams State Rockhurst 9 18 414 CSU-Pueblo Lindenwood 3 14 414 Edinboro Indiana (PA) 12 15 414 Mount Olive Queens 8 9 414 T Montreat Point 2 18 414 Truett-McConnell Alabama-Huntsville 2 22 415 Aquinas Lourdes 8 9 415 T Columbia (SC) Reinhardt 11 5 415 Davis & Elkins Ursuline 9 21 415 Findlay Grand Valley State 8 21 415 McKendree Lake Erie 11 12 ot 415 Notre Dame (OH) Shepherd 6 19 415 Regis (CO) Rockhurst 23 2 415 T Tennessee Wesleyan Point 15 5 415 Indianapolis Walsh 19 10 415 Wheeling Jesuit UVa-Wise 17 10 415 West Virginia Wesl Charleston 20 6 416 Adelphi American Internati 20 2 416 Bentley S. New Hampshire 16 7 416 Benedictine (KS) Ottawa 6 5 416 Bloomsburg Mercyhurst 3 18 416 Brevard Wingate 6 15 416 Chestnut Hill Holy Family 14 12 416 Clarke Midland 10 7 416 Coker Queens 6 19 416 Dominican Post 18 5 416 Dowling Stonehill 8 10 416 Florida Tech Florida Southern 4 16 416 Franklin Pierce Southern Connectic 14 13 ot 416 Georgian Court Caldwell 11 12 416 Georgetown (KY) Mo. Baptist 19 4 416 Indiana (PA) Kutztown 18 7 416 Indiana Tech Davenport 12 11 416 Johnson & Wales (C Saint Mary (KS) 8 10 416 Le Moyne Merrimack 17 0 416 Saint Leo Tampa 7 8 ot 416 Lees-McRae Belmont Abbey 7 9 416 Lenoir-Rhyne Lincoln Memorial 19 5 416 Lock Haven Gannon 17 5 416 Lawrence Tech Aquinas 18 3 416 Mount Olive Erskine 20 0 416 Molloy Queens (NY) 12 7 416 Newberry Catawba 7 12 416 North Greenville Alabama-Huntsville 8 12 416 Nyack Wilmington 19 16 416 Pace Assumption 17 8 416 Robert Morris (IL) Lindenwood-Bellevi 21 5 416 Roberts Wesleyan Mercy 11 12 ot 416 Saint Michael's New Haven 7 13 416 Seton Hill West Chester 10 12 416 Shippensburg Edinboro 13 10 416 Shorter Young Harris 5 18 416 Slippery Rock Millersville 13 9 416 Siena Heights Lourdes 7 12 416 St. Thomas Aquinas LIU Post 5 9 416 Tiffin Grand Valley State 16 15 ot 416 T Tennessee Wesleyan Columbia (SC) 5 8 416 University of DC Bridgeport 4 16 417 Lock Haven Limestone 17 8 417 Lourdes Lawrence Tech 5 17 417 McKendree Walsh 16 7 417 Siena Heights Ursuline 14 18 417 Indianapolis Lake Erie 4 5 417 Urbana Shepherd 1 18 417 Wheeling Jesuit Charleston 21 2 417 West Virginia Wesl UVa-Wise 8 14 418 Converse Pfeiffer 7 19 419 Adelphi Le Moyne 10 7 419 American Internati Merrimack 10 8 419 Assumption Southern Connectic 10 9 ot 419 Bentley Franklin Pierce 15 11 419 Chestnut Hill Nyack 20 4 419 Dominican Felician 20 2 419 Erskine Limestone 1 21 419 Florida Southern Saint Leo 15 2 419 Holy Family Caldwell 22 6 419 Lindenwood-Bellevi Mo. Baptist 3 11 419 New Haven Pace 12 10 419 Post Georgian Court 5 18 419 Saint Anselm Saint Michael's 15 9 419 Stonehill S. New Hampshire 10 15 419 Tusculum Lees-McRae 16 7 419 Wilmington Philadelphia 4 22 419 Walsh Urbana 19 7 420 Belmont Abbey Erskine 15 1 420 Dowling St. Thomas Aquinas 12 7 420 Edinboro Gannon 9 6 420 East Stroudsburg West Chester 8 9 2 ot 420 Kutztown Bloomsburg 14 6 420 Mercy Georgian Court 17 7 420 Millersville Lock Haven 10 6 420 Slippery Rock Mercyhurst 9 10 ot 421 Alderson Broaddus Davis & Elkins 23 3 421 Assumption Bridgeport 13 8 421 Converse North Greenville 8 9 421 Post Felician 16 0 421 Roberts Wesleyan University of DC 20 3 421 Rollins Florida Southern 6 15 421 Saint Michael's Queens (NY) 9 3 421 Saint Anselm LIU Post 9 15 422 Adams State CSU-Pueblo 10 20 422 T Davenport Lourdes 14 3 422 Fort Lewis Regis (CO) 14 16 422 T Indiana Tech Lawrence Tech 9 15 422 Kutztown Seton Hill 10 14 422 Lake Erie Tiffin 3 11 422 T Lindenwood-Bellevi Mo. Baptist 4 12 422 Pfeiffer Limestone 6 16 422 Saint Michael's Stonehill 7 8 422 T Alabama-Huntsville Shorter 17 9 422 Indianapolis Grand Valley State 8 20 422 Walsh Findlay 2 23 422 T Young Harris Montevallo 19 2 423 Assumption Adelphi 3 18 423 Belmont Abbey North Greenville 19 5 423 Catawba Lenoir-Rhyne 9 15 423 Caldwell Chestnut Hill 9 11 423 Charleston Notre Dame (OH) 7 18 423 Dowling Roberts Wesleyan 18 6 423 T Davenport Lawrence Tech 7 11 423 Gannon Millersville 10 14 423 Indiana (PA) East Stroudsburg 14 8 423 Saint Leo Florida Tech 3 13 423 Lincoln Memorial Coker 10 23 423 Mercy Molloy 13 7 423 Merrimack Bentley 3 13 423 Mercyhurst Lock Haven 11 6 423 Mount Olive Lees-McRae 22 0 423 New Haven Saint Anselm 15 11 423 Nyack Holy Family 12 22 423 Pace Franklin Pierce 16 11 423 Queens (NY) LIU Post 3 12 423 Queens Newberry 18 4 423 T Robert Morris (IL) Mo. Baptist 15 5 423 Southern Connectic Le Moyne 10 20 423 Shepherd UVa-Wise 19 9 423 Slippery Rock Shippensburg 11 7 423 S. New Hampshire American Internati 22 14 423 St. Thomas Aquinas University of DC 17 5 423 Urbana West Virginia Wesl 5 16 423 Ursuline Oberlin 2 19 423 West Chester Edinboro 17 6 423 Wingate Tusculum 16 13 423 Wilmington Post 18 12 423 Westminster Colorado Mesa 10 20 424 Adams State Regis (CO) 4 18 424 Dominican Philadelphia 16 22 424 Fort Lewis CSU-Pueblo 15 8 424 Georgian Court Felician 16 3 424 Lake Erie Findlay 7 8 424 McKendree Grand Valley State 11 23 424 Walsh Tiffin 7 19 424 T Young Harris Alabama-Huntsville 17 7 425 Philadelphia Felician 23 0 425 Queens Limestone 9 2 426 Bloomsburg Shippensburg 12 13 ot 426 T Belmont Abbey Lees-McRae 17 6 426 LIU Post Stonehill 11 4 426 T Pfeiffer North Greenville 19 9 426 Seton Hill Slippery Rock 18 13 426 T Tusculum Brevard 15 8 426 T Wingate Catawba 12 13 426 Walsh Alderson Broaddus 14 9 427 Adelphi Franklin Pierce 15 4 427 Caldwell Mercy 5 16 427 Georgian Court Dominican 17 4 427 Le Moyne Pace 17 7 427 Molloy Dowling 8 12 427 New Haven S. New Hampshire 20 12 427 Nyack Felician 27 7 427 Philadelphia Chestnut Hill 10 9 427 Queens (NY) Bridgeport 10 3 427 Saint Michael's Bentley 8 10 427 Saint Anselm Assumption 17 6 427 Southern Connectic American Internati 7 6 ot 428 T Davenport Indiana Tech 12 9 428 T Georgetown (KY) Robert Morris (IL) 8 7 428 Holy Family Wilmington 24 8 428 T Lawrence Tech Columbia (SC) 18 5 428 T Savannah Art & Des Tennessee Wesleyan 16 12 428 Stonehill Merrimack 13 5 428 Ursuline Alderson Broaddus 18 11 429 T Columbia (SC) Robert Morris (IL) 7 14 429 T Davenport Savannah Art & Des 11 9 429 Findlay McKendree 13 12 429 Fort Lewis Adams State 18 3 429 T Florida Southern Tampa 19 10 429 T Georgetown (KY) Lawrence Tech 4 15 429 Grand Valley State Lake Erie 16 4 429 Grand Valley State Lake Erie 19 2 429 T Indiana Tech Tennessee Wesleyan 19 15 429 T Lenoir-Rhyne Catawba 11 9 429 Colorado Mesa Westminster 20 11 429 T Queens Tusculum 21 6 429 T Rollins Florida Tech 15 14 429 T Shepherd UVa-Wise 15 9 429 Tiffin Indianapolis 18 14 429 University of DC Queens (NY) 5 15 429 T Wheeling Jesuit West Virginia Wesl 17 6 430 American Internati Saint Michael's 10 6 430 Bentley New Haven 12 8 430 Bridgeport St. Thomas Aquinas 3 9 430 Chestnut Hill Molloy 10 16 430 LIU Post Mercy 16 2 430 T Davenport Lawrence Tech 9 8 ot 430 Franklin Pierce Le Moyne 6 19 430 Grand Valley State Walsh 22 1 430 T Indiana (PA) Millersville 14 10 430 Lindenwood Rockhurst 22 1 430 T Limestone Pfeiffer 16 5 430 T Lock Haven Seton Hill 16 9 430 Merrimack Assumption 0 7 430 T Mount Olive Belmont Abbey 11 4 430 Pace Stonehill 8 12 430 Philadelphia Dowling 10 19 430 T Queens Lenoir-Rhyne 16 8 430 Regis (CO) CSU-Pueblo 16 5 430 Saint Anselm Adelphi 5 14 430 S. New Hampshire Southern Connectic 17 16 430 Ursuline Davis & Elkins 17 3 501 Findlay Indianapolis 13 11 501 T Florida Southern Rollins 12 11 501 T Limestone Mount Olive 3 2 501 Tiffin McKendree 23 10 501 University of DC Molloy 13 19 501 T Wheeling Jesuit Shepherd 10 17 503 T Findlay Lake Erie 11 4 503 T Georgian Court Wilmington 22 11 503 T Holy Family Caldwell 17 3 503 T McKendree Indianapolis 18 11 504 T Adelphi Pace 18 2 504 T Bentley Stonehill 9 8 504 T Davenport Indiana Tech 13 10 504 T Georgetown (KY) Tennessee Wesleyan 21 6 504 T Le Moyne American Internati 15 4 504 T Lawrence Tech Columbia (SC) 10 7 504 T New Haven S. New Hampshire 12 9 504 T Savannah Art & Des Benedictine (KS) 24 3 505 T LIU Post Mercy 6 2 505 T Dowling Molloy 11 10 506 T Alderson Broaddus Davis & Elkins 19 2 506 T Georgetown (KY) Lawrence Tech 12 8 506 T Grand Valley State McKendree 19 8 506 T Lindenwood Fort Lewis 16 8 506 T Mercyhurst Lock Haven 16 6 506 T Regis (CO) Colorado Mesa 12 8 506 T Savannah Art & Des Davenport 8 15 506 T Tiffin Findlay 10 13 506 T West Chester Indiana (PA) 12 11 507 T Adelphi New Haven 13 3 507 T LIU Post Dowling 7 6 507 T Georgian Court Chestnut Hill 10 14 507 T Georgetown (KY) Davenport 9 13 507 T Lindenwood Regis (CO) 9 8 507 T Le Moyne Bentley 18 11 507 T Philadelphia Holy Family 12 8 507 T Ursuline Alderson Broaddus 16 11 508 T Adelphi Le Moyne 13 6 508 T Grand Valley State Findlay 20 10 508 T Mercyhurst West Chester 17 14 508 T Philadelphia Chestnut Hill 18 11 513 T LIU Post New Haven 9 6 513 T Dowling Grand Valley State 9 8 513 T Mercyhurst Queens 9 12 513 T West Chester Rollins 8 9 514 T Adelphi Dowling 15 3 514 T Florida Southern Rollins 8 5 514 T Lindenwood Queens 13 4 514 T Le Moyne LIU Post 6 5 514 T Mercy Pace 3 13 519 T Adelphi Le Moyne 13 4 519 T Florida Southern Lindenwood 15 11 521 T Florida Southern Adelphi 8 7
N (neutral site); C (Cancelled); D (Power Rating ignores game);*(ignore in conference); T(tournament)