Conf = MASCAC Region = New England State = MA Nickname = Bears Coach = Holly DrownGAME LIST
Team Power Rating = 84.5175400 Date Opponent Conference (W-L, PR) Score 304 H Mount Holyoke NEWMAC ( 8- 8, 72.5) 11-10 306 A Western New England Comm. Coast (17- 1, 76.3) 5-15 312 H Lasell Great Northea ( 9- 8, 66.7) 15-13 315 A U. of New England Comm. Coast ( 9- 8, 72.0) 16-18 318 H Wheaton NEWMAC (14- 7, 77.2) 6- 7 320 A Salve Regina Comm. Coast ( 5-11, 66.7) 17- 5 325 A Eastern Connecticut Little East ( 3-13, 65.6) 18- 8 327 H Mass.-Dartmouth Little East ( 4-12, 60.9) 20- 9 329 H Fitchburg State MASCAC ( 9- 9, 61.6) 21- 8 401 H Keene State Little East (13- 5, 73.7) 12- 5 405 A Worcester State MASCAC (13- 5, 67.7) 21- 9 409 A Plymouth State Little East (12- 5, 76.9) 13-14 417 A Roger Williams Comm. Coast (11- 8, 76.0) 14-15 419 A Framingham State MASCAC ( 2-14, 54.4) 18- 1 423 H Mass. Maritime MASCAC ( 3- 9, 54.0) 20- 1 424 H Westfield State MASCAC ( 9- 9, 67.5) 17- 5 426 A Salem State MASCAC ( 4-11, 60.8) 17- 6 501 H Fitchburg State MASCAC ( 9- 9, 61.6) 18- 3 503 H Worcester State MASCAC (13- 5, 67.7) 19- 7 510 A Amherst NESCAC (19- 3, 87.5) 4-20PREDICTION LIST
------------------------------------- |Real = actual goal margin | |Pred = predicted goal margin | |+ = slightly above prediction | |++ = above prediction | |+++ = well above prediction | |- = slightly below prediction | |-- = below prediction | |--- = well below prediction | |Goals* = Goals over (+) under (-) | | prediction | |n/a = Outside division | ------------------------------------- Date Opponent Score Real Pred +/- Goals* 304 H Mount Holyoke 11-10 1 2 -1.97 306 A Western New England 5-15 -10 -2 --- -7.30 312 H Lasell 15-13 2 8 --- -6.73 315 A U. of New England 16-18 -2 1 - -3.55 318 H Wheaton 6- 7 -1 -1 0.77 320 A Salve Regina 17- 5 12 6 + 3.15 325 A Eastern Connecticut 18- 8 10 7 + 2.02 327 H Mass.-Dartmouth 20- 9 11 14 0.00 329 H Fitchburg State 21- 8 13 13 0.00 401 H Keene State 12- 5 7 1 ++ 5.26 405 A Worcester State 21- 9 12 5 ++ 4.13 409 A Plymouth State 13-14 -1 -3 + 2.36 417 A Roger Williams 14-15 -1 -2 1.42 419 A Framingham State 18- 1 17 19 0.00 423 H Mass. Maritime 20- 1 19 21 0.00 424 H Westfield State 17- 5 12 8 2.00 426 A Salem State 17- 6 11 12 0.00 501 H Fitchburg State 18- 3 15 13 0.00 503 H Worcester State 19- 7 12 7 + 2.20 510 A Amherst 4-20 -16 -13 0.00UNDER-ACHIEVED GAMES
Date Opponent Score Real Pred +/- Goals* 306 A Western New England 5-15 -10 -2 --- -7.30 312 H Lasell 15-13 2 8 --- -6.73 315 A U. of New England 16-18 -2 1 - -3.55OVER-ACHIEVED GAMES
Date Opponent Score Real Pred +/- Goals* 401 H Keene State 12- 5 7 1 ++ 5.26 405 A Worcester State 21- 9 12 5 ++ 4.13 320 A Salve Regina 17- 5 12 6 + 3.15 325 A Eastern Connecticut 18- 8 10 7 + 2.02 409 A Plymouth State 13-14 -1 -3 + 2.36 503 H Worcester State 19- 7 12 7 + 2.20/
LOCAL RATING BASED ON POWER RATING Local Power Rating....... 74.52 Local Power Rank........... 69 Local SOS Rating......... 39.67 Local SOS Rank............. 124 Local RPI Rating......... 0.57 Local RPI Rank............. 60 Championship Probability . 0.1 Championship Rank ....... 37 Local Quality Win Rating.-60.00 Local Quality Win Rank..... 57 LOCAL PERFORMANCE BASED ON POWER RATING Ave Offensive Goals .... 15.1 Ave Defensive Goals ...... 8.9 Wins/Losses(all )...... 14- 6 Ave Goal diff (all )..... 6.2 Wins/Losses(top 5)...... 0- 0 Ave Goal diff (top 5)..... Wins/Losses(top 10)...... 0- 1 Ave Goal diff (top 10)..... -16.0 Wins/Losses(top 20)...... 0- 1 Ave Goal diff (top 20)..... -16.0 Wins/Losses(last 3)...... 2- 1 Ave Goal diff (last 3)..... 3.7