Conf = NESCAC Region = New England State = CT Nickname = Bantams Coach = Katy DissingerGAME LIST
Team Power Rating = 95.3169098 Date Opponent Conference (W-L, PR) Score 305 A Williams NESCAC ( 5-11, 78.2) 12- 5 306 A Wheaton NEWMAC ( 9- 9, 75.2) 15- 5 309 H Stevens Empire Eight (10- 7, 79.2) 10- 9 o 312 H Colby NESCAC (12- 4, 80.4) 13- 3 315 N Salisbury Capital (18- 3, 84.4) 6- 9 317 N Endicott Comm. Coast ( 8-10, 70.0) 19- 3 319 H Bates NESCAC (12- 6, 82.6) 6- 5 326 A Tufts NESCAC ( 9- 7, 81.9) 9-10 402 H Bowdoin NESCAC ( 7- 8, 78.7) 12- 9 406 H Connecticut College NESCAC ( 5-10, 74.6) 12- 6 410 A Springfield NEWMAC (16- 6, 78.2) 8- 7 2o 412 A Wesleyan (CT) NESCAC ( 5- 9, 78.0) 12- 4 416 A Middlebury NESCAC (22- 1, 87.1) 13- 9 423 A Hamilton NESCAC (10- 6, 83.5) 9- 8 o 427 H Amherst NESCAC (13- 5, 83.1) 11- 7 430 H Williams NESCAC ( 5-11, 78.2) 18- 4 507 H Bates NESCAC (12- 6, 82.6) 14- 3 508 H Middlebury NESCAC (22- 1, 87.1) 7-10 515 H Ithaca Empire Eight (14- 6, 81.8) 11- 8 521 N Mary Washington Capital (15- 5, 79.6) 13- 5 522 H College of New Jersey NJAC (20- 2, 82.9) 11- 6 528 N Franklin & Marshall Centennial (21- 3, 85.6) 6- 2 529 N Middlebury NESCAC (22- 1, 87.1) 5- 9PREDICTION LIST
------------------------------------- |Real = actual goal margin | |Pred = predicted goal margin | |+ = slightly above prediction | |++ = above prediction | |+++ = well above prediction | |- = slightly below prediction | |-- = below prediction | |--- = well below prediction | |Goals* = Goals over (+) under (-) | | prediction | |n/a = Outside division | ------------------------------------- Date Opponent Score Real Pred +/- Goals* 305 A Williams 12- 5 7 6 0.91 306 A Wheaton 15- 5 10 9 0.88 309 H Stevens 10- 9 o 1 7 --- -6.07 312 H Colby 13- 3 10 5 ++ 4.06 315 N Salisbury 6- 9 -3 0 - -3.93 317 N Endicott 19- 3 16 15 0.00 319 H Bates 6- 5 1 3 - -2.66 326 A Tufts 9-10 -1 2 - -3.43 402 H Bowdoin 12- 9 3 7 -- -4.60 406 H Connecticut College 12- 6 6 11 -- -4.00 410 A Springfield 8- 7 2o 1 6 -- -5.17 412 A Wesleyan (CT) 12- 4 8 6 1.69 416 A Middlebury 13- 9 4 -2 +++ 6.80 423 A Hamilton 9- 8 o 1 0 0.22 427 H Amherst 11- 7 4 3 0.77 430 H Williams 18- 4 14 8 1.93 507 H Bates 14- 3 11 3 +++ 6.34 508 H Middlebury 7-10 -3 0 - -2.18 515 H Ithaca 11- 8 3 4 -1.55 521 N Mary Washington 13- 5 8 5 + 2.27 522 H College of New Jersey 11- 6 5 3 1.59 528 N Franklin & Marshall 6- 2 4 0 ++ 4.26 529 N Middlebury 5- 9 -4 -1 - -2.19UNDER-ACHIEVED GAMES
Date Opponent Score Real Pred +/- Goals* 309 H Stevens 10- 9 o 1 7 --- -6.07 402 H Bowdoin 12- 9 3 7 -- -4.60 406 H Connecticut College 12- 6 6 11 -- -4.00 410 A Springfield 8- 7 2o 1 6 -- -5.17 315 N Salisbury 6- 9 -3 0 - -3.93 319 H Bates 6- 5 1 3 - -2.66 326 A Tufts 9-10 -1 2 - -3.43 508 H Middlebury 7-10 -3 0 - -2.18 529 N Middlebury 5- 9 -4 -1 - -2.19OVER-ACHIEVED GAMES
Date Opponent Score Real Pred +/- Goals* 416 A Middlebury 13- 9 4 -2 +++ 6.80 507 H Bates 14- 3 11 3 +++ 6.34 312 H Colby 13- 3 10 5 ++ 4.06 528 N Franklin & Marshall 6- 2 4 0 ++ 4.26 521 N Mary Washington 13- 5 8 5 + 2.27/
LOCAL RATING BASED ON POWER RATING Local Power Rating....... 85.32 Local Power Rank........... 4 Local SOS Rating......... 59.13 Local SOS Rank............. 1 Local RPI Rating......... 0.71 Local RPI Rank............. 7 Championship Probability . 11.0 Championship Rank ....... 3 Local Quality Win Rating.175.00 Local Quality Win Rank..... 3 LOCAL PERFORMANCE BASED ON POWER RATING Ave Offensive Goals .... 11.0 Ave Defensive Goals ...... 6.3 Wins/Losses(all )...... 19- 4 Ave Goal diff (all )..... 4.6 Wins/Losses(top 5)...... 0- 0 Ave Goal diff (top 5)..... Wins/Losses(top 10)...... 1- 0 Ave Goal diff (top 10)..... 4.0 Wins/Losses(top 20)...... 3- 0 Ave Goal diff (top 20)..... 5.3 Wins/Losses(last 3)...... 2- 1 Ave Goal diff (last 3)..... 1.7