2014 NCAA Women's Division III SCHEDULE
Date Home Team Away Team Scores 207 Southwestern Hendrix 18 3 208 Chapman Occidental 12 18 208 Claremont-Mudd-Scr Redlands 9 17 208 Methodist Berry 6 15 208 Oglethorpe Tennessee Wesleyan 7 17 208 Pomona-Pitzer Whittier 14 4 209 Dallas Hendrix 12 9 212 Occidental Redlands 15 12 212 Pomona-Pitzer Claremont-Mudd-Scr 11 9 212 Whittier Chapman 10 17 214 Oglethorpe Hendrix 14 16 215 Berry Rhodes 9 7 215 Millsaps Birmingham-Souther 15 16 215 Occidental Pomona-Pitzer 8 7 ot 215 Piedmont Sewanee 12 16 215 Redlands Chapman 16 9 215 Whittier Claremont-Mudd-Scr 6 7 ot 216 Agnes Scott Hendrix 7 14 216 Huntingdon Millsaps 17 14 216 LaGrange Rhodes 5 16 216 Salisbury Roanoke 17 2 216 Washington & Lee Christopher Newpor 12 11 ot 216 Wingate Methodist 16 10 218 Dickinson Elizabethtown 18 0 218 Guilford Ferrum 20 8 218 Mary Washington Shenandoah 16 9 218 No. Carolina Wesle Chowan 7 19 218 Reinhardt Huntingdon 17 16 219 Chapman Pomona-Pitzer 8 11 219 Oglethorpe Piedmont 2 21 219 Redlands Whittier 16 5 219 St. Mary's (MD) Washington & Lee 6 16 219 Stevenson Gettysburg 6 15 220 Colorado College Bates 4 20 220 LaGrange Emmanuel (GA) 13 18 220 Lebanon Valley York 10 11 ot 220 Redlands Oneonta 10 11 221 Randolph Columbia (SC) 22 8 222 Augsburg Midland 12 10 222 Augsburg Dubuque 11 8 222 Birmingham-Souther Centre 9 21 222 Chowan Methodist 18 7 222 Chapman Oneonta 12 21 222 Christopher Newpor Roanoke 15 16 2 ot 222 N Dickinson St. Mary's (MD) 10 6 222 Franklin & Marshal Brockport 19 13 222 FDU-Florham St. Joseph's (NY) 8 10 222 Ferrum Sweet Briar 15 9 222 Frostburg State Allegheny 10 16 222 Goucher Bridgewater 9 8 222 Gwynedd-Mercy Eastern 4 21 222 Hendrix Berry 6 19 222 Hartwick Mount Saint Mary 15 9 222 Linfield Puget Sound 2 15 222 Lebanon Valley Shenandoah 17 6 222 Messiah Elizabethtown 18 1 222 Marywood Arcadia 4 12 222 Oglethorpe Millsaps 14 15 222 Occidental Whittier 15 7 222 Pomona-Pitzer Redlands 11 12 2 ot 222 Rhodes Sewanee 4 15 222 Southwestern Dallas 20 3 222 Stevenson Salisbury 6 8 222 Virginia Wesleyan Greensboro 5 7 222 Washington & Lee Mary Washington 12 5 223 Augsburg Loras 20 5 223 LaGrange Columbia (SC) 21 19 223 N Midland Dubuque 23 10 223 N Midland Loras 19 8 223 Piedmont Millsaps 21 5 223 Sewanee Huntingdon 17 7 223 Puget Sound Alma 16 10 224 Sweet Briar Meredith 7 18 224 Stevens Mount Saint Vincen 19 1 225 Cabrini Haverford 12 18 225 Eastern Connecticu Springfield 1 19 225 Ferrum Bridgewater 5 13 225 Frostburg State Catholic (DC) 8 21 225 George Fox Alma 8 9 225 Goucher Rowan 5 17 225 Marywood Hartwick 5 6 225 Neumann Arcadia 11 18 225 Oklahoma Baptist Dallas 7 8 226 Agnes Scott Piedmont 1 20 226 Birmingham-Souther LaGrange 19 10 226 Claremont-Mudd-Scr Occidental 9 12 226 Eastern Albright 8 18 226 Fontbonne Mo. Baptist 4 17 226 Farmingdale State Stevens 11 8 226 Huntingdon Oglethorpe 20 4 226 Hood Lancaster Bible 14 4 226 Lynchburg Mary Washington 8 17 226 McDaniel St. Mary's (MD) 14 13 226 Meredith Virginia Wesleyan 10 12 226 Pacific (OR) Alma 13 10 226 Randolph-Macon Greensboro 18 9 226 Randolph Washington & Lee 1 19 226 Southern Virginia Methodist 5 8 226 Thiel Allegheny 9 18 227 Montclair State Drew 16 6 227 Rutgers-Camden Immaculata 11 19 227 Rosemont Misericordia 2 20 227 Sewanee Augustana 13 16 227 Southwestern Colorado College 11 20 228 Curry Emerson 6 8 228 Linfield Alma 6 18 228 Sewanee Hendrix 22 9 228 Southwestern Augsburg 17 6 228 Puget Sound Pacific (OR) 16 10 228 Ursinus Albright 13 8 301 Agnes Scott Greensboro 1 21 301 Arcadia Widener 15 11 301 Bates Amherst 8 12 301 Birmingham-Souther Rhodes 13 15 301 Baldwin Wallace Lourdes 19 1 301 Capital Franciscan 16 3 301 Claremont-Mudd-Scr Chapman 6 5 ot 301 Christopher Newpor Randolph-Macon 19 9 301 N Colorado College Augsburg 23 0 301 Dallas Colorado College 0 20 301 DePauw Mount St. Joseph 13 9 301 N Franklin & Marshal Washington & Lee 12 4 301 FDU-Florham College of New Jer 3 19 301 Frostburg State Bridgewater 9 12 301 Haverford York 9 11 301 Huntingdon No. Carolina Wesle 21 5 301 N Hendrix Carthage 2 22 301 Houghton Hiram 16 0 301 Hollins Southern Virginia 1 9 301 Hood Washington & Jeffe 16 4 301 Kean Centenary 18 2 301 LaGrange Meredith 0 20 301 Lebanon Valley Goucher 15 11 301 Lynchburg Marymount 8 10 301 Manhattanville Western New Englan 7 21 301 Messiah Gettysburg 6 16 301 MIT Mount Ida 18 9 301 Mass.-Dartmouth Smith 20 16 301 Methodist Randolph 9 12 301 Muhlenberg Gwynedd-Mercy 18 2 301 Notre Dame (MD) Richard Stockton 4 16 301 Oneonta Rensselaer 6 5 301 Otterbein Calvin 15 8 301 Piedmont Ferrum 11 9 301 N Pomona-Pitzer Pacific (OR) 16 3 301 Ramapo Old Westbury 11 5 301 Rochester Medaille 19 2 301 Rowan Washington College 12 8 301 Roger Williams Springfield 5 18 301 Salisbury Catholic (DC) 17 9 301 Shenandoah Dickinson 8 9 301 Simmons Regis (MA) 15 11 301 Stevens Montclair State 10 12 301 St. John Fisher William Smith 9 7 301 St. Joseph's (NY) Geneseo 4 14 301 Skidmore Mount Holyoke 15 8 301 N Susquehanna Fredonia 13 9 301 Swarthmore Eastern 17 4 301 Trinity (CT) Colby 8 6 301 Tufts Middlebury 8 12 301 Utica Oswego 6 10 301 Stevenson Brockport 9 11 301 Virginia Wesleyan St. Mary's (MD) 4 13 301 Wesleyan (CT) Hamilton 7 8 301 Westfield State Johnson & Wales 13 4 301 Wheaton Salve Regina 13 5 301 N Williams Bowdoin 12 8 301 Wellesley U. of New England 8 16 301 Wooster Centre 8 9 302 Albertus Magnus Saint Joseph's (ME 1 20 302 Agnes Scott Ferrum 1 21 302 Babson Connecticut Colleg 8 9 302 N Berry Thiel 11 9 302 N Brockport Susquehanna 18 17 ot 302 Dallas Augsburg 7 6 302 Huntingdon Meredith 8 13 302 Husson U. of New England 4 14 302 LaGrange No. Carolina Wesle 13 11 302 Marymount Mount Union 17 16 ot 302 Merchant Marine Wesley 5 19 302 Oglethorpe Augustana 1 21 302 Piedmont Greensboro 15 10 302 N Pomona-Pitzer Linfield 17 0 302 Sewanee Carthage 16 7 302 Puget Sound Pomona-Pitzer 8 18 302 Stevenson Fredonia 17 8 303 Erskine Aurora 19 2 303 George Fox Pacific (OR) 9 11 ot 303 N Lycoming Wilkes 11 19 303 Methodist Saint Vincent 12 17 303 Union Cortland 4 20 304 Bates Southern Maine 16 5 304 Beloit Wilmington (OH) 21 7 304 Bridgewater State Mount Holyoke 11 10 304 Curry Mount Ida 19 4 304 Guilford Redlands 16 17 304 Hartwick Oneonta 6 17 304 Johnson & Wales Wentworth Tech 12 9 304 Lasell MIT 12 18 304 Muhlenberg Lebanon Valley 17 13 304 N Roanoke St. John Fisher 15 20 304 Richard Stockton Lancaster Bible 13 0 304 Tufts Keene State 12 5 304 U. of New England Plymouth State 18 12 304 Wheaton Roger Williams 11 10 304 Western New Englan Westfield State 11 7 305 Amherst Babson 16 2 305 Becker Framingham State 16 7 305 Bryn Mawr Penn State-Abingto 14 4 305 Birmingham-Souther Reinhardt 18 21 305 Centre Augustana 6 12 305 Christopher Newpor Redlands 20 10 305 Elms Sage 9 12 305 Endicott Wellesley 13 12 ot 305 Farmingdale State Marywood 16 5 305 Goucher Berry 18 6 305 Guilford Greensboro 23 12 305 Haverford Stevenson 9 8 305 Kean Manhattanville 16 6 305 Linfield George Fox 4 15 305 N Lycoming Ferrum 16 17 305 Messiah Dickinson 11 12 305 Montclair State Thiel 16 5 305 No. Carolina Wesle Meredith 3 19 305 Otterbein Ohio Wesleyan 8 11 305 Piedmont Methodist 16 4 305 Rivier Worcester State 7 11 305 Randolph-Macon Marymount 19 10 305 Sewanee Adrian 9 10 305 Shenandoah Frostburg State 14 9 305 Stevens FDU-Florham 15 9 305 N St. John Fisher Misericordia 17 5 305 Southwestern Eastern 4 19 305 Utica Skidmore 7 5 305 Wesleyan (CT) Eastern Connecticu 19 4 305 Williams Springfield 8 4 305 William Smith Cortland 6 22 305 York Franklin & Marshal 3 9 306 Albright Arcadia 6 10 306 Agnes Scott Methodist 1 16 306 Allegheny Washington & Jeffe 20 8 306 Alma Wilmington (OH) 21 3 306 Bowdoin U. of New England 20 2 306 Curry Lasell 16 17 2 ot 306 Gordon Salem State 15 5 306 Gwynedd-Mercy Bryn Athyn 16 7 306 Hollins Lynchburg 1 24 306 Ithaca Geneseo 7 10 306 Johnson & Wales Regis (MA) 13 10 306 Keene State Castleton State 13 4 306 LaGrange Oglethorpe 17 8 306 Mass.-Dartmouth Mount Ida 16 17 2 ot 306 Old Westbury Centenary 9 8 306 Piedmont Aurora 21 5 306 Randolph Southern Virginia 14 5 306 N Roanoke Misericordia 19 9 306 Salve Regina Emerson 4 11 306 Swarthmore Alvernia 11 6 306 Western New Englan Bridgewater State 15 5 307 Brockport St. Lawrence 14 6 307 Bryn Mawr Immaculata 5 18 307 Centre Tennessee Wesleyan 16 7 307 Clarkson Potsdam 8 10 307 Defiance Calvin 1 15 307 * Elms Bay Path 18 1 307 Hiram Hilbert 8 6 307 Hood Notre Dame (MD) 15 8 307 Hartwick Buffalo State 11 17 307 Lebanon Valley Ursinus 11 4 307 Montclair State Muhlenberg 17 10 307 RIT Oswego 9 7 307 Puget Sound Kenyon 13 17 307 Washington College Susquehanna 24 14 308 Albion Allegheny 5 19 308 Albright Richard Stockton 14 5 308 N Adrian Denison 12 23 308 Amherst Bowdoin 9 4 308 N Aquinas Dubuque 20 5 308 Bates Wesleyan (CT) 12 8 308 Benedictine Kalamazoo 8 11 308 Capital Calvin 11 8 308 Castleton State Western Connecticu 12 14 308 College of New Jer Messiah 16 14 308 Connecticut Colleg Middlebury 4 12 308 Carthage Mount St. Joseph 18 10 308 Eastern Connecticu Tufts 3 18 308 Elmira Lycoming 11 9 308 Endicott Babson 15 9 308 Fontbonne Rhodes 6 18 308 FDU-Florham Alvernia 16 11 308 Hamilton Colby 10 12 308 Husson Gordon 4 14 308 Illinois Tech Loras 3 12 308 Kean Old Westbury 20 5 308 Keene State Franklin Pierce 14 9 308 Keuka Clarkson 8 10 308 King's Scranton 2 17 308 Lasell Wellesley 10 14 308 Lynchburg Berry 18 3 308 Manhattanville Farmingdale State 3 20 308 McDaniel Frostburg State 16 8 308 MIT Roger Williams 14 12 308 Merchant Marine Bryn Athyn 12 7 308 Morrisville Oswego 6 17 308 Meredith Converse 12 8 308 Mary Washington Roanoke 13 12 308 Marywood Oneonta 9 18 308 New England Colleg Mount Holyoke 7 21 308 Nichols Mount Ida 16 8 308 Otterbein Oberlin 3 10 308 Ohio Wesleyan Baldwin Wallace 16 12 308 Pacific (OR) Colorado College 7 14 308 Potsdam Utica 6 7 308 Robert Morris (IL) Alma 10 15 308 Rosemont Lancaster Bible 21 1 308 Salisbury Washington & Lee 11 9 308 Salve Regina Mass.-Dartmouth 20 12 308 Salem State Colby-Sawyer 11 10 ot 308 Sweet Briar Virginia Wesleyan 11 23 308 Shenandoah Goucher 17 5 308 St. Joseph's (NY) Emerson 12 7 308 Maritime Rutgers-Camden 10 20 308 Springfield Plymouth State 8 5 308 Swarthmore Drew 12 11 ot 308 N Transylvania Fitchburg State 17 22 308 Union Buffalo State 16 3 308 Wesley Centenary 14 9 308 Wheelock Thomas 3 15 308 Williams Trinity (CT) 10 13 308 Wilkes Houghton 18 6 308 Western New Englan Smith 16 5 308 William Smith Nazareth 8 9 308 York Ithaca 14 12 309 Aurora Kalamazoo 6 11 309 Bryn Athyn Dallas 12 10 309 N Bridgewater Haverford 10 13 309 Birmingham-Souther Oglethorpe 18 8 309 Catholic (DC) Penn State-Abingto 19 0 309 Claremont-Mudd-Scr Stevens 11 10 2 ot 309 Ferrum LaGrange 25 4 309 Greensboro Huntingdon 13 7 309 Guilford Wittenberg 17 23 309 N Hendrix St. Mary's (IN) 18 2 309 Illinois Tech Lawrence Tech 2 16 309 Linfield Kenyon 4 18 309 Morrisville Elmira 14 13 ot 309 Randolph-Macon St. Mary's (MD) 10 18 309 Sewanee Denison 7 14 309 Shenandoah Marymount 14 6 309 St. Joseph's (NY) Castleton State 11 10 309 Trine Allegheny 0 16 309 Puget Sound Colorado College 6 20 309 Whittier Saint Joseph's (ME 7 6 309 Wilmington (OH) Ursuline 2 21 310 N Bryn Mawr Sweet Briar 8 16 310 Cabrini Ursinus 10 15 310 N Coker Meredith 9 17 310 N Dickinson Skidmore 9 7 310 Ferrum Huntingdon 15 4 310 N Gettysburg Rensselaer 14 9 310 Goucher Medaille 17 1 310 Greensboro LaGrange 22 2 310 N Hilbert Beloit 6 17 310 Johnson & Wales Husson 9 8 310 Mount Saint Vincen Roger Williams 2 16 310 Methodist Fitchburg State 8 7 310 Neumann Alvernia 15 13 310 Oberlin Lourdes 22 6 310 Rutgers-Camden Wilkes 8 18 310 Rhodes St. Mary's (IN) 19 4 310 Randolph Wittenberg 7 18 310 Scranton Lebanon Valley 9 12 310 Smith Nichols 9 13 310 N St. Lawrence Curry 7 6 310 N Transylvania Becker 16 11 310 N Stevenson Nazareth 12 10 311 Albright Immaculata 19 5 311 Bates Babson 16 10 311 Benedictine Illinois Tech 15 2 311 N Bridgewater Westfield State 11 8 311 Cedar Crest Dallas 10 11 311 Centre Mo. Baptist 20 9 311 Colby Southern Maine 21 4 311 N Connecticut Colleg Ithaca 5 15 311 Endicott Bowdoin 5 15 311 Houghton Cazenovia 16 10 311 Hood Penn State-Abingto 17 11 311 Keuka Canton 11 9 311 Misericordia Hartwick 11 12 311 MIT Eastern Connecticu 17 6 311 Mount Saint Mary New Paltz 9 16 311 N Montclair State Alfred 18 3 311 Mount Holyoke Western New Englan 14 16 311 Marywood Lycoming 14 13 311 Old Westbury Drew 3 18 311 Occidental Saint Joseph's (ME 18 4 311 Pacific (OR) Kenyon 5 10 311 Rhodes Defiance 20 3 311 RIT Geneseo 8 17 311 Sage Kean 3 15 311 Simmons Emerson 8 16 311 N St. Mary's (IN) Millsaps 4 17 311 Springfield Trinity (CT) 4 10 311 Utica Clarkson 13 11 311 N Stevenson Ohio Wesleyan 18 6 312 Bridgewater State Lasell 15 13 312 College of New Jer Rutgers-Camden 19 2 312 N Curry Baldwin Wallace 15 5 312 N Defiance St. Mary's (IN) 9 5 312 Drew Centenary 12 1 312 Eastern Alvernia 8 12 312 Elizabethtown McDaniel 1 16 312 N Franklin & Marshal Stevens 19 14 312 George Fox Southwestern 14 12 312 Goucher Frostburg State 14 12 312 Greensboro Wesley 12 6 312 Gwynedd-Mercy King's 17 15 312 Lebanon Valley Susquehanna 13 10 312 Mount St. Joseph Wilmington (OH) 22 8 312 Mount Ida Salem State 14 11 312 Muhlenberg FDU-Florham 18 9 312 Neumann Widener 16 12 312 N Ohio Wesleyan Beloit 15 6 312 Occidental Franklin & Marshal 5 19 312 Regis (CO) Vassar 19 8 312 Randolph-Macon Medaille 21 9 312 Randolph Hollins 22 1 312 Richard Stockton Maritime 17 3 312 Roger Williams Colby-Sawyer 16 2 312 Salve Regina Husson 13 3 312 St. Joseph's (NY) Thomas 17 5 312 N St. Lawrence Washington College 10 17 312 St. Mary's (MD) Catholic (DC) 9 15 312 N Swarthmore Bryn Mawr 18 1 312 Thiel Saint Vincent 7 16 312 Tufts Cortland 7 17 312 Ursinus Rowan 10 8 312 Virginia Wesleyan Christopher Newpor 7 13 312 Western Connecticu Farmingdale State 12 18 312 Wesleyan (CT) Wheaton 10 5 312 Whittier Albion 21 16 312 Wilkes Canton 18 11 312 Worcester State Manhattanville 21 8 312 York Messiah 10 8 313 Berry Oglethorpe 16 3 313 Centre Sewanee 10 4 313 N Connecticut Colleg Skidmore 7 5 313 Concordia-Wisconsi Benedictine 22 5 313 N Fredonia Washington College 12 8 313 Hendrix Defiance 16 3 313 N Ithaca Gettysburg 12 13 2 ot 313 Johnson & Wales Colby-Sawyer 6 8 313 N Meredith Kean 15 13 313 Mount Saint Vincen Thomas 16 12 313 Methodist Ferrum 7 15 313 N Nazareth Westfield State 10 5 313 N No. Carolina Wesle Transylvania 9 15 313 Otterbein Franciscan 20 2 313 Pacific (OR) Southwestern 19 5 313 N Rensselaer Haverford 13 11 ot 313 N Swarthmore Becker 20 2 313 Trinity (CT) Wheaton 17 6 313 N Stevenson Dickinson 11 8 314 Penn State-Abingto Arcadia 0 20 314 Columbia (SC) Baldwin Wallace 6 16 314 Chapman Albion 23 15 314 Colorado College Vassar 8 15 314 N Fredonia St. Lawrence 12 7 314 Greensboro Randolph 15 6 314 Hiram Mount Union 2 23 314 Mary Washington Bridgewater 18 4 314 Oneonta St. John Fisher 6 11 314 Salve Regina Eastern Connecticu 8 9 ot 314 Savannah Art & Des Sweet Briar 16 10 314 Scranton Drew 12 13 314 Maritime Elms 11 7 314 Wilmington (OH) Franciscan 13 16 ot 315 Adrian Augustana 10 21 315 Alvernia Marywood 18 8 315 Beloit Mount St. Joseph 17 14 315 Bowdoin Hamilton 13 9 315 Bryn Mawr McDaniel 1 18 315 Cabrini Widener 15 13 315 N Catholic (DC) Cortland 3 20 315 Centre Ohio Wesleyan 15 8 315 N Calvin Robert Morris (IL) 15 8 315 Colby Tufts 14 16 315 Eastern Neumann 16 14 315 Elmira King's 10 6 315 Emerson Salem State 19 3 315 Endicott Wheaton 12 9 315 Elizabethtown Susquehanna 3 19 315 Farmingdale State Oneonta 15 14 315 George Fox Puget Sound 3 14 315 Houghton Canton 6 19 315 Hollins Bridgewater 1 22 315 Hartwick New Paltz 13 14 315 Immaculata Rowan 2 18 315 Johnson & Wales Mount Ida 10 7 315 Kenyon Thiel 18 14 315 LaGrange Huntingdon 9 21 315 Linfield Southwestern 13 16 315 Lasell Nichols 19 12 315 Lycoming Gwynedd-Mercy 20 7 315 Manhattanville College of New Jer 1 18 315 Mass. Maritime Wentworth Tech 10 12 315 Marymount Frostburg State 17 13 315 Misericordia Lebanon Valley 11 21 315 Middlebury Wesleyan (CT) 10 4 315 Meredith Piedmont 11 15 315 Methodist Transylvania 13 14 315 Muhlenberg RIT 16 10 315 No. Carolina Wesle Agnes Scott 14 11 315 Oberlin Alma 12 5 315 Old Westbury Bard 8 12 315 Purchase Rosemont 7 5 315 Pacific (OR) Hope 12 3 315 Regis (MA) Maine-Farmington 16 8 315 Randolph-Macon Guilford 18 20 315 N Rochester Smith 17 5 315 Richard Stockton Bryn Athyn 18 5 315 Simmons Anna Maria 22 0 315 Saint Joseph Emmanuel 12 16 315 St. John Fisher Buffalo State 16 5 315 Southern Virginia Mary Washington 2 18 315 St. Mary's (MD) Goucher 18 5 315 Saint Vincent Lourdes 18 4 315 Thomas Saint Joseph's (ME 13 12 ot 315 Trinity (CT) Bates 3 6 315 U. of New England Bridgewater State 18 16 315 Virginia Wesleyan Roanoke 8 14 315 Washington & Lee Lynchburg 12 6 315 Wesley Christopher Newpor 3 14 315 Wilkes Wells 19 1 315 Wellesley New England Colleg 19 4 315 York Salisbury 3 10 316 Benedictine Mount St. Joseph 7 11 316 Capital Siena Heights 14 4 316 Connecticut Colleg Williams 7 8 316 N Denison Vassar 11 16 316 N Franciscan Lourdes 9 12 316 N Geneseo Western Connecticu 18 6 316 Meredith Agnes Scott 16 0 316 Mount Union Kenyon 13 6 316 No. Carolina Wesle Piedmont 5 22 316 Otterbein Alma 14 2 316 Shenandoah Sweet Briar 17 0 316 N Springfield Oswego 4 5 316 Washington College Christopher Newpor 15 7 317 N Clarkson Mount Holyoke 11 15 317 Colorado College Albright 22 16 317 Farmingdale State U. of New England 17 12 317 Gwynedd-Mercy Arcadia 4 18 317 Muhlenberg Smith 20 4 317 N Oswego St. Joseph's (NY) 15 10 317 Saint Joseph's (ME Bates 3 17 317 Puget Sound Claremont-Mudd-Scr 9 10 318 N Babson Hamilton 7 15 318 Beloit Otterbein 4 15 318 Bryn Mawr Cedar Crest 14 4 318 Bridgewater State Wheaton 6 7 318 Elmira Rochester 4 14 318 Emmanuel Johnson & Wales 16 8 318 Elizabethtown Montclair State 1 18 318 George Fox Hope 13 9 318 Gordon MIT 10 12 318 King's Lycoming 11 17 318 Linfield Pacific (OR) 6 19 318 Lasell Anna Maria 22 0 318 Misericordia Alvernia 9 12 318 N Messiah McDaniel 14 12 318 Mount Saint Mary Vassar 7 19 318 N Mass.-Dartmouth Clarkson 7 15 318 Mount Ida Simmons 11 12 318 Olivet Aquinas 6 20 318 Rivier Albertus Magnus 24 1 318 Roanoke Brockport 7 19 318 Rensselaer Middlebury 8 11 318 Sage Bard 3 20 318 Salve Regina Rhode Island Colle 18 9 318 N Springfield Geneseo 9 10 2 ot 318 Thiel Hiram 17 4 318 N Trinity (CT) Salisbury 8 11 318 Transylvania Wilmington (OH) 22 5 318 Waynesburg Saint Vincent 6 26 318 Wentworth Tech Elms 20 10 318 Widener Ursinus 6 14 318 Wittenberg Adrian 23 18 318 N William Smith Amherst 2 9 319 Bates Endicott 10 11 319 Buffalo State Houghton 17 3 319 Bridgewater Christopher Newpor 6 12 319 Cabrini Notre Dame (MD) 16 2 319 Catholic (DC) Mary Washington 14 13 319 Capital Mount St. Joseph 10 6 319 Chapman Allegheny 11 14 319 Colorado College Denison 12 13 319 Cortland Ithaca 12 7 319 Carthage Illinois Tech 22 1 319 Concordia-Wisconsi Augsburg 16 2 319 Dickinson York 6 14 319 Franciscan Mount Union 3 22 319 N FDU-Florham Ramapo 10 8 319 Ferrum Plymouth State 6 16 319 Frostburg State New England Colleg 18 8 319 N Fredonia Saint Joseph 14 1 319 George Fox Claremont-Mudd-Scr 6 17 319 Guilford Randolph 19 7 319 Haverford Eastern 15 4 319 Hartwick Cazenovia 16 5 319 Immaculata Neumann 3 15 319 Lebanon Valley Hood 18 0 319 Lynchburg Randolph-Macon 9 10 319 Marymount Smith 21 4 319 Merchant Marine Purchase 8 9 319 Colorado Mesa Albright 11 12 319 Marywood Rosemont 15 3 319 Nazareth RIT 5 6 319 Nichols Mass. Maritime 18 2 319 Ohio Wesleyan Defiance 17 1 319 Piedmont LaGrange 23 1 319 Pomona-Pitzer Sewanee 12 9 319 Rutgers-Camden Arcadia 6 18 319 Roger Williams Connecticut Colleg 6 9 319 Stevens Drew 8 12 319 Maritime Wilkes 3 19 319 Southwestern Goucher 4 16 319 Puget Sound Hope 15 12 319 Vassar Old Westbury 13 4 319 Virginia Wesleyan Birmingham-Souther 8 5 319 Washington & Lee Shenandoah 14 4 319 N Western Connecticu St. Joseph's (NY) 11 18 319 Wellesley Wesleyan (CT) 4 14 319 N Worcester State Eastern Connecticu 13 11 319 Walsh Baldwin Wallace 10 13 320 Penn State-Abingto Rutgers-Camden 4 15 320 Aurora St. Mary's (IN) 12 7 320 N Babson William Smith 18 11 320 Benedictine Augsburg 10 13 320 N Clarkson Saint Joseph 17 0 320 College of New Jer Gettysburg 11 10 ot 320 Colorado College Morrisville 17 7 320 Fitchburg State Rivier 8 18 320 N Fort Lewis Albright 15 9 320 Gordon Emerson 10 8 320 N Hamilton Amherst 6 9 320 Johnson & Wales Rhode Island Colle 14 15 320 Lancaster Bible Bryn Mawr 1 16 320 Linfield Claremont-Mudd-Scr 3 19 320 N Messiah Rowan 15 13 320 Mount Saint Mary Manhattanville 20 4 320 Montclair State Farmingdale State 15 13 320 Meredith Plymouth State 9 15 320 N Mass.-Dartmouth Mount Holyoke 6 17 320 No. Carolina Wesle Birmingham-Souther 9 21 320 Oglethorpe Emmanuel (GA) 16 18 320 Olivet Otterbein 2 16 320 Potsdam St. Lawrence 7 12 320 Regis (MA) Thomas 17 12 320 Redlands Sewanee 21 7 320 Salve Regina Bridgewater State 5 17 320 Saint Joseph's (ME Southern Maine 6 13 320 Southern Virginia Sweet Briar 6 17 320 Swarthmore Widener 14 8 320 N Trinity (CT) McDaniel 20 13 320 Wentworth Tech Wheelock 16 15 320 Wheaton Tufts 7 15 321 Augustana DePauw 15 8 321 Anna Maria Emmanuel 1 19 321 Baldwin Wallace Saint Vincent 14 13 321 Canton Potsdam 8 10 321 Dallas Western New Englan 2 19 321 Elmira Buffalo State 7 11 321 N FDU-Florham Worcester State 17 11 321 Illinois Tech Augsburg 4 21 321 Mitchell Bay Path 17 13 321 Middlebury Bowdoin 14 6 321 New England Colleg Utica 8 19 321 Pomona-Pitzer Allegheny 10 13 321 Randolph-Macon Hollins 23 0 321 N Puget Sound Morrisville 11 14 322 N Augsburg Otterbein 1 18 322 Alfred Wells 16 5 322 Alma Defiance 20 4 322 Alvernia Arcadia 18 11 322 Bryn Athyn Hood 9 8 322 Becker Maine-Farmington 7 15 322 Bard Richard Stockton 5 9 322 Bridgewater Roanoke 10 21 322 Brockport Adrian 20 7 322 Birmingham-Souther Berry 14 11 322 Cedar Crest Wilkes 2 19 322 Centenary Cabrini 3 17 322 Centre Rhodes 9 7 322 Chapman Pacific (OR) 18 7 322 Canton Medaille 18 6 322 Christopher Newpor St. Mary's (MD) 7 10 322 Colorado College Puget Sound 20 3 322 Colorado College Rockhurst 18 4 322 Connecticut Colleg Colby 1 8 322 St. Elizabeth Rosemont 6 9 322 Carthage Fontbonne 22 3 322 Curry Manhattanville 19 4 322 Concordia-Wisconsi St. Mary's (IN) 20 3 322 Dickinson Bryn Mawr 19 5 322 Drew Merchant Marine 15 0 322 Elmira Houghton 15 8 322 Emerson Springfield 6 21 322 Franklin & Marshal Muhlenberg 17 6 322 Ferrum No. Carolina Wesle 20 2 322 Frostburg State Mary Washington 6 22 322 Gettysburg Haverford 17 6 322 Goucher Elizabethtown 19 3 322 Georgetown (KY) Calvin 12 20 322 Guilford Virginia Wesleyan 16 7 322 Gwynedd-Mercy Notre Dame (MD) 16 10 322 Hartwick Stevens 9 14 322 Ithaca St. John Fisher 9 7 322 Johnson & Wales Lasell 8 16 322 King's Cazenovia 14 12 322 Lancaster Bible Waynesburg 6 13 322 Loras Albion 4 19 322 Lycoming Rutgers-Camden 15 6 322 Lynchburg Shenandoah 8 6 322 MIT Babson 4 13 322 Meredith Greensboro 12 11 322 Mount St. Joseph Aurora 18 11 322 Millsaps Hendrix 17 9 322 Methodist Huntingdon 13 17 322 Mount Holyoke Wheaton 8 15 322 Mount Ida Rivier 6 19 322 Mount Union Olivet 21 0 322 Marywood Immaculata 15 9 322 Neumann College of New Jer 6 22 322 Nichols Westfield State 11 17 322 North Central Beloit 16 8 322 Oglethorpe Sewanee 3 23 322 Old Westbury Mount Saint Mary 5 18 322 Purchase Farmingdale State 0 14 322 Regis (MA) Emmanuel 12 11 322 Rochester Nazareth 7 6 322 Sage St. Joseph's (NY) 4 19 322 N Rowan Keene State 15 10 322 Roger Williams Endicott 8 12 322 Salisbury Southern Virginia 14 1 322 Salve Regina Gordon 12 14 322 Simmons Albertus Magnus 25 2 322 Saint Joseph's (ME Norwich 10 7 322 Maritime Mount Saint Vincen 5 6 ot 322 SUNYIT Hilbert 19 4 322 Susquehanna Scranton 15 5 322 Thiel Capital 10 8 322 Thomas U. of New England 11 21 322 Transylvania Piedmont 8 20 322 Tufts Trinity (CT) 7 11 322 Ursinus Swarthmore 12 10 322 Washington & Lee Catholic (DC) 12 9 322 Wesleyan (CT) Skidmore 11 1 322 Widener Kean 10 11 322 Williams Bates 6 5 322 Wittenberg Stevenson 12 16 322 Wellesley Smith 19 8 322 Wilmington (OH) Hiram 10 12 322 Wooster Fredonia 2 15 322 York Wesley 19 2 323 Beloit Albion 7 12 323 Baldwin Wallace Ursuline 21 9 323 Castleton State Southern Maine 10 8 323 Centre Piedmont 16 14 323 Concordia-Wisconsi Fontbonne 20 4 323 Denison Kalamazoo 19 2 323 Elms Rhode Island Colle 3 18 323 Ferrum Meredith 10 11 ot 323 Hilbert Wells 7 5 323 Illinois Tech Otterbein 1 20 323 Kenyon Washington & Jeffe 16 0 323 Medaille Franciscan 9 7 323 Mitchell Framingham State 0 22 323 Mount St. Joseph Trine 18 3 323 Methodist LaGrange 17 8 323 No. Carolina Wesle Greensboro 4 23 323 Randolph Oberlin 5 15 323 Salisbury Franklin & Marshal 9 8 323 Southwestern Western New Englan 4 20 323 Wentworth Tech Colby-Sawyer 11 17 323 Wheelock Maine-Farmington 12 15 324 Albertus Magnus Saint Joseph 0 17 324 Albright Misericordia 19 17 324 Birmingham-Souther Buffalo State 7 19 324 Claremont-Mudd-Scr Pacific (OR) 19 9 324 Linfield Colorado Mesa 1 19 324 Lycoming Bard 18 10 324 New England Colleg Gordon 8 19 324 Ohio Wesleyan Mount Union 6 15 324 Pomona-Pitzer DePauw 16 8 324 Regis (MA) Rivier 11 9 324 Redlands Carthage 23 7 324 Roanoke Kalamazoo 20 2 324 Salem State Curry 4 17 324 St. Andrews LaGrange 17 11 324 N Union Wellesley 17 8 324 Whittier North Central 12 10 325 Allegheny Saint Vincent 20 14 325 Arcadia Kean 15 8 325 Babson Rensselaer 7 11 325 Bryn Athyn Lancaster Bible 21 5 325 Becker Fitchburg State 13 8 325 Benedictine Robert Morris (IL) 2 17 325 Cabrini Gwynedd-Mercy 17 3 325 Centenary Immaculata 2 19 325 College of New Jer Ursinus 18 7 325 Dallas MIT 0 20 325 Eastern Connecticu Bridgewater State 8 18 325 Emmanuel Simmons 11 10 2 ot 325 Framingham State Rhode Island Colle 7 11 325 Fredonia St. John Fisher 10 7 325 George Fox Colorado Mesa 6 16 325 Greensboro Farmingdale State 10 13 325 Hiram Olivet 11 8 325 Ithaca Elmira 18 4 325 Johnson & Wales Anna Maria 21 0 325 Loras Dubuque 11 7 325 McDaniel Shenandoah 12 5 325 Messiah Franklin & Marshal 10 14 325 Mitchell Regis (MA) 3 21 325 N Middlebury RIT 19 4 325 Morrisville Alfred 15 14 ot 325 Montclair State New Paltz 19 11 325 Nazareth Cortland 3 14 325 Oglethorpe Buffalo State 4 21 325 Occidental North Central 14 9 325 N Potsdam Concordia-Wisconsi 16 11 325 Ramapo Sage 17 9 325 Rochester Geneseo 2 9 325 Saint Joseph's (ME Mount Ida 12 10 325 Skidmore Hamilton 7 15 325 Southern Maine Husson 16 4 325 St. Mary's (MD) Washington College 7 8 325 Virginia Wesleyan Bridgewater 11 7 325 Western Connecticu Vassar 8 16 325 Worcester State Mass.-Dartmouth 21 12 326 Albright Muhlenberg 5 17 326 Baldwin Wallace Franciscan 20 4 326 Claremont-Mudd-Scr DePauw 18 6 326 FDU-Florham Drew 6 11 326 Gettysburg York 10 4 326 Houghton Hilbert 23 4 326 Hartwick Keuka 5 9 326 King's Mount Saint Vincen 9 6 326 Loras Beloit 8 14 326 Lycoming Lebanon Valley 4 16 326 Lynchburg Centre 6 10 326 Marymount Goucher 13 10 326 Meredith Methodist 20 6 326 Mount Holyoke Westfield State 17 13 326 Mary Washington Randolph-Macon 17 10 326 Occidental Pacific (OR) 14 4 326 Piedmont Berry 18 11 326 Pomona-Pitzer Carthage 18 7 326 Randolph Sweet Briar 14 11 326 Salisbury Colby 9 7 326 Smith New England Colleg 11 10 326 Maritime St. Elizabeth 13 5 326 Southern Virginia Ferrum 6 11 326 Susquehanna Marywood 20 2 326 Thiel Kalamazoo 13 12 326 Transylvania Urbana 10 9 326 Trine Defiance 12 6 326 Washington & Lee Roanoke 11 9 326 Waynesburg Wilson 16 7 326 Wesleyan (CT) St. Joseph's (NY) 9 2 326 Wheaton Amherst 5 14 326 N Williams Union 13 8 326 Western New Englan Wentworth Tech 21 3 327 Aurora Linfield 6 16 327 Becker Anna Maria 21 0 327 Bridgewater State Mass.-Dartmouth 20 9 327 Birmingham-Souther Calvin 15 11 327 Cabrini Swarthmore 17 9 327 Castleton State Plymouth State 9 13 327 Cazenovia Green Mountain 17 10 327 Connecticut Colleg Springfield 11 4 327 Colby-Sawyer Keene State 6 16 327 Dallas Oklahoma Baptist 11 12 327 Elms Fitchburg State 8 18 327 Emerson New England Colleg 18 7 327 Endicott U. of New England 14 9 327 Elizabethtown Hood 4 9 327 Franklin & Marshal Middlebury 5 14 327 Gordon Roger Williams 9 8 327 Guilford Farmingdale State 18 20 327 Gwynedd-Mercy Penn State-Abingto 15 11 327 Hamilton Oneonta 7 6 327 Hiram Walsh 6 10 327 Hope Augsburg 17 11 327 Kenyon Otterbein 10 7 327 Manhattanville Old Westbury 17 8 327 Misericordia Scranton 12 8 327 Mitchell Saint Joseph 2 24 327 Mount Union Wittenberg 14 13 2 ot 327 Notre Dame (MD) Bryn Mawr 10 12 327 Nichols Emmanuel 12 11 ot 327 Oswego Canton 9 8 327 Purchase Cedar Crest 13 2 327 N Potsdam RIT 12 13 327 Pomona-Pitzer North Central 13 8 327 Rutgers-Camden Neumann 6 18 327 Rivier Framingham State 17 5 327 Richard Stockton Immaculata 15 4 327 Rowan Haverford 10 5 327 Puget Sound Colorado Mesa 8 21 327 Wesley Bryn Athyn 16 2 327 Whittier DePauw 12 11 327 Widener Alvernia 8 12 327 N Williams Wellesley 17 5 328 Adrian Keuka 12 7 328 Benedictine Linfield 14 15 328 Bard Rensselaer 5 18 328 Baldwin Wallace Hilbert 19 4 328 Elmira Hartwick 16 15 328 Ferrum Greensboro 12 11 328 N Geneseo Cortland 6 15 328 Huntingdon Agnes Scott 18 6 328 Houghton Nazareth 9 21 328 Lancaster Bible SUNYIT 1 19 328 Methodist No. Carolina Wesle 25 8 328 Mount Holyoke Babson 8 17 328 Newberry Meredith 9 21 328 Olivet Augsburg 11 14 328 St. John Fisher Alfred 21 2 328 St. Joseph's (NY) Purchase 17 2 328 Union Clarkson 15 4 328 Utica Stevens 10 11 328 Vassar Skidmore 7 6 328 Waynesburg Capital 6 12 328 Whittier Southwestern 20 7 328 Western New Englan Curry 18 7 328 William Smith St. Lawrence 8 6 328 Wilson Medaille 1 19 329 Albion Augsburg 17 4 329 Penn State-Abingto Wesley 4 16 329 Adrian Mount Union 10 14 329 Amherst Middlebury 11 10 329 Bates Hamilton 12 6 329 Becker Green Mountain 20 2 329 Buffalo State New Paltz 17 13 329 Bard Skidmore 4 14 329 Bridgewater State Fitchburg State 21 8 329 Castleton State Maine-Farmington 19 5 329 Chapman Colorado College 12 14 329 Claremont-Mudd-Scr Southwestern 23 3 329 College of New Jer Eastern 18 0 329 Canton Cazenovia 21 4 329 Connecticut Colleg Tufts 9 11 329 Colby-Sawyer Husson 11 12 329 Concordia-Wisconsi Augustana 6 17 329 Denison Allegheny 12 14 329 Dickinson Ursinus 15 5 329 Drew Susquehanna 15 16 329 Dubuque Mount St. Joseph 7 19 329 Eastern Connecticu Rhode Island Colle 13 2 329 Elmira Stevens 5 12 329 Emmanuel Albertus Magnus 17 1 329 Franklin & Marshal Washington College 14 11 329 Franciscan Capital 2 17 329 Farmingdale State Maritime 13 3 329 FDU-Florham Montclair State 4 16 329 Framingham State Mass. Maritime 7 5 329 Frostburg State Christopher Newpor 9 10 ot 329 Gordon Worcester State 17 7 329 Guilford Sweet Briar 18 5 329 Gwynedd-Mercy Centenary 16 15 329 Haverford McDaniel 18 14 329 Huntingdon Piedmont 6 19 329 Hendrix Centre 2 18 329 Hiram DePauw 6 16 329 Hood Widener 3 16 329 Hope Defiance 16 8 329 Immaculata Arcadia 6 18 329 Keene State Southern Maine 10 8 ot 329 Kalamazoo Keuka 2 17 329 Lancaster Bible Medaille 3 15 329 LaGrange Agnes Scott 19 14 329 Loras Fontbonne 14 4 329 Lasell Simmons 16 14 329 Lebanon Valley Messiah 11 8 329 Lycoming Alvernia 10 13 329 Lynchburg Randolph 20 6 329 Manhattanville Ramapo 16 17 2 ot 329 Marymount York 3 8 329 Misericordia Morrisville 16 8 329 Merchant Marine Catholic (DC) 0 19 329 Mass.-Dartmouth Western Connecticu 10 19 329 Mount Saint Vincen Mount Saint Mary 3 14 329 Mount Ida Norwich 9 15 329 Muhlenberg Gettysburg 13 15 329 Mary Washington Salisbury 6 13 329 Notre Dame (MD) Cedar Crest 17 5 329 Neumann Marywood 8 7 329 Nichols Endicott 3 17 329 North Central Linfield 15 5 329 Oberlin Kenyon 14 6 329 Oneonta Brockport 11 9 329 Oswego Fredonia 8 10 329 Old Westbury Sage 11 8 329 Rhodes Millsaps 14 13 ot 329 RIT Rochester 8 6 329 Rivier Saint Joseph 19 8 329 Rosemont Richard Stockton 4 16 329 Salve Regina U. of New England 10 15 329 Scranton Elizabethtown 16 6 329 Shenandoah Hollins 19 0 329 St. John Fisher Nazareth 13 4 329 Saint Joseph's (ME Johnson & Wales 10 7 329 Smith Emerson 11 21 329 Siena Heights Illinois Tech 18 5 329 Springfield MIT 17 4 329 St. Mary's (MD) Southern Virginia 19 4 329 Saint Vincent Wooster 13 9 329 Trinity (CT) Bowdoin 9 8 329 Transylvania Calvin 12 15 329 Trine Ursuline 9 11 329 Union St. Lawrence 17 12 329 Utica Hartwick 16 9 329 Vassar Rensselaer 8 10 329 Stevenson Albright 20 5 329 Virginia Wesleyan Washington & Lee 4 14 329 Wesleyan (CT) Colby 8 9 329 Wentworth Tech Roger Williams 6 18 329 Westfield State Salem State 14 7 329 Wheaton Wellesley 16 8 329 Wittenberg Ohio Wesleyan 15 3 329 Washington & Jeffe Thiel 1 15 329 William Smith Clarkson 12 7 329 Wilson SUNYIT 0 22 330 Beloit Fontbonne 17 6 330 Berry Sewanee 8 17 330 Bridgewater Randolph-Macon 7 10 330 Greensboro Methodist 16 6 330 Loras Mount St. Joseph 3 18 330 Millsaps Centre 6 18 330 Olivet Baldwin Wallace 2 18 330 Occidental Colorado College 9 10 330 Pacific (OR) Puget Sound 16 13 330 Thiel Wilmington (OH) 13 3 331 Alvernia King's 19 7 331 Kean FDU-Florham 15 12 331 Mount Saint Vincen Centenary 19 6 331 Neumann Wesley 21 9 331 Roanoke Lynchburg 19 14 331 Sweet Briar Hollins 15 2 401 Albertus Magnus Johnson & Wales 2 18 401 Augustana Dubuque 22 0 401 Anna Maria Mount Ida 4 20 401 Aurora North Central 10 17 401 Babson Plymouth State 7 9 401 Bryn Athyn St. Elizabeth 19 7 401 Berry Huntingdon 15 13 401 Brockport Buffalo State 14 16 401 Bridgewater State Keene State 12 5 401 Concordia-Wisconsi Robert Morris (IL) 10 17 401 Denison Oberlin 10 6 401 Elms Bard 8 19 401 Endicott Wentworth Tech 23 8 401 Fredonia Elmira 15 8 401 Gordon Curry 11 10 401 Immaculata Lancaster Bible 18 2 401 Kenyon Wittenberg 12 17 401 Loras Carthage 7 25 401 Mass. Maritime Becker 6 13 401 MIT Framingham State 18 2 401 Mount Saint Mary Maritime 14 2 401 Notre Dame (MD) Rosemont 3 4 401 New Paltz Potsdam 15 14 ot 401 Oneonta Cortland 7 17 401 Old Westbury St. Joseph's (NY) 8 18 401 Ohio Wesleyan DePauw 18 10 401 Rivier Emmanuel 3 11 401 Ramapo College of New Jer 0 19 401 Richard Stockton Cedar Crest 19 2 401 Roger Williams Salve Regina 15 4 401 Simmons Norwich 3 12 401 Southern Virginia Frostburg State 3 19 401 U. of New England Colby 6 18 401 Union Ithaca 11 12 401 Western New Englan Nichols 20 8 401 Wooster Allegheny 11 13 402 Penn State-Abingto Wilson 14 3 402 Albright Widener 12 15 402 Adrian Alma 15 4 402 Alvernia Lebanon Valley 10 13 402 Amherst Wesleyan (CT) 8 4 402 Bryn Athyn Notre Dame (MD) 8 16 402 Bowdoin Bates 6 5 402 Bryn Mawr Franklin & Marshal 0 19 402 Baldwin Wallace Hiram 19 2 402 Catholic (DC) York 4 10 402 Cazenovia Morrisville 10 15 402 Calvin Hope 10 9 402 Eastern King's 6 5 2 ot 402 Eastern Connecticu Wellesley 5 12 402 Emerson Maine-Farmington 14 4 402 Fontbonne Illinois Tech 11 10 2 ot 402 Franciscan Saint Vincent 13 19 402 FDU-Florham Misericordia 12 13 402 D Gettysburg Dickinson 15 7 402 Green Mountain Canton 2 17 402 Keuka Alfred 19 4 402 Kalamazoo St. Mary's (IN) 16 9 402 Manhattanville Wilkes 10 22 402 Marymount St. Mary's (MD) 10 14 402 Messiah Lycoming 17 5 402 Middlebury Hamilton 11 8 402 Mass.-Dartmouth Salem State 10 7 402 Mount Saint Vincen Farmingdale State 8 16 402 Mount Union Thiel 17 7 402 Muhlenberg Haverford 14 12 402 Mary Washington Christopher Newpor 19 18 ot 402 New England Colleg Colby-Sawyer 15 11 402 Pacific (OR) George Fox 12 9 402 Rutgers-Camden Elizabethtown 15 14 402 Randolph-Macon Washington & Lee 8 13 402 Randolph Ferrum 2 11 402 Roanoke Guilford 10 15 402 Sage Purchase 7 9 402 Rowan Stevens 16 8 402 Salisbury Wesley 20 6 402 Sweet Briar Lynchburg 4 21 402 Scranton Montclair State 5 16 402 Shenandoah Bridgewater 10 8 402 Smith Westfield State 11 18 402 Swarthmore McDaniel 4 7 402 Thomas Husson 10 5 402 Trinity (CT) Connecticut Colleg 10 6 402 Trine Albion 7 18 402 Tufts Williams 5 10 402 Washington College Ursinus 10 4 403 Anna Maria Elms 1 18 403 Birmingham-Souther Huntingdon 12 10 403 Castleton State Williams 4 16 403 Cedar Crest Cabrini 2 17 403 Curry Salve Regina 15 3 403 Emmanuel Maine-Farmington 16 4 403 Gordon Wheaton 5 12 403 Keene State MIT 13 12 ot 403 Mass. Maritime Bay Path 16 4 403 Mitchell Wheelock 4 25 403 Mount Saint Mary Ramapo 17 4 403 Mount Holyoke Western Connecticu 21 14 403 Mount Ida Fitchburg State 15 14 403 Marywood Centenary 18 7 403 Neumann Gwynedd-Mercy 20 3 403 Nichols Framingham State 17 3 403 Norwich Lasell 11 10 ot 403 Regis (MA) Saint Joseph's (ME 11 12 3 ot 403 Rosemont Immaculata 6 18 403 X Saint Joseph Daniel Webster . . 403 St. John Fisher Geneseo 8 11 403 Southern Maine Endicott 9 11 404 Brockport Nazareth 11 9 404 Baldwin Wallace Wooster 19 15 404 Clarkson Rochester 4 8 404 College of New Jer Franklin & Marshal 14 13 ot 404 Loras Dallas 10 12 404 Olivet Southwestern 9 14 404 Ohio Wesleyan Transylvania 19 8 404 Rensselaer William Smith 8 6 404 Skidmore Union 9 12 404 St. Lawrence RIT 11 9 404 Puget Sound George Fox 11 12 404 Waynesburg Hilbert 12 13 405 Albion Hope 15 7 405 Augustana Denison 15 14 405 Allegheny Wittenberg 12 15 ot 405 Alma Kalamazoo 12 8 405 Alvernia Stevenson 7 17 405 Anna Maria Saint Joseph 2 18 405 Aurora Dubuque 12 6 405 Babson Springfield 16 12 405 Bates Middlebury 6 7 405 Bowdoin Connecticut Colleg 14 9 405 Bay Path Regis (MA) 2 21 405 Bard Vassar 2 14 405 Bridgewater Guilford 7 12 405 Brockport Potsdam 19 11 405 Catholic (DC) Scranton 18 6 405 Capital Hilbert 21 8 405 Centenary Notre Dame (MD) 20 17 405 Centre Berry 17 11 405 Clarkson RIT 9 4 405 Calvin Adrian 6 17 405 Chapman Whittier 10 6 405 Claremont-Mudd-Scr Pomona-Pitzer 5 11 405 Christopher Newpor Lynchburg 13 11 405 Colby Amherst 5 12 405 Colby-Sawyer Thomas 10 13 405 Carthage Beloit 18 4 405 Defiance Wilmington (OH) 12 11 ot 405 DePauw Oberlin 14 13 405 X Daniel Webster Wheelock . . 405 Elms Becker 5 17 405 Emerson Wheaton 4 7 405 Endicott Gordon 10 4 405 Elizabethtown Drew 1 14 405 Fontbonne North Central 2 21 405 FDU-Florham Eastern 17 3 405 Fitchburg State Westfield State 11 15 405 Fredonia New Paltz 17 5 405 Green Mountain Castleton State 0 16 405 Goucher Merchant Marine 17 2 405 Haverford Dickinson 13 7 405 Hendrix Birmingham-Souther 3 15 405 Hollins Virginia Wesleyan 0 19 405 Immaculata Cedar Crest 19 4 405 Ithaca Houghton 19 4 405 Kean Rowan 4 18 405 Keene State Eastern Connecticu 15 5 405 Keuka Cazenovia 16 5 405 King's Wilkes 8 23 405 Lancaster Bible Wilson 15 5 405 Lasell Saint Joseph's (ME 8 10 405 Lycoming Hood 20 7 405 Manhattanville Arcadia 8 23 405 McDaniel Franklin & Marshal 9 15 405 Medaille Penn State-Abingto 15 5 405 Messiah Albright 18 10 405 MIT Smith 20 13 405 Mount Saint Mary Farmingdale State 11 17 405 Montclair State Richard Stockton 20 9 405 Mount St. Joseph Concordia-Wisconsi 11 14 405 Mount Ida Emmanuel 10 16 405 Mount Union Waynesburg 28 1 405 Muhlenberg Washington College 12 13 405 Marywood Cabrini 6 14 405 Nazareth Hartwick 10 5 405 New England Colleg Maine-Farmington 14 13 405 Nichols Wentworth Tech 22 6 405 Norwich Albertus Magnus 20 1 405 Olivet Trine 13 6 405 Oneonta Buffalo State 20 10 405 Oswego Cortland 3 11 405 Purchase Old Westbury 7 4 405 N Plymouth State Mass.-Dartmouth 22 3 405 Redlands Occidental 12 9 405 Rhodes Oglethorpe 17 2 405 Rivier Johnson & Wales 14 15 ot 405 Randolph Randolph-Macon 7 20 405 Roanoke Shenandoah 7 12 405 Rosemont Gwynedd-Mercy 8 14 405 Rensselaer Union 16 12 405 Roger Williams U. of New England 19 6 405 Salisbury Frostburg State 16 6 405 Salve Regina Western New Englan 9 14 405 Salem State Framingham State 17 5 405 Sewanee Millsaps 16 5 405 St. Mary's (IN) Illinois Tech 16 4 405 Stevens Alfred 18 6 405 St. Joseph's (NY) Mount Saint Vincen 19 5 405 Skidmore William Smith 5 10 405 Maritime Sage 12 19 405 Southern Virginia Marymount 3 18 405 St. Lawrence Rochester 8 5 405 Saint Vincent Washington & Jeffe 22 7 405 SUNYIT St. Elizabeth 16 4 405 Swarthmore Gettysburg 5 17 405 Tufts Hamilton 9 8 405 Ursinus Bryn Mawr 14 0 405 Utica St. John Fisher 5 11 405 Western Connecticu Rhode Island Colle 23 9 405 Wells Morrisville 1 20 405 Wesleyan (CT) Williams 5 13 405 Wesley St. Mary's (MD) 7 18 405 Widener Susquehanna 7 15 405 Wellesley Mount Holyoke 9 11 405 Wooster Hiram 20 1 405 Worcester State Bridgewater State 9 21 405 York Mary Washington 12 10 ot 406 Albion Southwestern 14 17 406 Augustana Loras 21 3 406 Beloit Dallas 16 3 406 DePauw Denison 8 20 406 T Ferrum Methodist 19 5 406 T Greensboro Huntingdon 18 4 406 Keuka Morrisville 14 6 406 Mass. Maritime Mitchell 26 10 406 Medaille St. Elizabeth 12 6 406 Mount St. Joseph Fontbonne 19 2 406 Norwich Rivier 9 14 406 Otterbein Concordia-Wisconsi 12 11 406 Ohio Wesleyan Kenyon 9 13 406 SUNYIT Penn State-Abingto 19 5 406 Thiel Wittenberg 13 23 406 Transylvania Sewanee 8 18 406 Puget Sound Linfield 23 5 406 Utica Elmira 12 7 406 Virginia Wesleyan Marymount 8 13 406 Wells Cazenovia 9 12 406 Wilson Hollins 4 5 407 Arcadia Lycoming 18 3 407 Castleton State Western New Englan 12 21 407 Fitchburg State New England Colleg 13 8 407 Saint Joseph Lasell 10 14 407 Wheelock Curry 7 22 408 Albertus Magnus Mount Ida 2 20 408 Adrian Kalamazoo 25 9 408 Amherst Connecticut Colleg 11 6 408 Babson Wheaton 11 14 408 Berry LaGrange 24 9 408 Benedictine Augustana 0 22 408 Bard Mount Saint Mary 6 14 408 Clarkson Canton 11 13 408 College of New Jer Rowan 20 5 408 Christopher Newpor Salisbury 10 18 408 Colby Bowdoin 11 10 408 Cortland Brockport 14 8 408 Concordia-Wisconsi Aurora 16 3 408 Farmingdale State New Paltz 22 19 408 Framingham State Mass.-Dartmouth 3 14 408 George Fox Linfield 15 5 408 Hamilton Williams 8 9 ot 408 Hilbert Medaille 8 17 408 Hope St. Mary's (IN) 16 10 408 Immaculata Cabrini 6 19 408 Ithaca William Smith 9 6 408 Lasell Rivier 18 9 408 MIT Wellesley 15 14 ot 408 Merchant Marine Old Westbury 4 18 408 Montclair State Kean 11 9 408 Mount Holyoke Emerson 13 12 3 ot 408 Marywood Cedar Crest 19 3 408 Neumann Notre Dame (MD) 17 0 408 North Central Carthage 17 16 408 Norwich Anna Maria 21 1 408 Olivet Calvin 10 18 408 Oswego Buffalo State 6 5 408 Potsdam Oneonta 10 11 408 Rhode Island Colle Becker 17 10 408 Ramapo Western Connecticu 6 13 408 Rosemont Centenary 11 14 408 Richard Stockton Rutgers-Camden 20 10 408 Salem State Regis (MA) 10 12 408 Scranton Ursinus 11 12 408 Saint Joseph's (ME Emmanuel 14 15 2 ot 408 St. Joseph's (NY) Manhattanville 19 5 408 Springfield Smith 17 3 408 Trine Alma 9 22 408 Maine-Farmington Thomas 3 17 408 Wesleyan (CT) Trinity (CT) 3 9 408 Westfield State Eastern Connecticu 13 5 408 Widener Messiah 11 16 408 Washington & Jeffe Mount Union 3 18 408 Walsh Franciscan 19 2 409 Alvernia Gwynedd-Mercy 19 5 409 Beloit Illinois Tech 19 3 409 Bridgewater Randolph 16 6 409 Catholic (DC) Goucher 21 6 409 Castleton State Colby-Sawyer 15 3 409 Defiance Capital 1 14 409 Denison Centre 14 5 409 Eastern Arcadia 3 20 409 Endicott Tufts 10 15 409 Frostburg State York 3 18 409 Geneseo Fredonia 9 8 409 Gettysburg McDaniel 19 10 409 Green Mountain New England Colleg 5 15 409 Guilford Hollins 18 2 409 Kenyon Hiram 18 1 409 Lebanon Valley Albright 16 8 409 Misericordia King's 17 13 409 X Mitchell Daniel Webster . . 409 Morrisville Potsdam 15 19 409 Nichols Salve Regina 13 8 409 Oberlin Ohio Wesleyan 10 9 409 Occidental Chapman 15 9 409 Plymouth State Bridgewater State 14 13 409 Redlands Claremont-Mudd-Scr 14 9 409 Roger Williams Western New Englan 12 14 409 Sweet Briar Roanoke 6 25 409 Shenandoah Randolph-Macon 9 7 409 Southern Maine Maine-Farmington 24 4 409 St. Mary's (MD) Mary Washington 11 15 409 SUNYIT Utica 2 19 409 Susquehanna Dickinson 16 14 409 Transylvania Mount St. Joseph 10 15 409 U. of New England Gordon 6 15 409 Stevenson Hood 22 2 409 Virginia Wesleyan Lynchburg 8 13 409 Washington College Bryn Mawr 17 1 409 Waynesburg West Virginia Wesl 9 15 409 Wesley Marymount 6 20 409 Wentworth Tech Curry 3 20 409 Whittier Pomona-Pitzer 9 10 409 Wilkes FDU-Florham 13 16 409 Wooster Wittenberg 11 22 410 Anna Maria Wheelock 1 23 410 Curry Norwich 16 3 410 Drew Ramapo 19 7 410 Elms Mass. Maritime 11 12 410 Franciscan Thiel 3 16 410 Farmingdale State Old Westbury 12 2 410 Hope Olivet 12 8 410 Keene State Westfield State 12 5 410 Messiah Swarthmore 18 5 410 Middlebury Cortland 10 12 410 Mass.-Dartmouth Fitchburg State 15 10 410 Mount Ida Bay Path 17 0 410 Oswego Houghton 18 5 410 Purchase Mount Saint Mary 5 16 410 Rutgers-Camden Cedar Crest 21 8 410 Regis (MA) Framingham State 14 3 410 Sage Mount Saint Vincen 17 15 410 Saint Joseph Saint Joseph's (ME 9 17 410 Smith Simmons 17 15 410 Maritime St. Joseph's (NY) 2 14 410 Worcester State Rhode Island Colle 16 9 411 Aurora Loras 19 7 411 Benedictine Carthage 3 21 411 Clarkson Oswego 5 14 411 Fontbonne Dubuque 11 18 411 T Meredith Ferrum 19 5 411 New England Colleg Rivier 18 17 ot 411 Pacific (OR) Linfield 18 4 411 T Piedmont Greensboro 17 13 411 RIT Rensselaer 8 16 411 Rochester Skidmore 8 12 411 Rosemont Bryn Athyn 17 5 411 St. Lawrence Geneseo 7 11 411 Union Bard 15 4 411 Puget Sound Southwestern 17 7 411 Wells Lancaster Bible 14 4 411 William Smith Vassar 18 13 412 Albion Olivet 22 9 412 Adams State Colorado College 7 19 412 Alfred Utica 4 15 412 Allegheny Kenyon 12 6 412 Amherst Tufts 15 9 412 Arcadia Wilkes 19 3 412 Becker Bay Path 22 0 412 Berry Millsaps 16 11 412 Bowdoin Wesleyan (CT) 9 6 412 Brockport New Paltz 22 13 412 Bryn Mawr Haverford 0 19 412 Baldwin Wallace Wilmington (OH) 24 4 412 Cabrini Neumann 17 9 412 Cazenovia Penn State-Abingto 25 13 412 Cedar Crest Centenary 12 21 412 Centre Oglethorpe 22 5 412 Calvin Trine 18 5 412 College of New Jer Salisbury 6 9 412 Canton Colby-Sawyer 20 5 412 Colby Williams 9 10 2 ot 412 Cortland Buffalo State 18 4 412 Curry Roger Williams 11 18 412 Defiance Thiel 4 17 412 Denison Ohio Wesleyan 17 4 412 Dickinson Washington College 13 12 412 N Dubuque Dallas 13 8 412 Eastern Connecticu Plymouth State 5 21 412 X Elms Daniel Webster . . 412 Emmanuel Lasell 13 12 ot 412 Farmingdale State Sage 18 8 412 Framingham State Fitchburg State 2 17 412 Fredonia Oneonta 13 8 412 Gordon Wentworth Tech 19 3 412 Hamilton Connecticut Colleg 11 8 412 Hendrix Rhodes 5 16 412 Hilbert Franciscan 19 10 412 Hood Alvernia 1 16 412 Hope Alma 5 10 412 Husson New England Colleg 14 16 412 Hartwick Houghton 17 6 412 Immaculata Gwynedd-Mercy 21 11 412 Kean Richard Stockton 14 8 412 Keuka Lancaster Bible 19 0 412 King's Manhattanville 16 6 412 Lycoming Widener 10 17 412 Lynchburg Bridgewater 10 8 412 Mass. Maritime Salem State 8 18 412 Marymount Christopher Newpor 5 16 412 Misericordia Eastern 11 8 412 McDaniel Muhlenberg 15 10 412 Middlebury Trinity (CT) 9 10 412 Merchant Marine Elizabethtown 8 12 412 Morrisville St. Elizabeth 23 5 412 Mount St. Joseph Augustana 4 22 412 Mount Saint Vincen Old Westbury 17 10 412 Mount Union Capital 14 4 412 Nazareth Ithaca 5 12 412 Notre Dame (MD) Marywood 4 15 412 Norwich Saint Joseph 14 7 412 Occidental Claremont-Mudd-Scr 11 5 412 T Piedmont Meredith 14 15 ot 412 Potsdam Geneseo 9 19 412 Pomona-Pitzer Chapman 16 6 412 Rutgers-Camden Ramapo 11 14 412 Regis (MA) Wheelock 15 5 412 Rhode Island Colle Keene State 6 13 412 RIT Skidmore 10 12 412 Randolph-Macon Sweet Briar 22 5 412 Roanoke Randolph 23 6 412 Rochester Rensselaer 4 12 412 Rowan Montclair State 11 14 412 Salve Regina Endicott 7 15 412 Scranton Goucher 12 9 412 Sewanee Birmingham-Souther 22 13 412 Simmons Johnson & Wales 17 10 412 St. Mary's (IN) Adrian 5 20 412 St. Joseph's (NY) Mount Saint Mary 15 8 412 Smith Babson 9 18 412 Maritime Purchase 10 9 412 Southern Maine Western Connecticu 10 16 412 Springfield Mount Holyoke 21 15 412 Saint Vincent Waynesburg 27 13 412 SUNYIT Medaille 6 7 412 Susquehanna Catholic (DC) 11 22 412 Swarthmore Franklin & Marshal 8 18 412 Thomas Castleton State 11 15 412 Maine-Farmington Green Mountain 12 3 412 U. of New England Nichols 22 11 412 Union Vassar 16 11 412 Ursinus Gettysburg 8 17 412 Stevenson Lebanon Valley 13 6 412 Washington & Lee Guilford 19 13 412 Wells Wilson 19 8 412 Westfield State Worcester State 7 10 412 Wheaton MIT 11 6 412 Whittier Redlands 12 16 412 Wittenberg Hiram 18 3 412 Washington & Jeffe Oberlin 3 18 412 Wellesley Emerson 12 10 412 William Smith Bard 16 6 412 York Southern Virginia 18 3 413 Albertus Magnus Anna Maria 19 10 413 Alfred Ithaca 1 19 413 Beloit Benedictine 18 17 413 Bowdoin Wheaton 17 2 413 Cazenovia St. Elizabeth 15 10 413 Canton Elmira 14 13 413 DePauw Wooster 7 14 413 Fontbonne Dallas 12 10 413 Husson Green Mountain 13 6 413 Hartwick St. John Fisher 6 19 413 Illinois Tech Concordia-Wisconsi 7 18 413 Keuka Wilson 20 1 413 N Loras George Fox 3 21 413 Morrisville Penn State-Abingto 18 8 413 Mary Washington Guilford 21 14 413 Nazareth Utica 16 7 413 Rivier Saint Joseph's (ME 11 14 ot 413 Shenandoah Virginia Wesleyan 17 3 413 Saint Joseph Simmons 10 11 413 Southern Maine MIT 16 15 2 ot 413 St. Mary's (MD) Salisbury 3 11 413 N Southwestern Loras 17 4 413 Transylvania Oglethorpe 20 9 413 Wesley Frostburg State 8 12 413 West Virginia Wesl Saint Vincent 10 17 414 Bryn Mawr Rosemont 15 5 414 Cedar Crest Neumann 3 21 414 Dubuque Benedictine 11 6 414 Kalamazoo Defiance 13 9 414 Linfield Loras 18 5 414 Merchant Marine Maritime 10 12 414 Marywood Mount Saint Mary 18 17 414 New England Colleg Salem State 13 17 414 Old Westbury Wilkes 12 21 414 Purchase Mount Saint Vincen 7 10 414 Rutgers-Camden Notre Dame (MD) 20 14 414 Ursuline Franciscan 11 8 414 Wentworth Tech Regis (MA) 7 18 414 Washington & Jeffe Waynesburg 9 15 415 Anna Maria Saint Joseph's (ME 1 17 415 Cazenovia Hilbert 12 9 415 Carthage Augustana 7 18 415 Denison Wooster 13 9 415 X Daniel Webster Regis (MA) . . 415 Emmanuel Norwich 13 11 415 Emerson MIT 11 15 415 Endicott Western New Englan 7 9 415 Gordon Nichols 13 5 415 Hood Messiah 0 19 415 Middlebury Union 15 8 415 Mass.-Dartmouth Eastern Connecticu 10 19 415 Mount Ida Lasell 12 24 415 North Central Concordia-Wisconsi 13 14 415 Randolph Shenandoah 1 11 415 Richard Stockton Rowan 5 16 415 Scranton Cabrini 13 11 415 Simmons Rivier 13 14 415 Skidmore Amherst 4 12 415 Smith Mount Holyoke 9 18 415 Tufts Bates 11 9 ot 415 U. of New England Curry 12 11 ot 415 Washington & Lee Sweet Briar 20 4 415 Wentworth Tech Salve Regina 10 16 415 Wheaton Springfield 11 9 415 Wellesley Babson 10 9 415 Worcester State Framingham State 18 3 416 Albion Alma 9 14 416 Buffalo State Fredonia 7 13 416 Catholic (DC) Gettysburg 10 19 416 Capital Wilmington (OH) 25 5 416 Clarkson St. Lawrence 8 10 416 Chapman Redlands 8 17 416 Claremont-Mudd-Scr Whittier 8 9 416 Canton SUNYIT 15 5 416 Christopher Newpor Southern Virginia 20 0 416 Defiance Ursuline 5 8 416 Franklin & Marshal Ursinus 11 3 416 Fitchburg State Mass. Maritime 15 8 416 Haverford Washington College 6 11 416 Houghton Alfred 13 11 416 Hollins Roanoke 0 20 416 Hope Adrian 8 23 416 Husson Maine-Farmington 8 9 416 Johnson & Wales Saint Joseph 13 8 416 Kean Drew 7 16 416 Lynchburg Guilford 15 16 416 McDaniel Dickinson 12 11 416 Mount Saint Mary Sage 18 4 416 Morrisville Utica 10 16 416 Mount Saint Vincen Scranton 7 18 416 Muhlenberg Swarthmore 10 11 2 ot 416 Mary Washington Wesley 19 6 416 Notre Dame (MD) Immaculata 12 22 416 New England Colleg Castleton State 3 19 416 New Paltz Oneonta 14 23 416 Neumann Centenary 19 4 416 Olivet St. Mary's (IN) 12 9 416 Otterbein Baldwin Wallace 14 13 416 Potsdam Oswego 6 13 416 Pomona-Pitzer Occidental 9 6 416 Randolph-Macon Virginia Wesleyan 14 6 416 Ramapo Montclair State 0 17 416 Rosemont Cedar Crest 15 2 416 Rensselaer Williams 6 13 416 Salisbury Marymount 9 4 416 St. Joseph's (NY) Farmingdale State 10 18 416 Maritime Old Westbury 10 8 416 St. Mary's (MD) York 5 11 416 Saint Vincent Frostburg State 13 15 416 Trine Kalamazoo 8 19 416 Puget Sound Loras 20 2 416 Waynesburg Thiel 3 22 416 Wittenberg DePauw 25 12 417 X Albertus Magnus Daniel Webster . . 417 Albright Lycoming 15 6 417 Allegheny Oberlin 15 9 417 Anna Maria Rivier 2 16 417 Arcadia Misericordia 16 8 417 Bryn Athyn Cedar Crest 14 8 417 Beloit Concordia-Wisconsi 11 21 417 Colby-Sawyer Rhode Island Colle 9 10 ot 417 St. Elizabeth Lancaster Bible 12 7 417 Curry Nichols 16 5 417 Drew Colorado College 14 17 417 Eastern Manhattanville 16 9 417 Elms Mitchell 27 8 417 FDU-Florham King's 18 5 417 Framingham State Emmanuel 3 15 417 Geneseo Oswego 13 3 417 Gwynedd-Mercy Marywood 5 15 417 Hiram Ohio Wesleyan 4 16 417 Hollins Washington & Lee 0 20 417 Lebanon Valley Elizabethtown 18 4 417 North Central Benedictine 20 7 417 Plymouth State Keene State 6 9 417 Rowan Cabrini 12 5 417 Roger Williams Bridgewater State 15 14 417 Sweet Briar Bridgewater 7 20 417 St. John Fisher Cortland 12 15 417 Saint Joseph's (ME Maine-Farmington 13 3 417 Southern Maine Bowdoin 4 17 417 Springfield Amherst 2 8 417 Western Connecticu Westfield State 16 6 417 Widener Stevenson 4 13 417 Western New Englan Lasell 21 8 418 Penn State-Abingto Wells 15 14 ot 418 Alfred Elmira 5 16 418 Alma Olivet 20 10 418 Cazenovia SUNYIT 13 12 418 Clarkson Vassar 11 18 418 Connecticut Colleg Bates 12 15 418 St. Elizabeth Keuka 2 20 418 Morrisville Medaille 18 7 418 Muhlenberg Bryn Mawr 21 1 418 RIT Union 12 14 ot 418 Rochester William Smith 9 11 418 St. Mary's (IN) Trine 9 8 2 ot 418 Stevens Ithaca 6 13 418 St. Lawrence Bard 21 4 418 N Wheelock Becker 12 9 418 Wittenberg Denison 15 14 418 Wilmington (OH) Mount Union 0 22 419 Penn State-Abingto Keuka 2 20 419 Babson Emerson 5 8 419 X Becker Daniel Webster . . 419 Beloit Aurora 13 12 ot 419 T Berry Rhodes 13 10 419 Bridgewater Washington & Lee 9 16 419 T Birmingham-Souther Millsaps 14 10 419 Cabrini Colorado College 14 12 419 Castleton State Husson 16 4 419 T Centre Oglethorpe 19 2 419 Clarkson Bard 18 6 419 Calvin Albion 15 11 419 Chapman Claremont-Mudd-Scr 13 4 419 Christopher Newpor York 10 15 419 Cortland New Paltz 22 5 419 St. Elizabeth Wells 7 8 419 Dickinson Swarthmore 19 10 419 DePauw Allegheny 10 15 419 Drew Goucher 20 11 419 Eastern Connecticu Southern Maine 9 12 419 Franklin & Marshal Haverford 12 5 419 Framingham State Bridgewater State 1 18 419 Frostburg State St. Mary's (MD) 7 16 419 Geneseo Oneonta 14 4 419 Green Mountain Thomas 4 23 419 Guilford Shenandoah 14 16 ot 419 Hamilton Trinity (CT) 5 11 419 Hiram Oberlin 3 11 419 Hartwick Ithaca 8 13 419 Illinois Tech Dubuque 5 20 419 Johnson & Wales Norwich 4 18 419 Kalamazoo Hope 9 10 419 Lasell Albertus Magnus 18 3 419 Mass. Maritime Worcester State 4 18 419 McDaniel Ursinus 11 8 419 Middlebury Colby 11 14 419 MIT Mount Holyoke 22 19 419 Montclair State College of New Jer 9 19 419 Mass.-Dartmouth Keene State 8 14 419 Mary Washington Marymount 17 9 419 Nazareth Elmira 16 7 419 Oswego Brockport 10 12 419 Otterbein Capital 9 7 419 Potsdam Fredonia 11 12 ot 419 Rutgers-Camden Kean 3 18 419 Redlands Pomona-Pitzer 13 14 2 ot 419 RIT William Smith 6 13 419 Roanoke Randolph-Macon 22 14 419 Rochester Union 9 13 419 Sage Mitchell 21 9 419 Rowan Ramapo 20 3 419 Salem State Fitchburg State 10 18 419 T Sewanee Hendrix 19 2 419 Saint Joseph Mount Ida 14 13 419 Saint Joseph's (ME Simmons 10 11 419 Skidmore Rensselaer 14 15 419 Smith Wheaton 7 14 419 Southern Virginia Wesley 9 12 419 Springfield Wellesley 12 5 419 St. Lawrence Vassar 5 7 419 Susquehanna Merchant Marine 20 5 419 Maine-Farmington Colby-Sawyer 8 7 419 U. of New England Western New Englan 11 19 419 Virginia Wesleyan Randolph 17 8 419 Washington College Gettysburg 12 11 2 ot 419 Western Connecticu Plymouth State 15 14 ot 419 Wesleyan (CT) Tufts 5 7 419 Whittier Occidental 8 10 419 Wheelock Rhode Island Colle 14 18 419 Williams Amherst 6 13 419 Washington & Jeffe Ohio Wesleyan 8 18 419 Wooster Kenyon 17 9 420 Cortland Salisbury 12 8 421 Albertus Magnus Mitchell 17 26 421 Bay Path Wheelock 1 19 421 Colby-Sawyer Worcester State 4 15 421 Eastern Elizabethtown 14 7 421 Fitchburg State Wentworth Tech 17 16 421 Otterbein Defiance 18 2 421 Transylvania Centre 4 16 422 Albion Kalamazoo 21 5 422 Augustana North Central 14 9 422 Buffalo State Geneseo 10 21 422 Benedictine Aurora 10 9 ot 422 Cabrini Rosemont 18 2 422 Centenary St. Elizabeth 20 12 422 Calvin St. Mary's (IN) 15 4 422 Cortland Potsdam 18 5 422 Colby-Sawyer Green Mountain 18 7 422 Concordia-Wisconsi Carthage 13 15 422 T Emmanuel Saint Joseph 20 8 422 Franciscan Waynesburg 16 15 422 Fredonia Brockport 5 13 422 X Green Mountain Daniel Webster . . 422 Gwynedd-Mercy Cedar Crest 20 11 422 Hamilton Ithaca 15 8 422 Kean Ramapo 16 6 422 Keene State Roger Williams 6 8 422 Keuka Wells 19 0 422 King's Arcadia 5 18 422 T Lasell Rivier 7 11 422 Messiah Stevenson 14 8 422 T Mary Washington Marymount 16 5 422 New Paltz Oswego 10 16 422 T Norwich Simmons 11 9 422 Olivet Adrian 3 21 422 T Roanoke Randolph-Macon 13 15 422 Richard Stockton College of New Jer 0 17 422 Rowan Rutgers-Camden 19 4 422 T Saint Joseph's (ME Johnson & Wales 13 8 422 T St. Mary's (MD) Christopher Newpor 8 9 422 Thomas New England Colleg 21 9 422 Trine Hope 10 20 423 Penn State-Abingto Lancaster Bible 13 1 423 Albright Alvernia 13 10 423 Alfred Nazareth 5 17 423 Allegheny Hiram 17 1 423 Bates Colby 6 10 423 Becker Mitchell 23 6 423 Bowdoin Tufts 9 10 423 Bridgewater State Mass. Maritime 20 1 423 Baldwin Wallace Mount Union 11 10 423 Cazenovia Medaille 8 14 423 T Chapman Claremont-Mudd-Scr 13 9 423 Connecticut Colleg Wesleyan (CT) 10 9 423 Colby-Sawyer Fitchburg State 10 11 423 Curry Endicott 7 17 423 Dickinson Muhlenberg 11 13 ot 423 Dubuque Beloit 9 21 423 Elms Regis (MA) 5 12 423 T Farmingdale State Mount Saint Vincen 18 0 423 Gettysburg Franklin & Marshal 8 6 423 T Guilford Lynchburg 20 9 423 Haverford Ursinus 4 6 423 Houghton St. John Fisher 3 17 423 Kenyon Denison 12 16 423 Manhattanville FDU-Florham 3 15 423 T MIT Mount Holyoke 18 17 423 Morrisville SUNYIT 23 7 423 Mount St. Joseph Defiance 20 9 423 Nichols Roger Williams 11 15 423 Oberlin Wittenberg 11 18 423 Ohio Wesleyan Wooster 9 18 423 T Occidental Whittier 15 6 423 Rhode Island Colle Mass.-Dartmouth 18 6 423 Salve Regina Wheelock 17 4 423 Scranton Oneonta 9 16 423 T St. Joseph's (NY) Mount Saint Mary 14 7 423 Southern Maine Plymouth State 6 17 423 Susquehanna McDaniel 21 20 ot 423 Swarthmore Washington College 4 14 423 Trinity (CT) Amherst 7 4 423 Ursuline Capital 3 14 423 Western Connecticu Eastern Connecticu 12 9 423 Wentworth Tech U. of New England 3 19 423 Westfield State Framingham State 13 1 423 Widener Lebanon Valley 9 16 423 Williams Middlebury 4 12 423 Wilkes Misericordia 18 10 423 Wilmington (OH) Otterbein 2 20 423 Western New Englan Gordon 14 11 423 Worcester State Salem State 15 9 424 Adrian Trine 20 0 424 Alma Calvin 16 14 424 Bryn Mawr Bryn Athyn 12 8 424 Bridgewater State Westfield State 17 5 424 Cabrini College of New Jer 5 19 424 Colorado College Regis (CO) 6 14 424 St. Elizabeth Wilson 10 1 424 Eastern Rowan 3 19 424 Elmira Oswego 9 12 424 T Emmanuel Rivier 9 5 424 Elizabethtown Catholic (DC) 1 18 424 Ithaca Utica 15 0 424 Keene State New England Colleg 20 5 424 North Central Loras 22 3 424 Rutgers-Camden Montclair State 5 17 424 Rosemont Neumann 7 20 424 St. Mary's (IN) Albion 6 16 424 Stevens Houghton 20 4 424 St. John Fisher Brockport 16 3 424 T Saint Joseph's (ME Norwich 7 5 424 Wells Canton 6 20 425 Bay Path Elms 3 20 425 Bard RIT 3 17 425 Brockport Geneseo 5 8 425 Lancaster Bible Morrisville 2 20 425 Rensselaer St. Lawrence 18 4 425 Skidmore Clarkson 10 9 425 T Saint Vincent Washington & Jeffe 18 14 425 T Thiel Waynesburg 17 6 425 Vassar Rochester 10 9 ot 425 Wilmington (OH) Georgetown (KY) 13 26 426 Albright Hood 19 3 426 Adrian Albion 25 5 426 Alvernia Messiah 14 19 426 T Amherst Bowdoin 11 5 426 Aurora Augustana 2 20 426 Arcadia FDU-Florham 8 7 2 ot 426 T Babson Springfield 9 7 426 Buffalo State Potsdam 15 7 426 Bard Rochester 5 15 426 Catholic (DC) Drew 21 11 426 Capital Baldwin Wallace 12 13 426 T Centre Berry 13 9 426 College of New Jer Kean 18 8 426 St. Elizabeth Penn State-Abingto 10 12 426 Carthage Dubuque 22 2 426 Concordia-Wisconsi Loras 20 2 426 X Daniel Webster Bay Path . . 426 T Emmanuel Saint Joseph's (ME 17 7 426 Elizabethtown Widener 5 18 426 Franklin & Marshal Dickinson 20 10 426 Fontbonne Benedictine 6 16 426 T Farmingdale State St. Joseph's (NY) 9 8 426 Fitchburg State Worcester State 9 14 426 Fort Lewis Colorado College 8 4 426 Fredonia Cortland 2 14 426 Gettysburg Bryn Mawr 20 1 426 T Gordon Curry 12 7 426 Goucher Susquehanna 13 20 426 Haverford Swarthmore 16 10 426 Houghton Utica 4 12 426 Hiram Denison 2 18 426 Hartwick Alfred 16 6 426 T Immaculata Gwynedd-Mercy 18 12 426 Kenyon DePauw 17 5 426 Kalamazoo Calvin 12 20 426 Lancaster Bible Cazenovia 6 15 426 Mass. Maritime Westfield State 5 13 426 Misericordia Manhattanville 22 11 426 Medaille Keuka 0 19 426 T Middlebury Colby 10 11 426 Merchant Marine Scranton 4 19 426 Mount St. Joseph North Central 13 17 426 Mount Union Otterbein 17 5 426 T Marywood Centenary 15 1 426 Nazareth Stevens 12 11 ot 426 T New England Colleg Colby-Sawyer 10 14 426 New Paltz Geneseo 3 18 426 Oberlin Wooster 11 15 426 Oneonta Oswego 13 7 426 Ohio Wesleyan Allegheny 12 17 426 Plymouth State Rhode Island Colle 19 4 426 T Pomona-Pitzer Chapman 10 6 426 Regis (MA) Becker 16 13 426 Ramapo Richard Stockton 7 14 426 Rensselaer Clarkson 18 3 426 T Roger Williams U. of New England 20 5 426 Salem State Bridgewater State 6 17 426 T Sewanee Birmingham-Souther 22 8 426 T Shenandoah Guilford 11 16 426 St. Mary's (IN) Alma 6 24 426 St. John Fisher Elmira 18 1 426 Skidmore St. Lawrence 14 13 ot 426 Southern Maine Mass.-Dartmouth 24 5 426 T Saint Vincent Thiel 18 14 426 SUNYIT Wells 18 5 426 T Trinity (CT) Bates 12 7 426 Transylvania Defiance 23 0 426 T Maine-Farmington Husson 10 12 426 Ursinus Muhlenberg 10 16 426 Vassar RIT 11 9 426 Stevenson Lycoming 19 5 426 T Washington & Lee Randolph-Macon 16 15 426 Washington College McDaniel 18 11 426 Western Connecticu Keene State 7 12 426 T Wheaton MIT 15 5 426 Wheelock Elms 22 14 426 T Williams Tufts 11 6 426 Wilkes Eastern 21 10 426 William Smith Union 14 9 426 Wilson Morrisville 0 21 426 T York Mary Washington 16 13 427 Augustana Beloit 21 4 427 T Centre Sewanee 8 11 427 Concordia-Wisconsi Dubuque 22 4 427 Fontbonne Aurora 6 18 427 Kalamazoo Olivet 10 15 427 Medaille Wells 12 1 427 Rhode Island Colle Southern Maine 8 15 427 T Salisbury Christopher Newpor 21 4 427 St. John Fisher Stevens 14 8 427 SUNYIT Keuka 3 20 427 T Wheaton Babson 8 5 427 Wittenberg Carthage 24 10 427 Wilson Cazenovia 3 17 428 Elmira Scranton 13 8 428 T Redlands Occidental 13 6 429 Augustana Fontbonne 21 0 429 Aurora Carthage 7 19 429 Benedictine Loras 16 6 429 T Castleton State Husson 18 2 429 T Cazenovia SUNYIT 16 8 429 Dubuque North Central 1 17 429 T Fitchburg State Salem State 11 9 429 T Mount Union Capital 15 6 429 T Oneonta Brockport 13 9 429 T Plymouth State Rhode Island Colle 17 5 429 T Southern Maine Eastern Connecticu 13 5 429 T Thomas Colby-Sawyer 14 6 429 T Westfield State Framingham State 12 3 430 T Adrian Albion 22 10 430 T Allegheny Denison 13 14 430 T Alma Calvin 15 8 430 T Baldwin Wallace Otterbein 14 13 430 T Cabrini Immaculata 18 5 430 T Catholic (DC) Scranton 18 10 430 T Endicott Gordon 15 7 430 T Regis (MA) Elms 20 8 430 T Susquehanna Drew 20 12 430 Utica Keuka 10 11 430 T Wheelock Becker 7 13 430 T Wittenberg Wooster 19 11 430 T Western New Englan Roger Williams 11 19 501 T Arcadia FDU-Florham 11 8 501 T Bridgewater State Fitchburg State 18 3 501 T College of New Jer Kean 20 1 501 T McDaniel Muhlenberg 18 11 501 T Messiah Alvernia 19 1 501 T Montclair State Rowan 4 15 501 T Neumann Marywood 12 5 501 T Stevenson Lebanon Valley 13 10 501 T Wilkes Misericordia 26 19 501 T Worcester State Westfield State 12 9 502 T Adrian Alma 16 7 502 T Augustana North Central 16 9 502 T Cortland Oneonta 12 6 502 T Concordia-Wisconsi Carthage 14 15 3 ot 502 T Geneseo Fredonia 12 9 502 T Keene State Southern Maine 13 9 502 T Rensselaer Vassar 11 7 502 T Union William Smith 11 9 502 T Western Connecticu Plymouth State 7 19 503 T Augustana Carthage 17 11 503 T Amherst Williams 9 4 503 T Arcadia Wilkes 17 13 503 T Bridgewater State Worcester State 19 7 503 T Cabrini Neumann 21 8 503 T Catholic (DC) Susquehanna 20 9 503 T Castleton State Thomas 10 9 503 T College of New Jer Rowan 15 3 503 T Cortland Geneseo 14 3 503 T Endicott Roger Williams 14 13 503 T Franklin & Marshal Washington College 13 11 503 T Gettysburg McDaniel 21 11 503 T Ithaca Stevens 15 6 503 T Keuka Cazenovia 21 6 503 T Messiah Stevenson 12 13 503 T Morrisville Medaille 18 6 503 T Mount Union Baldwin Wallace 18 9 503 T Pomona-Pitzer Redlands 12 14 ot 503 T Regis (MA) Becker 13 9 503 T Rensselaer Union 15 8 503 T Salisbury York 13 6 503 T St. John Fisher Nazareth 11 5 503 T Trinity (CT) Colby 13 10 503 T Washington & Lee Guilford 9 6 503 T Wittenberg Denison 12 16 504 T Gettysburg Franklin & Marshal 9 5 504 T Ithaca St. John Fisher 3 6 504 T Keene State Plymouth State 4 8 504 T Keuka Morrisville 12 11 504 T Trinity (CT) Amherst 10 7 507 T Arcadia Cabrini 4 13 507 T Lebanon Valley Canton 20 11 507 T McDaniel Alvernia 17 7 507 T Mount Union Keuka 16 5 507 T Neumann Drew 14 16 507 T St. Joseph's (NY) Kean 10 9 507 T Susquehanna Meredith 18 14 507 T Wheaton Emmanuel 14 3 509 T Curry Rivier 24 3 509 T Worcester State Becker 16 11 510 T Augustana Adrian 22 14 510 T Amherst Bridgewater State 20 4 510 T College of New Jer Susquehanna 19 7 510 T Colby Plymouth State 16 5 510 T Cortland Mount Union 20 5 510 T Franklin & Marshal Catholic (DC) 17 11 510 T Fredonia Rensselaer 9 8 510 T Geneseo Stevenson 5 4 510 T Gettysburg Cabrini 19 6 510 T Lebanon Valley Drew 18 10 510 T McDaniel St. Joseph's (NY) 13 14 510 T Middlebury Endicott 19 7 510 T Redlands Pomona-Pitzer 14 6 510 T Salisbury Farmingdale State 18 7 510 T Trinity (CT) Castleton State 16 4 510 T Washington & Lee Denison 13 5 510 T Williams Wheaton 9 6 510 T York St. John Fisher 13 12 511 T Lebanon Valley St. Joseph's (NY) 15 11 511 T Worcester State Curry 7 11 517 T Amherst York 12 3 517 T College of New Jer Washington & Lee 13 7 517 T Colby Williams 8 6 517 T Cortland Redlands 19 3 517 T Franklin & Marshal Geneseo 9 8 517 T Gettysburg Middlebury 9 7 517 T Salisbury Augustana 16 3 517 T Trinity (CT) Fredonia 16 5 518 T Amherst College of New Jer 8 5 518 T Cortland Colby 16 7 518 T Gettysburg Trinity (CT) 8 16 518 T Salisbury Franklin & Marshal 11 6 524 T Amherst Salisbury 4 8 524 T Cortland Trinity (CT) 7 8 525 T Trinity (CT) Salisbury 6 9
N (neutral site); C (Cancelled); D (Power Rating ignores game);*(ignore in conference); T(tournament)