Date Home Team Away Team Scores 222 Marquette Club UW Madison White 8 5 222 N UW Madison Red UW Platteville 4 1 222 N UW Madison Grey UW Oshkosh 6 1 222 St. Cloud State Mankato State 3 6 222 Marquette Club UW Platteville 8 5 222 N UW Eau Claire North Dakota 8 3 222 Marquette Club UW Oshkosh 12 0 222 N UW Eau Claire Mankato State 2 8 222 St. Cloud State North Dakota 5 3 229 St. Cloud State UW Stout 5 4 229 N UW River Falls Bethel 1 11 229 Iowa UW Madison Red 1 9 229 N UW Madison Red Winona State 10 2 229 N UW River Falls UW Stout 0 13 229 St. Cloud State Bethel 5 6 ot 229 Iowa UW Madison White 6 4 229 N North Dakota Mankato State 2 12 229 N UW Madison White UW La Crosse 11 5 229 N Mankato State Carleton 11 2 229 N Winona State UW La Crosse 9 4 229 N North Dakota Carleton 3 6 229 N UW Madison White UW La Crosse 11 5 307 N UW River Falls Carleton 0 7 307 UW Oshkosh UW Whitewater 2 9 307 N Bethel UW La Crosse 1 0 307 N Bethel Carleton 3 2 307 Iowa Iowa State (MCLA) 7 8 307 N UW Milwaukee UW Stevens Point 7 2 307 N Iowa State (MCLA) UW Platteville 8 6 307 N North Dakota UW River Falls 7 2 307 UW Oshkosh UW Milwaukee 2 7 307 N Carleton UW La Crosse 1 0 307 Iowa UW Platteville 8 0 307 N North Dakota Bethel 1 7 307 N UW Whitewater UW Stevens Point 10 4 314 UI Chicago Northwestern . . 314 UW Platteville Mad Cow LC . . 314 N UW Oshkosh UW Whitewater . . 314 N Northwestern Loyola (IL) . . 314 N Mad Cow LC UW Whitewater . . 314 UI Chicago Loyola (IL) . . 314 UW Platteville UW Oshkosh . . 315 N Gustavus UW River Falls . . 315 N UW Eau Claire UW River Falls . . 315 N Gustavus UW Eau Claire . . 321 Mankato State Gustavus . . 321 N Gustavus So. Dakota State . . 321 N Notre Dame Blue Marquette Club . . 321 N Loyola (IL) Lake Forest . . 321 Mankato State Dordt . . 321 Michigan State Michigan Club . . 321 St. Xavier WIU . . 321 N Notre Dame Gold Marquette Club . . 321 NIU Lake Forest . . 321 N Winona State So. Dakota State . . 321 St. Xavier Northwood . . 321 N Michigan Club Notre Dame Blue . . 321 NIU Loyola (IL) . . 321 N Winona State Dordt . . 321 N WIU Northwood . . 321 Michigan State Notre Dame Gold . . 328 Gustavus Mankato State . . 328 N Michigan State Notre Dame Gold . . 328 St. Xavier Lake Forest . . 328 N UW Stevens Point Mad Cow LC . . 328 N Notre Dame Blue Cincinnati . . 328 N NIU Loyola (IL) . . 328 N So. Dakota State Dordt . . 328 UW La Crosse Iowa . . 328 UW Stout UW Eau Claire . . 328 N UW Madison White No. Michigan / MTU . . 328 N Bethel Mankato State . . 328 N WIU Lake Forest . . 328 Michigan Club Notre Dame Gold . . 328 N Winona State Iowa . . 328 N UW Eau Claire St. Cloud State . . 328 N UW Madison Grey Mad Cow LC . . 328 Gustavus Dordt . . 328 N Michigan State Notre Dame Blue . . 328 St. Xavier NIU . . 328 UW La Crosse UW Milwaukee . . 328 N UW Stevens Point UW Madison White . . 328 UW Stout St. Cloud State . . 328 N Bethel So. Dakota State . . 328 N WIU Loyola (IL) . . 328 N Winona State UW Milwaukee . . 328 N UW Madison Grey No. Michigan / MTU . . 329 Marquette Club No. Michigan / MTU . . 329 N UW Milwaukee No. Michigan / MTU . . 329 Marquette Club UW Madison Red . . 329 N UW Milwaukee UW Madison Red . . 403 St. Xavier Mt. Vernon Nazaren . . 404 UW Whitewater UW Milwaukee . . 404 Carleton Bethel . . 404 NIU Lake Forest . . 404 N U. of Chicago Marquette Club . . 404 N UW Milwaukee UW Platteville . . 404 N Bethel UW Stout . . 404 Mankato State So. Dakota State . . 404 Notre Dame Blue Northwestern . . 404 NIU UW Madison Grey . . 404 N Northwood Mt. Vernon Nazaren . . 404 N UW Madison Red Michigan State . . 404 UW Whitewater UW Stevens Point . . 404 Carleton Winona State . . 404 N Lake Forest Marquette Club . . 404 Notre Dame Blue Iowa . . 404 N UI Chicago St. Xavier . . 404 N U. of Chicago UW Madison White . . 404 N UW Platteville UW Stevens Point . . 404 Mankato State Dordt . . 404 Holy Cross Coll. St. Xavier . . 404 N Loyola (IL) UW Madison Grey . . 404 Notre Dame Gold Northwestern . . 404 N North Dakota UW Stout . . 404 N UW Madison Red Michigan Club . . 404 N UW Oshkosh No. Michigan / MTU . . 404 N So. Dakota State Dordt . . 404 N DePaul Michigan State . . 404 N Loyola (IL) UW Madison White . . 404 Notre Dame Gold Iowa . . 404 N UI Chicago Northwood . . 404 N North Dakota Winona State . . 404 N Winona State North Dakota . . 404 N UW Oshkosh Mad Cow LC . . 404 N Mad Cow LC No. Michigan / MTU . . 404 N DePaul Michigan Club . . 405 N Northwestern Michigan Club . . 405 UW River Falls UW Eau Claire . . 405 Northwood Ferris State . . 405 UI Chicago DePaul . . 405 N UW Eau Claire UW Stout . . 405 N U. of Chicago WIU . . 405 N UW La Crosse St. Cloud State . . 405 Northwood Holy Cross Coll. . . 405 N U. of Chicago DePaul . . 405 N UW Stout UW La Crosse . . 405 UI Chicago WIU . . 405 UW River Falls St. Cloud State . . 411 UW Madison White Mad Cow LC . . 411 UW Madison Grey Mad Cow LC . . 411 U. of Chicago Northwestern . . 411 UW Madison White UW Whitewater . . 411 N Northwestern WIU . . 411 UW Madison Grey UW Stevens Point . . 411 U. of Chicago NIU . . 411 UW Madison Red UW Whitewater . . 411 N NIU WIU . . 411 UW Madison Red No. Michigan / MTU . . 411 N UW Stevens Point No. Michigan / MTU . . 425 N Ferris State UW Whitewater . . 425 No. Michigan / MTU Ferris State . . 425 No. Michigan / MTU UW Whitewater . . 425 Notre Dame Gold Northwood . . 425 UI Chicago Northwestern . . 425 N Michigan State Northwood . . 425 Notre Dame Blue U. of Chicago . . 425 N DePaul Northwestern . . 425 Notre Dame Gold U. of Chicago . . 425 UI Chicago DePaul . . 426 St. Xavier DePaul . . 426 N DePaul Lake Forest . . 426 N U. of Chicago Lake Forest . . 426 St. Xavier U. of Chicago . .
N (neutral site); C (Cancelled); D (Power Rating ignores game);*(ignore in conference); T(tournament)